layout: page title: Help / Support permalink: /support/

If you need (or wish to provide) help with Guacamole, the primary means for doing so are the project mailing lists. All project members subscribe to these lists, and members of the community are encouraged to do the same.

We also consider the availability of commercial support to be crucial to the success of Apache Guacamole, and thus maintain a list of third party companies providing commercial support. If you provide commercial support and would like your company to be listed, please send us an email, and we will work with you to do so.

Mailing Lists

Like all other projects under Apache or the Apache Incubator, mailing lists form Guacamole's primary support channel and the means by which development is coordinated.

If you would like help with Apache Guacamole, or wish to help others, we highly recommend sending an email to the one of the project's mailing lists. You will need to subscribe prior to sending email to any list. All mailing lists are actively filtered for spam, and any email not originating from a subscriber will bounce.

General Discussion / Questions (

The general/users list is intended for general questions and discussions which do not necessarily pertain to development. This list replaces the old SourceForge forums used by Guacamole prior to its acceptance into the Apache Incubator.

Development (

The development list is for development-related discussion involving people who are contributors to the Apache Guacamole project (or who wish to become contributors).

The Guacamole Manual

The central body of documentation is the Guacamole manual. It is kept up-to-date with each release, and provides a massive amount of information in one place. The manual contains installation and configuration instructions, as well as instructions for using the application itself. There is also a large section devoted entirely to development tutorials and descriptions of the architecture and APIs of the Guacamole core.

Commercial Support

As some of the main target audiences for Apache Guacamole are enterprises and companies that need to provide access to many computers (hence its design as a gateway), we consider the availability of commercial support crucial to Guacamole's success. If you provide commercial support and would like your company to be listed, please send us an email, and we will work with you to do so.

Companies providing support for Apache Guacamole are not endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation, though some such companies do employ committers of the Apache Guacamole project.