HADOOP-19090. Follow-up: docs and license (#35)

Update LICENSE-binary and site index.md.vm with
protobuf update details

* reviewed src/site/site.xml; updated links and moved to
  https URLs
* README.md contains a bit more of the site summary

Contributed by Steve Loughran
4 files changed
tree: 9341569781d6aa290a53ecff09f7b4046af4267f
  1. .github/
  2. dev-support/
  3. hadoop-shaded-avro_1_11/
  4. hadoop-shaded-guava/
  5. hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_23/
  6. licenses-binary/
  7. src/
  8. .asf.yaml
  9. .gitignore
  10. LICENSE-binary
  11. LICENSE.txt
  12. NOTICE-binary
  13. NOTICE.txt
  14. pom.xml
  15. README.md

Apache Hadoop Thirdparty

Apache Hadoop Thirdparty packages relocated third-party libraries used by Apache Hadoop.

DISCLAIMER : This project is for Apache Hadoop internal use. Included libs and/or their versions are subject to change at the dictate of hadoop without regard to the concern of others!