blob: 7e52a4b916f6a90f1ece468f5609276ec3341c2b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "common/clipboard.h"
#include "common/cursor.h"
#include "common/iconv.h"
#include "terminal/buffer.h"
#include "terminal/color-scheme.h"
#include "terminal/common.h"
#include "terminal/display.h"
#include "terminal/palette.h"
#include "terminal/select.h"
#include "terminal/terminal.h"
#include "terminal/terminal-handlers.h"
#include "terminal/terminal-priv.h"
#include "terminal/types.h"
#include "terminal/typescript.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <guacamole/client.h>
#include <guacamole/error.h>
#include <guacamole/flag.h>
#include <guacamole/mem.h>
#include <guacamole/protocol.h>
#include <guacamole/socket.h>
#include <guacamole/string.h>
#include <guacamole/timestamp.h>
#include <guacamole/user.h>
* Sets the given range of columns to the given character.
static void __guac_terminal_set_columns(guac_terminal* terminal, int row,
int start_column, int end_column, guac_terminal_char* character) {
guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, row + terminal->scroll_offset,
start_column, end_column, character);
guac_terminal_buffer_set_columns(terminal->current_buffer, row,
start_column, end_column, character);
/* Clear selection if region is modified */
guac_terminal_select_touch(terminal, row, start_column, row, end_column);
* Returns the number of rows available within the terminal buffer, taking
* changes to the desired scrollback size into account. Regardless of the
* true buffer length, only the number of rows that should be made available
* will be returned.
* @param term
* The terminal whose effective buffer length should be retrieved.
* @return
* The number of rows effectively available within the terminal buffer,
* taking changes to the desired scrollback size into account.
static int guac_terminal_effective_buffer_length(guac_terminal* term) {
int scrollback = term->requested_scrollback;
/* Limit available scrollback to defined maximum */
if (scrollback > term->max_scrollback)
scrollback = term->max_scrollback;
/* There must always be at least enough scrollback to cover the visible
* terminal display */
else if (scrollback < term->term_height)
scrollback = term->term_height;
/* If the buffer contains more rows than requested, pretend it only
* contains the requested number of rows */
return guac_terminal_buffer_effective_length(term->current_buffer, scrollback);
int guac_terminal_get_available_scroll(guac_terminal* term) {
return guac_terminal_effective_buffer_length(term) - term->term_height;
int guac_terminal_get_rows(guac_terminal* term) {
return term->term_height;
int guac_terminal_get_columns(guac_terminal* term) {
return term->term_width;
void guac_terminal_reset(guac_terminal* term) {
int row;
/* Set current state */
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
term->active_char_set = 0;
term->char_mapping[0] =
term->char_mapping[1] = NULL;
/* Reset cursor location */
term->cursor_row = term->visible_cursor_row = term->saved_cursor_row = 0;
term->cursor_col = term->visible_cursor_col = term->saved_cursor_col = 0;
term->cursor_visible = true;
/* Clear scrollback, buffer, and scroll region */
term->scroll_start = 0;
term->scroll_end = term->term_height - 1;
term->scroll_offset = 0;
/* Reset scrollbar bounds */
guac_terminal_scrollbar_set_bounds(term->scrollbar, 0, 0);
guac_terminal_scrollbar_set_value(term->scrollbar, -term->scroll_offset);
/* Reset flags */
term->text_selected = false;
term->selection_committed = false;
term->application_cursor_keys = false;
term->automatic_carriage_return = false;
term->insert_mode = false;
/* Reset tabs */
term->tab_interval = 8;
memset(term->custom_tabs, 0, sizeof(term->custom_tabs));
/* Reset character attributes */
term->current_attributes = term->default_char.attributes;
/* Reset display palette */
/* Clear terminal with a row length of term_width-1
* to avoid exceed the size of the display layer */
for (row=0; row<term->term_height; row++)
guac_terminal_set_columns(term, row, 0, term->term_width-1, &(term->default_char));
* Paints or repaints the background of the terminal display. This painting
* occurs beneath the actual terminal and scrollbar layers, and thus will not
* overwrite any text or other content currently on the screen. This is only
* necessary to paint over parts of the terminal background which may otherwise
* be transparent (the default layer background).
* @param terminal
* The terminal whose background should be painted or repainted.
