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Fault Injection Framework and Development Guide
Fault Injection Framework and Development Guide
* Introduction
This guide provides an overview of the Hadoop Fault Injection (FI)
framework for those who will be developing their own faults (aspects).
The idea of fault injection is fairly simple: it is an infusion of
errors and exceptions into an application's logic to achieve a higher
coverage and fault tolerance of the system. Different implementations
of this idea are available today. Hadoop's FI framework is built on top
of Aspect Oriented Paradigm (AOP) implemented by AspectJ toolkit.
* Assumptions
The current implementation of the FI framework assumes that the faults
it will be emulating are of non-deterministic nature. That is, the
moment of a fault's happening isn't known in advance and is a coin-flip
* Architecture of the Fault Injection Framework
Components layout
** Configuration Management
This piece of the FI framework allows you to set expectations for
faults to happen. The settings can be applied either statically (in
advance) or in runtime. The desired level of faults in the framework
can be configured two ways:
* editing src/aop/fi-site.xml configuration file. This file is
similar to other Hadoop's config files
* setting system properties of JVM through VM startup parameters or
in file
** Probability Model
This is fundamentally a coin flipper. The methods of this class are
getting a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 and then checking if a new
number has happened in the range of 0.0 and a configured level for the
fault in question. If that condition is true then the fault will occur.
Thus, to guarantee the happening of a fault one needs to set an
appropriate level to 1.0. To completely prevent a fault from happening
its probability level has to be set to 0.0.
Note: The default probability level is set to 0 (zero) unless the level
is changed explicitly through the configuration file or in the runtime.
The name of the default level's configuration parameter is fi.*
** Fault Injection Mechanism: AOP and AspectJ
The foundation of Hadoop's FI framework includes a cross-cutting
concept implemented by AspectJ. The following basic terms are important
to remember:
* A cross-cutting concept (aspect) is behavior, and often data, that
is used across the scope of a piece of software
* In AOP, the aspects provide a mechanism by which a cross-cutting
concern can be specified in a modular way
* Advice is the code that is executed when an aspect is invoked
* Join point (or pointcut) is a specific point within the application
that may or not invoke some advice
** Existing Join Points
The following readily available join points are provided by AspectJ:
* Join when a method is called
* Join during a method's execution
* Join when a constructor is invoked
* Join during a constructor's execution
* Join during aspect advice execution
* Join before an object is initialized
* Join during object initialization
* Join during static initializer execution
* Join when a class's field is referenced
* Join when a class's field is assigned
* Join when a handler is executed
* Aspect Example
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker.*;
* This aspect takes care about faults injected into datanode.BlockReceiver
* class
public aspect BlockReceiverAspects {
public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BlockReceiverAspects.class);
public static final String BLOCK_RECEIVER_FAULT="hdfs.datanode.BlockReceiver";
pointcut callReceivePacket() : call (* OutputStream.write(..))
&& withincode (* BlockReceiver.receivePacket(..))
// to further limit the application of this aspect a very narrow 'target' can be used as follows
// && target(DataOutputStream)
&& !within(BlockReceiverAspects +);
before () throws IOException : callReceivePacket () {
if (ProbabilityModel.injectCriteria(BLOCK_RECEIVER_FAULT)) {"Before the injection point");
throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException ("FI: injected fault point at " +
thisJoinPoint.getStaticPart( ).getSourceLocation());
The aspect has two main parts:
* The join point pointcut callReceivepacket() which servers as an
identification mark of a specific point (in control and/or data
flow) in the life of an application.
* A call to the advice - before () throws IOException :
callReceivepacket() - will be injected (see Putting It All
Together) before that specific spot of the application's code.
The pointcut identifies an invocation of class'
write() method with any number of parameters and any return type. This
invoke should take place within the body of method receivepacket() from
classBlockReceiver. The method can have any parameters and any return
type. Possible invocations of write() method happening anywhere within
the aspect BlockReceiverAspects or its heirs will be ignored.
Note 1: This short example doesn't illustrate the fact that you can
have more than a single injection point per class. In such a case the
names of the faults have to be different if a developer wants to
trigger them separately.
Note 2: After the injection step (see Putting It All Together) you can
verify that the faults were properly injected by searching for ajc
keywords in a disassembled class file.
* Fault Naming Convention and Namespaces
For the sake of a unified naming convention the following two types of
names are recommended for a new aspects development:
* Activity specific notation (when we don't care about a particular
location of a fault's happening). In this case the name of the
fault is rather abstract: fi.hdfs.DiskError
* Location specific notation. Here, the fault's name is mnemonic as
in: fi.hdfs.datanode.BlockReceiver[optional location details]
* Development Tools
* The Eclipse AspectJ Development Toolkit may help you when
developing aspects
* IntelliJ IDEA provides AspectJ weaver and Spring-AOP plugins
* Putting It All Together
Faults (aspects) have to injected (or woven) together before they can
be used. Follow these instructions:
* To weave aspects in place use:
% ant injectfaults
* If you misidentified the join point of your aspect you will see a
warning (similar to the one shown here) when 'injectfaults' target
is completed:
[iajc] warning at
src/test/aop/org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/server/datanode/ \
advice defined in org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.BlockReceiverAspects
has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]
* It isn't an error, so the build will report the successful result.
To prepare dev.jar file with all your faults weaved in place
(HDFS-475 pending) use:
% ant jar-fault-inject
* To create test jars use:
% ant jar-test-fault-inject
* To run HDFS tests with faults injected use:
% ant run-test-hdfs-fault-inject
** How to Use the Fault Injection Framework
Faults can be triggered as follows:
* During runtime:
% ant run-test-hdfs -Dfi.hdfs.datanode.BlockReceiver=0.12
To set a certain level, for example 25%, of all injected faults
% ant run-test-hdfs-fault-inject -Dfi.*=0.25
* From a program:
package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Before;
public class DemoFiTest {
public static final String BLOCK_RECEIVER_FAULT="hdfs.datanode.BlockReceiver";
public void setUp() {
//Setting up the test's environment as required
public void testFI() {
// It triggers the fault, assuming that there's one called 'hdfs.datanode.BlockReceiver'
System.setProperty("fi." + BLOCK_RECEIVER_FAULT, "0.12");
// The main logic of your tests goes here
// Now set the level back to 0 (zero) to prevent this fault from happening again
System.setProperty("fi." + BLOCK_RECEIVER_FAULT, "0.0");
// or delete its trigger completely
System.getProperties().remove("fi." + BLOCK_RECEIVER_FAULT);
public void tearDown() {
//Cleaning up test test environment
As you can see above these two methods do the same thing. They are
setting the probability level of <<<hdfs.datanode.BlockReceiver>>> at 12%.
The difference, however, is that the program provides more flexibility
and allows you to turn a fault off when a test no longer needs it.
* Additional Information and Contacts
These two sources of information are particularly interesting and worth
* {{}}
* AspectJ Cookbook (ISBN-13: 978-0-596-00654-9)
If you have additional comments or questions for the author check