layout: page title: Promoting a release candidate to release permalink: /release-procedures-part3/

  • Table of contents {:toc}

Delete the release branch

Once the PPMC vote and IPMC vote for the release have passed, the release branches which were created previously must be deleted. Assuming they were properly merged back to master as release-specific changes were made, deleting these branches with git branch -d will succeed without warnings. If git refuses to delete the branches because commits are missing from master, something is horribly wrong, and the release needs to be rechecked.

$ git checkout master
$ git branch -d staging/0.9.11-incubating
$ git push upstream :staging/0.9.11-incubating

Tag the final version of the release

The specific point in the git history that the release was made must be marked with a new tag, pointing to the exact same commit as the last tagged release candidate. This tag must be made in the format [VERSION], where [VERSION] is the version of the release:

$ git tag -m "Release 0.9.11-incubating." 0.9.11-incubating
$ git push upstream 0.9.11-incubating

Just as with release candidates, each repository relevant to the release must be tagged. This will be every repository that had a release branch (the release branch having been deleted earlier) and never includes incubator-guacamole-website, which is not part of the release.

Example: the “0.9.10-incubating” tag on incubator-guacamole-server

Upload final release artifacts

Artifacts in dist SVN

The release artifacts and their signatures come from the release candidate which was approved via the various VOTEs. These artifacts are already present in the SVN dist area under dev/, and need to be moved to the analogous area under release/. This must be done using svn mv, with the directory containing the artifacts and signatures being renamed from [VERSION]-RC[N] to [VERSION] in the process.

$ svn mv dev/incubator/guacamole/0.9.11-incubating-RC1 release/incubator/guacamole/0.9.11-incubating
$ svn commit -m "Promote Apache Guacamole 0.9.11-incubating-RC1 artifacts to 0.9.11-incubating release."

Note that, once this has finished, YOU MUST STILL WAIT AT LEAST 24 HOURS TO ALLOW THE MIRRORS TIME TO SYNC before announcing the release.

Maven artifacts

For the Maven artifacts to become generally available at, and for those artifacts to be synced with Maven Central, the staging repository created and closed earlier needs to be explicitly released using Apache's Nexus instance. Doing this involves simply selecting the repository, clicking the “release” button, and typing a reasonable log message noting the release.

Note that it may take a day or so for Maven Central to contain the new artifacts, just like the mirrors, but absence of artifacts from Maven Central does not block announcement of the release as long as they are confirmed to be present on

Docker images

Both the guacamole/guacamole and guacamole/guacd images should now be updated with a new version-specific tag, duplicated to the latest tag. Since the images deployed for past release candidates were first cleaned with git clean, nothing should be actually rebuilt as a consequence of running docker build unless something has gone wrong and source changes were made in the absence of an RC.

For example, to build the guacamole/guacamole Docker image for the current release candidate, from within the top-level incubator-guacamole-client directory:

$ git clean -xfd .
$ sudo docker build -t guacamole/guacamole:0.9.11-incubating .
$ sudo docker build -t guacamole/guacamole:latest .

Each of the above commands should finish virtually instantaneously, and the hash of the built images should match each other and the previous RC. Assuming all looks well, it should be safe to push the images:

$ sudo docker push guacamole/guacamole:0.9.11-incubating
$ sudo docker push guacamole/guacamole:latest

Again, this should finish virtually instantaneously, as no new data will need to be pushed. Docker Hub already has the images/layers from the previous RC builds.