blob: 8ae41002684f890119d88dc4427568995484f619 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
<!-- Mandatory properties that are to be set and uncommented before running the tests -->
<!-- $(YINST_ROOT) variable needs to be replace with something corporate
neutral at the forward-port stage -->
<description> This is the path to the home directory of the hadoop deployment.
<description> This is the path to the configuration directory of the hadoop
cluster that is deployed.
<description> File name containing the hostnames where the TaskTrackers are running.
<description> File name containing the hostnames where the DataNodes are running.
Cluster process manager for the Mapreduce subsystem of the cluster. The value
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.test.system.MRCluster$MultiMRProcessManager can
be used to enable multi user support.
Cluster process manager for the Hdfs subsystem of the cluster. The value
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.test.system.HDFSCluster$MultiUserHDFSProcessManager can
be used to enable multi user support.
This directory hosts the scripts in the deployed location where
the system test client runs.
The directory where the new config files will be copied to in all
the clusters is pointed out this directory.
It's a local conf directory where the new config file is store temporarily
before pushing into new config folder location in the cluster.
<value>kill -SIGSTOP</value>
Command for suspending the given process.
<value>kill -SIGCONT</value>
Command for resuming the given suspended process.
This location is used by health script test cases to configure the
health script in remote cluster where the error inducing health script
will be copied.
<!-- Mandatory keys to be set for the multi user support to be enabled. -->
Enabling multi user based cluster process manger.
Enabling multi user based cluster process manger.
Local file system path on gate way to cluster-controller binary including the binary name.
To build the binary the following commands need to be executed:
% ant run-as -Drun-as.hadoop.home.dir=(HADOOP_HOME of setup cluster)
% cp build-fi/system/c++-build/runAs test.system.hdrc.multi-user.binary.path
Location of the cluster is important security precaution.
The binary should be owned by root and test user group permission should be set such a
way that it can be executed by binary. Example usage would be:
% sudo chown root binary
% sudo chmod 6511 binary
Change permission appropriately to make it more secure.
User value for managing the particular daemon, please note that these user should be
present on gateways also, an example configuration for the above would be
key name = test.system.hdrc.multi-user.managinguser.jobtracker
key value = guest
Please note the daemon names are all lower case, corresponding to command.