Apache Hadoop Site

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  1. 19e493f HADOOP-19370. Fix error links of huaweicloud in site index. (#60). Contributed by fuchaohong. by fuchaohong · 2 weeks ago asf-site
  2. 86c0957 HADOOP-19087. Adding Hadoop 3.4.1 hugo generated files for updated site contents by Mukund Thakur · 10 weeks ago
  3. 1591c59 Revert "HADOOP-19087. Adding Hadoop 3.4.1 hugo generated files for updated site contents" by Mukund Thakur · 10 weeks ago
  4. 427eee0 HADOOP-19087. Adding Hadoop 3.4.1 hugo generated files for updated site contents by Mukund Thakur · 10 weeks ago
  5. d53b5a9 Add Haiyang Hu to Committer List (#59) by huhaiyang · 3 months ago

Apache Hadoop site


The site is generated with Hugo.

To generate a site you need only one binary. Follow the install guide from the Hugo site. (Typically all the package managers contain dedicated packages, but as the Hugo is written in go it's also possible to download the single binary from the release page).

After the installation you can generate the site with:


And the site will be generated to the content sub directory.

This repository contains both the source and the rendered version of the site. Always execute a hugo before the commit, to refresh the content folder.

To improve/develop the site, you can use

hugo server

which starts a standalone auto-refreshed web server.


To create a new release, create a file in src/release directory. The file name should be <version>.mdwhere version is the release version.

Example: src/release/2.7.3.md

title: Release 2.7.3 available
date: 2016-08-26
linked: true

Please see the [Hadoop 2.7.3 Release
for the list of 221 bug fixes and patches since the previous release

linked: true attribute means, that it will be displayed on the release page and under the documentation menu. Please remove it from the previous release.

Note: date is used to sort the releases when the latest versions are displayed in the site.