blob: ee6f45dadb4c4378ee890f8bad94c1e54d426e26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ExtendedLogger;
* Class to define Audit Logger for Ozone.
public class AuditLogger {
private ExtendedLogger logger;
private static final String FQCN = AuditLogger.class.getName();
private static final Marker WRITE_MARKER = AuditMarker.WRITE.getMarker();
private static final Marker READ_MARKER = AuditMarker.READ.getMarker();
* Parametrized Constructor to initialize logger.
* @param type Audit Logger Type
public AuditLogger(AuditLoggerType type){
* Initializes the logger with specific type.
* @param loggerType specified one of the values from enum AuditLoggerType.
private void initializeLogger(AuditLoggerType loggerType){
this.logger = LogManager.getContext(false).getLogger(loggerType.getType());
public ExtendedLogger getLogger() {
return logger;
public void logWriteSuccess(AuditMessage msg) {
this.logger.logIfEnabled(FQCN, Level.INFO, WRITE_MARKER, msg, null);
public void logWriteFailure(AuditMessage msg) {
this.logger.logIfEnabled(FQCN, Level.ERROR, WRITE_MARKER, msg,
public void logReadSuccess(AuditMessage msg) {
this.logger.logIfEnabled(FQCN, Level.INFO, READ_MARKER, msg, null);
public void logReadFailure(AuditMessage msg) {
this.logger.logIfEnabled(FQCN, Level.ERROR, READ_MARKER, msg,
public void logWrite(AuditMessage auditMessage) {
if (auditMessage.getThrowable() == null) {
this.logger.logIfEnabled(FQCN, Level.INFO, WRITE_MARKER, auditMessage,
} else {
this.logger.logIfEnabled(FQCN, Level.ERROR, WRITE_MARKER, auditMessage,