blob: c8284fd8ff3cce6f16b78c38b367143830adb9e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit;
* Important
* 1. Any changes to classes in this package can render the logging
* framework broken.
* 2. The logger framework has been designed keeping in mind future
* plans to build a log parser.
* 3. Please exercise great caution when attempting changes in this package.
* This package lays the foundation for Audit logging in Ozone.
* AuditLogging in Ozone has been built using log4j2 which brings in new
* features that facilitate turning on/off selective audit events by using
* MarkerFilter, checking for change in logging configuration periodically
* and reloading the changes, use of disruptor framework for improved
* Asynchronous logging.
* The log4j2 configurations can be specified in XML, YAML, JSON and
* Properties file. For Ozone, we are using the Properties file due to sheer
* simplicity, readability and ease of modification.
* log4j2 configuration file can be passed to startup command with option
* -Dlog4j.configurationFile unlike -Dlog4j.configuration in log4j 1.x
* Understanding the Audit Logging framework in Ozone.
* **** Auditable ***
* This is an interface to mark an entity as auditable.
* This interface must be implemented by entities requiring audit logging.
* For example - OMVolumeArgs, OMBucketArgs.
* The implementing class must override toAuditMap() to return an
* instance of Map<Key, Value> where both Key and Value are String.
* Key: must contain printable US ASCII characters
* May not contain a space, =, ], or "
* If the key is multi word then use camel case.
* Value: if it is a collection/array, then it must be converted to a comma
* delimited string
* *** AuditAction ***
* This is an interface to define the various type of actions to be audited.
* To ensure separation of concern, for each sub-component you must create an
* Enum to implement AuditAction.
* Structure of Enum can be referred from the test class DummyAction.
* For starters, we expect following 3 implementations of AuditAction:
* OMAction - to define action types for Ozone Manager
* SCMAction - to define action types for Storage Container manager
* DNAction - to define action types for Datanode
* *** AuditEventStatus ***
* Enum to define Audit event status like success and failure.
* This is used in AuditLogger.logXXX() methods.
* * *** AuditLogger ***
* This is where the audit logging magic unfolds.
* The class has 2 Markers defined - READ and WRITE.
* These markers are used to tag when logging events.
* *** AuditLoggerType ***
* Enum to define the various AuditLoggers in Ozone
* *** AuditMarker ***
* Enum to define various Audit Markers used in AuditLogging.
* *** AuditMessage ***
* Entity to define an audit message to be logged
* It will generate a message formatted as:
* user=xxx ip=xxx op=XXXX_XXXX {key=val, key1=val1..} ret=XXXXXX
* *** Auditor ***
* Interface to mark an actor class as Auditor
* Must be implemented by class where we want to log audit events
* Implementing class must override and implement methods
* buildAuditMessageForSuccess and buildAuditMessageForFailure.
* ****************************************************************************
* Usage
* ****************************************************************************
* Using the AuditLogger to log events:
* 1. Get a logger by specifying the appropriate logger type
* Example: ExtendedLogger AUDIT = new AuditLogger(AuditLoggerType.OMLogger)
* 2. Construct an instance of AuditMessage
* 3. Log Read/Write and Success/Failure event as needed.
* Example
* AUDIT.logWriteSuccess(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(params))
* 4. Log Level implicitly defaults to INFO for xxxxSuccess() and ERROR for
* xxxxFailure()
* AUDIT.logWriteSuccess(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(params))
* AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(params))
* See sample invocations in src/test in the following class:
* org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit.TestOzoneAuditLogger
* ****************************************************************************
* Defining new Logger types
* ****************************************************************************
* New Logger type can be added with following steps:
* 1. Update AuditLoggerType to add the new type
* 2. Create new Enum by implementing AuditAction if needed
* 3. Ensure the required entity implements Auditable
* ****************************************************************************
* Defining new Marker types
* ****************************************************************************
* New Markers can be configured as follows:
* 1. Define new markers in AuditMarker
* 2. Get the Marker in AuditLogger for use in the log methods, example:
* private static final Marker WRITE_MARKER = AuditMarker.WRITE.getMarker();
* 3. Define log methods in AuditLogger to use the new Marker type
* 4. Call these new methods from the required classes to audit with these
* new markers
* 5. The marker based filtering can be configured in log4j2 configurations
* Refer in src/test/resources for a sample.