blob: ee4688c0ae40a341fa1ac07de167bb26402d187e [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Smoke test to start cluster with docker-compose environments.
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library BuiltIn
Resource ../commonlib.robot
*** Variables ***
${ENDPOINT_URL} http://s3g:9878
*** Keywords ***
Setup volume names
${random} Generate Random String 2 [NUMBERS]
Set Suite Variable ${volume1} fstest${random}
Set Suite Variable ${volume2} fstest2${random}
Set Suite Variable ${volume3} fstest3${random}
*** Test Cases ***
Create volume bucket with wrong credentials
Execute kdestroy
${rc} ${output} = Run And Return Rc And Output ozone sh volume create o3://om/fstest
Should contain ${output} Client cannot authenticate via
Create volume bucket with credentials
# Authenticate testuser
Run Keyword Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab
Run Keyword Setup volume names
Execute ozone sh volume create o3://om/${volume1}
Execute ozone sh volume create o3://om/${volume2}
Execute ozone sh bucket create o3://om/${volume1}/bucket1
Execute ozone sh bucket create o3://om/${volume1}/bucket2
Execute ozone sh bucket create o3://om/${volume2}/bucket3
Check volume from ozonefs
${result} = Execute ozone fs -ls o3fs://bucket1.${volume1}/
Test Volume Acls
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume create ${volume3}
Should not contain ${result} Failed
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${volume3}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \".*\",\n.*"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume addacl ${volume3} -a user:superuser1:rwxy[DEFAULT]
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${volume3}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume removeacl ${volume3} -a user:superuser1:xy
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${volume3}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume setacl ${volume3} -al user:superuser1:rwxy,user:testuser/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:rwxyc,group:superuser1:a[DEFAULT]
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${volume3}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"GROUP\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\"
Test Bucket Acls
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket create ${volume3}/bk1
Should not contain ${result} Failed
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${volume3}/bk1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \".*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket addacl ${volume3}/bk1 -a user:superuser1:rwxy
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${volume3}/bk1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket removeacl ${volume3}/bk1 -a user:superuser1:xy
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${volume3}/bk1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket setacl ${volume3}/bk1 -al user:superuser1:rwxy,group:superuser1:a,user:testuser/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:rwxyc,group:superuser1:a[DEFAULT]
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${volume3}/bk1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"GROUP\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\"
Test key Acls
Execute ozone sh key put ${volume3}/bk1/key1 /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${volume3}/bk1/key1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \".*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh key addacl ${volume3}/bk1/key1 -a user:superuser1:rwxy
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${volume3}/bk1/key1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh key removeacl ${volume3}/bk1/key1 -a user:superuser1:xy
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${volume3}/bk1/key1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh key setacl ${volume3}/bk1/key1 -al user:superuser1:rwxy,group:superuser1:a,user:testuser/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:rwxyc
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${volume3}/bk1/key1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"GROUP\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\"
Test native authorizer
Execute ozone sh volume removeacl ${volume3} -a group:root:a
Execute kdestroy
Run Keyword Kinit test user testuser2 testuser2.keytab
${result} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone sh bucket list /${volume3}/
Should contain ${result} PERMISSION_DENIED
${result} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone sh key list /${volume3}/bk1
Should contain ${result} PERMISSION_DENIED
${result} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone sh volume addacl ${volume3} -a user:testuser2/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:xy
Should contain ${result} PERMISSION_DENIED User testuser2/scm@EXAMPLE.COM doesn't have WRITE_ACL permission to access volume
Execute kdestroy
Run Keyword Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab
Execute ozone sh volume addacl ${volume3} -a user:testuser2/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:xyrw
Execute kdestroy
Run Keyword Kinit test user testuser2 testuser2.keytab
${result} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone sh bucket list /${volume3}/
Should contain ${result} PERMISSION_DENIED User testuser2/scm@EXAMPLE.COM doesn't have LIST permission to access volume
Execute ozone sh volume addacl ${volume3} -a user:testuser2/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:l
Execute ozone sh bucket list /${volume3}/
Execute ozone sh volume getacl /${volume3}/
${result} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone sh key list /${volume3}/bk1
Should contain ${result} PERMISSION_DENIED
Execute kdestroy
Run Keyword Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab
Execute ozone sh bucket addacl ${volume3}/bk1 -a user:testuser2/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:a
Execute ozone sh bucket getacl /${volume3}/bk1
Execute kdestroy
Run Keyword Kinit test user testuser2 testuser2.keytab
Execute ozone sh bucket getacl /${volume3}/bk1
Execute ozone sh key list /${volume3}/bk1
Execute kdestroy
Run Keyword Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab