tree: 72c2f1ae6213687ee564520b760ea22a6cb8e689 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .env
  2. docker-compose.yaml
  3. docker-config

Compose files for local performance tests

This directory contains docker-compose definition for an ozone cluster where all the metrics are saved to a prometheus instance, and profiling and Jaeger tracing is turned on and set up.

Prometheus follows a pull based approach where the metrics are published on a HTTP endpoint.

Prometheus compatible metrics endpoint can be enabled by setting hdds.prometheus.endpoint.enabled property to true

How to start

Start the cluster with docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

Note: The freon test will be started after 30 seconds.

How to use

You can check the ozone web ui:

OzoneManager: http://localhost:9874 SCM: http://localhost:9876

You can check the ozone metrics from the prometheus web ui.


You can view Grafana dashboards at:


Default dashboards available are: Ozone - Object Metrics Ozone - RPC Metrics

You can access the Jaeger UI at: http://localhost:16686