blob: e0fd0e8bec7d213535ae5122bc327ce7ccf5667a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
work_dir=$(dirname $0)
base_name=$(basename $0)
cd $work_dir
if [ $HOD_PYTHON_HOME ]; then
exec $HOD_PYTHON_HOME -OO $base_name ${1+"$@"}
elif [ -e /usr/bin/python ]; then
exec /usr/bin/python -OO $base_name ${1+"$@"}
elif [ -e /usr/local/bin/python ]; then
exec /usr/local/bin/python -OO $base_name ${1+"$@"}
exec python -OO $base_name ${1+"$@"}
"""The executable to be used by the user"""
import sys, os, re, getpass
myName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
myName = re.sub(".*/", "", myName)
binDirectory = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])
rootDirectory = re.sub("/bin/.*", "", binDirectory)
libDirectory = rootDirectory
from hodlib.RingMaster.ringMaster import main
from hodlib.Common.setup import *
from hodlib.Common.descGenerator import *
from hodlib.Common.util import local_fqdn, filter_warnings, to_http_url, \
get_exception_string, get_exception_error_string
from hodlib.Common.logger import getLogger, ensureLogDir
from hodlib.Common.xmlrpc import hodXRClient
import logging
reVersion = re.compile(".*(\d+_\d+).*")
reMatch = reVersion.match(VERSION)
if reMatch:
VERSION = re.sub("_", ".", VERSION)
# Definition tuple is of the form:
# (name, type, description, default value, required?, validate?)
defList = { 'ringmaster' : (
('work-dirs', 'list', 'hod work directories',
False, None, True, False),
('temp-dir', 'directory', 'Ringmaster temporary directory.',
False, None, True, False),
('log-dir', 'directory', 'hod logging directory.',
False, os.path.join(rootDirectory, 'logs'), False, True),
('syslog-address', 'address', 'Syslog address.',
False, None, False, True),
('xrs-port-range', 'range', 'XML-RPC port range n-m.',
False, None, True, True),
('http-port-range', 'range', 'HTTP port range n-m.',
False, None, True, True),
('debug', 'pos_int', 'Debugging level, 0-4.',
False, 3, True, True),
('register', 'bool', 'Register with service registry?',
False, True, True, True),
('stream', 'bool', 'Output to stderr.',
False, False, False, True),
('userid', 'user_account',
'User ID the hod shell is running under.',
False, None, True, False),
('svcrgy-addr', 'address', 'Download HTTP address.',
False, None, False, True),
('hadoop-tar-ball', 'uri', 'hadoop program tar ball.',
False, None, False, False),
('max-connect','pos_int','max connections allowed for a single tarball server',
False, 30, False, True),
('jt-poll-interval', 'pos_int', 'How often to poll the Job tracker for idleness',
False, 120, False, True),
('idleness-limit', 'pos_int', 'Limit after which to deallocate the cluster',
False, 3600, False, True),
('max-master-failures', 'pos_int',
'Defines how many times a master can fail before' \
' failing cluster allocation', False, 5, True, True),
('workers_per_ring', 'pos_int', 'Defines number of workers per service per hodring',
False, 1, False, True)),
'resource_manager' : (
('id', 'string', 'Batch scheduler ID: torque|condor.',
False, None, True, True),
('pbs-user', 'user_account', 'User ID jobs are submitted under.',
False, None, False, True),
('pbs-server', 'hostname', 'Hostname of PBS server.',
False, None, False, True),
('pbs-account', 'string', 'User Account jobs are submitted under.',
False, None, False, False),
('queue', 'string', 'Queue of the batch scheduler to query.',
False, None, False, False),
('batch-home', 'directory', 'Scheduler installation directory.',
False, None, True, True),
('options', 'keyval', 'Options to pass to the scheduler.',
False, None, False, True),
('env-vars', 'keyval', 'Environment variables to pass to the submitted jobs.',
False, None, False, True)),
'gridservice-mapred' : (
('external', 'bool', "Connect to an already running MapRed?",
False, False, True, True),
('host', 'hostname', 'Mapred hostname.',
False, 'localhost', False, True),
('info_port', 'pos_int', 'Mapred info port.',
False, None, True, True),
('tracker_port', 'pos_int', 'Mapred job tracker port.',
False, None, True, True),
('cmdline-params', 'keyval', 'Hadoop cmdline key/value list.',
False, None, False, False),
('server-params', 'keyval', 'Hadoop xml key/value list',
False, None, False, False),
('final-server-params', 'keyval', 'Hadoop final xml params',
False, None, False, False),
('envs', 'keyval', 'environment to run this package in',
False, None, False, False),
('pkgs', 'directory', "directory where the package is installed",
False, None, False, False)),
'gridservice-hdfs' : (
('external', 'bool', "Connect to an already running HDFS?",
False, False, True, True),
('host', 'hostname', 'HDFS hostname.',
False, 'localhost', True, True),
('fs_port', 'pos_int', 'HDFS port range.',
False, None, True, True),
('info_port', 'pos_int', 'HDFS info port.',
False, None, True, True),
