blob: f88591f8393e221ccae24213acf929621cba0126 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef ARCHIVE_HH_
#define ARCHIVE_HH_
#include "recordio.hh"
namespace hadoop {
class Index {
virtual bool done() = 0;
virtual void incr() = 0;
virtual ~Index() {}
class IArchive {
virtual void deserialize(int8_t& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(bool& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(int32_t& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(int64_t& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(float& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(double& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(std::string& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(std::string& t, size_t& len, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void startRecord(hadoop::Record& s, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void endRecord(hadoop::Record& s, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual Index* startVector(const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void endVector(Index* idx, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual Index* startMap(const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void endMap(Index* idx, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void deserialize(hadoop::Record& s, const char* tag) {
s.deserialize(*this, tag);
template <typename T>
void deserialize(std::vector<T>& v, const char* tag) {
Index* idx = startVector(tag);
while (!idx->done()) {
T t;
deserialize(t, tag);
endVector(idx, tag);
template <typename K, typename V>
void deserialize(std::map<K,V>& v, const char* tag) {
Index* idx = startMap(tag);
while (!idx->done()) {
K key;
deserialize(key, tag);
V value;
deserialize(value, tag);
v[key] = value;
endMap(idx, tag);
virtual ~IArchive() {}
class OArchive {
virtual void serialize(int8_t t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(bool t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(int32_t t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(int64_t t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(float t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(double t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(const std::string& t, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(const std::string& t, size_t len, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void startRecord(const hadoop::Record& s, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void endRecord(const hadoop::Record& s, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void startVector(size_t len, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void endVector(size_t len, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void startMap(size_t len, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void endMap(size_t len, const char* tag) = 0;
virtual void serialize(const hadoop::Record& s, const char* tag) {
s.serialize(*this, tag);
template <typename T>
void serialize(const std::vector<T>& v, const char* tag) {
startVector(v.size(), tag);
if (v.size()>0) {
for (size_t cur = 0; cur<v.size(); cur++) {
serialize(v[cur], tag);
endVector(v.size(), tag);
template <typename K, typename V>
void serialize(const std::map<K,V>& v, const char* tag) {
startMap(v.size(), tag);
if (v.size()>0) {
typedef typename std::map<K,V>::const_iterator CI;
for (CI cur = v.begin(); cur!=v.end(); cur++) {
serialize(cur->first, tag);
serialize(cur->second, tag);
endMap(v.size(), tag);
virtual ~OArchive() {}
}; // end namespace hadoop
#endif /*ARCHIVE_HH_*/