blob: c6b568c95ab95d8156e022fc4529874821490d24 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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*** Settings ***
Documentation S3 gateway test with aws cli
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Resource ../commonlib.robot
Resource commonawslib.robot
Test Setup Setup s3 tests
*** Variables ***
${ENDPOINT_URL} http://s3g:9878
${BUCKET} generated
${DESTBUCKET} generated1
*** Keywords ***
Create Dest Bucket
${postfix} = Generate Random String 5 [NUMBERS]
Set Suite Variable ${DESTBUCKET} destbucket-${postfix}
Execute AWSS3APICli create-bucket --bucket ${DESTBUCKET}
*** Test Cases ***
Copy Object Happy Scenario
Run Keyword if '${DESTBUCKET}' == 'generated1' Create Dest Bucket
Execute date > /tmp/copyfile
${result} = Execute AWSS3ApiCli put-object --bucket ${BUCKET} --key copyobject/f1 --body /tmp/copyfile
${result} = Execute AWSS3ApiCli list-objects --bucket ${BUCKET} --prefix copyobject/
Should contain ${result} f1
${result} = Execute AWSS3ApiCli copy-object --bucket ${DESTBUCKET} --key copyobject/f1 --copy-source ${BUCKET}/copyobject/f1
${result} = Execute AWSS3ApiCli list-objects --bucket ${DESTBUCKET} --prefix copyobject/
Should contain ${result} f1
#copying again will not throw error
${result} = Execute AWSS3ApiCli copy-object --bucket ${DESTBUCKET} --key copyobject/f1 --copy-source ${BUCKET}/copyobject/f1
${result} = Execute AWSS3ApiCli list-objects --bucket ${DESTBUCKET} --prefix copyobject/
Should contain ${result} f1
Copy Object Where Bucket is not available
${result} = Execute AWSS3APICli and checkrc copy-object --bucket dfdfdfdfdfnonexistent --key copyobject/f1 --copy-source ${BUCKET}/copyobject/f1 255
Should contain ${result} NoSuchBucket
${result} = Execute AWSS3APICli and checkrc copy-object --bucket ${DESTBUCKET} --key copyobject/f1 --copy-source dfdfdfdfdfnonexistent/copyobject/f1 255
Should contain ${result} NoSuchBucket
Copy Object Where both source and dest are same with change to storageclass
${result} = Execute AWSS3APICli copy-object --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY --bucket ${DESTBUCKET} --key copyobject/f1 --copy-source ${DESTBUCKET}/copyobject/f1
Should contain ${result} ETag
Copy Object Where Key not available
${result} = Execute AWSS3APICli and checkrc copy-object --bucket ${DESTBUCKET} --key copyobject/f1 --copy-source ${BUCKET}/nonnonexistentkey 255
Should contain ${result} NoSuchKey