('cmdline-params', 'keyval', 'Hadoop cmdline key/value list.',
False, None, False, False),
('server-params', 'keyval', 'Hadoop xml key/value list',
False, None, False, False),
('final-server-params', 'keyval', 'Hadoop final xml params',
False, None, False, False),
('envs', 'keyval', 'Environment in which to run this package.',
False, None, False, False),
('pkgs', 'directory', "directory where the package is installed",
False, None, False, False)),
'hodring' : (
('temp-dir', 'directory', 'hod work directories',
False, None, True, False),
('log-dir', 'directory', 'hod logging directory.',
False, os.path.join(rootDirectory, 'logs'), False, False),
('log-destination-uri', 'string',
'URI to store logs to, local://some_path or '
+ 'hdfs://host:port/some_path',
False, None, False, True),
('pkgs', 'directory', 'Path to Hadoop to use in case of uploading to HDFS',
False, None, False, True),
('syslog-address', 'address', 'Syslog address.',
False, None, False, True),
('java-home', 'directory', 'Java home directory.',
False, None, True, False),
('debug', 'pos_int', 'Debugging level, 0-4.',
False, 3, True, True),
('register', 'bool', 'Register with service registry?',
False, True, True, True),
('stream', 'bool', 'Output to stderr.',
False, False, False, True),
('userid', 'user_account',
'User ID the hod shell is running under.',
False, None, True, False),
('xrs-port-range', 'range', 'XML-RPC port range n-m.',
False, None, True, True),
('http-port-range', 'range', 'HTTP port range n-m.',
False, None, True, True),
('hadoop-port-range', 'range', 'Hadoop port range n-m.',
False, None, True, True),
('command', 'string', 'Command for hodring to run.',
False, None, False, True),
('service-id', 'string', 'Service ID.',
False, None, False, True),
('download-addr', 'address', 'Download HTTP address.',
False, None, False, True),
('svcrgy-addr', 'address', 'Download HTTP address.',
False, None, False, True),
('ringmaster-xrs-addr', 'address', 'Ringmaster XML-RPC address.',
False, None, False, True),
('tarball-retry-initial-time', 'pos_float','initial retry time for tarball download',
False, 1, False, True),
('tarball-retry-interval', 'pos_float','interval to spread retries for tarball download',
False, 3, False, True),
('cmd-retry-initial-time', 'pos_float','initial retry time for getting commands',
False, 2, False, True),
('cmd-retry-interval', 'pos_float','interval to spread retries for getting commands',
False, 2, False, True),
('mapred-system-dir-root', 'string', 'Root under which mapreduce system directory names are generated by HOD.',
False, '/mapredsystem', False, False))
defOrder = [ 'ringmaster', 'hodring', 'resource_manager',
'gridservice-mapred', 'gridservice-hdfs' ]
if __name__ == '__main__':
confDef = definition()
confDef.add_defs(defList, defOrder)
ringMasterOptions = options(confDef, "./%s [OPTIONS]" % myName, VERSION)
log = logging.getLogger()
# Set up logging before anything else.
ensureLogDir(ringMasterOptions.normalizeValue('ringmaster', 'log-dir'))
log = getLogger(ringMasterOptions['ringmaster'],'ringmaster')
# End of setting up logging
# Verify and process options
statusMsgs = []
# Conditional validation
if not ringMasterOptions['ringmaster'].has_key('hadoop-tar-ball') or \
not ringMasterOptions['ringmaster']['hadoop-tar-ball']:
# If tarball is not used
if not ringMasterOptions.normalizeValue('gridservice-hdfs', 'external'):
# And if hdfs is not external, validate gridservice-hdfs.pkgs
'gridservice-hdfs', 'pkgs'))
'gridservice-mapred', 'pkgs'))
if len(statusMsgs) != 0:
# format status messages into a single string
errStr = ''
for msg in statusMsgs:
errStr = "%s%s\n" % (errStr, msg)
raise Exception("%s" % errStr)
# End of conditional validation
(status, statusMsgs) = ringMasterOptions.verify()
if not status:
# format status messages into a single string
errStr = ''
for msg in statusMsgs:
errStr = "%s%s\n" % (errStr, msg)
raise Exception("%s" % errStr)
ringMasterOptions['ringmaster']['base-dir'] = rootDirectory
# End of option processing
ret = main(ringMasterOptions,log)
except Exception, e:
log.error("bin/ringmaster failed to start.%s. Stack trace follows:\n%s" % (get_exception_error_string(),get_exception_string()))
# Report errors to the client if possible
serviceAddr = to_http_url(ringMasterOptions.normalizeValue( \
'ringmaster', 'svcrgy-addr'))
serviceClient = hodXRClient(serviceAddr)
if serviceClient is not None:
serviceClient.setRMError([local_fqdn(), str(e), \
get_exception_string()])"Reported errors to service registry at %s" % serviceAddr)
except Exception, e:
log.error("Failed to report errors to service registry.")
log.error("Reason : %s" % get_exception_string())
# End of reporting errors to the client
# Ringmaster failing to start is a ringmaster error. Exit with the appropriate exit code.