* @param socket
* The socket over which instructions required to paint / repaint the
* terminal background should be send.
static void guac_terminal_repaint_default_layer(guac_terminal* terminal,
guac_socket* socket) {
int width = terminal->width;
int height = terminal->height;
guac_terminal_display* display = terminal->display;
/* Get background color */
const guac_terminal_color* color = &display->default_background;
/* Reset size */
guac_protocol_send_size(socket, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, width, height);
/* Paint background color */
guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, 0, 0, width, height);
guac_protocol_send_cfill(socket, GUAC_COMP_OVER, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER,
color->red, color->green, color->blue, 0xFF);
* Automatically and continuously renders frames of terminal data while the
* associated guac_client is running.
* @param data
* A pointer to the guac_terminal that should be continuously rendered
* while its associated guac_client is running.
* @return
* Always NULL.
void* guac_terminal_thread(void* data) {
guac_terminal* terminal = (guac_terminal*) data;
guac_client* client = terminal->client;
/* Render frames only while client is running */
while (client->state == GUAC_CLIENT_RUNNING) {
/* Stop rendering if an error occurs */
if (guac_terminal_render_frame(terminal))
/* Signal end of frame */
/* The client has stopped or an error has occurred */
return NULL;
guac_terminal_options* guac_terminal_options_create(
int width, int height, int dpi) {
guac_terminal_options* options = guac_mem_alloc(sizeof(guac_terminal_options));
/* Set all required parameters */
options->width = width;
options->height = height;
options->dpi = dpi;
/* Set default values for all other parameters */
return options;
* Calculate the available height and width in characters for text display in
* the terminal and store the results in the pointer arguments.
* @param terminal
* The terminal provides character width and height for calculations.
* @param height
* The outer height of the terminal, in pixels.
* @param width
* The outer width of the terminal, in pixels.
* @param rows
* Pointer to the calculated height of the terminal for text display,
* in characters.
* @param columns
* Pointer to the calculated width of the terminal for text display,
* in characters.
static void calculate_rows_and_columns(guac_terminal* term,
int height, int width, int *rows, int *columns) {
int margin = term->display->margin;
int char_width = term->display->char_width;
int char_height = term->display->char_height;
/* Calculate available display area */
int available_width = width - GUAC_TERMINAL_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 2 * margin;
if (available_width < 0)
available_width = 0;
int available_height = height - 2 * margin;
if (available_height < 0)
available_height = 0;
/* Calculate dimensions */
*rows = available_height / char_height;
*columns = available_width / char_width;
/* Keep height within predefined maximum */
/* Keep width within predefined maximum */
* Calculate the available height and width in pixels of the terminal for text
* display in the terminal and store the results in the pointer arguments.
* @param terminal
* The terminal provides character width and height for calculations.
* @param rows
* The available height of the terminal for text display, in characters.
* @param columns
* The available width of the terminal for text display, in characters.
* @param height
* Pointer to the calculated available height of the terminal for text
* display, in pixels.
* @param width
* Pointer to the calculated available width of the terminal for text
* display, in pixels.
static void calculate_height_and_width(guac_terminal* term,
int rows, int columns, int *height, int *width) {
int margin = term->display->margin;
int char_width = term->display->char_width;
int char_height = term->display->char_height;
/* Recalculate height if max rows reached */
int available_height = GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_ROWS * char_height;
*height = available_height + 2 * margin;
/* Recalculate width if max columns reached */
int available_width = GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_COLUMNS * char_width;
*width = available_width + GUAC_TERMINAL_SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + 2 * margin;
guac_terminal* guac_terminal_create(guac_client* client,
guac_terminal_options* options) {
/* The width and height may need to be changed from what's requested */
int width = options->width;
int height = options->height;
/* Build default character using default colors */
guac_terminal_char default_char = {
.value = 0,
.attributes = {
.bold = false,
.half_bright = false,
.reverse = false,
.underscore = false
.width = 1
/* Initialized by guac_terminal_parse_color_scheme. */
guac_terminal_color (*default_palette)[256] = (guac_terminal_color(*)[256])
guac_terminal_parse_color_scheme(client, options->color_scheme,
guac_terminal* term = guac_mem_alloc(sizeof(guac_terminal));
term->started = false;
term->client = client;
term->upload_path_handler = NULL;
term->file_download_handler = NULL;
/* Copy initially-provided color scheme and font details */
term->color_scheme = guac_strdup(options->color_scheme);
term->font_name = guac_strdup(options->font_name);
term->font_size = options->font_size;
/* Init modified flag and conditional */
/* Maximum and requested scrollback are initially the same */
term->max_scrollback = options->max_scrollback;
term->requested_scrollback = options->max_scrollback;
/* Allocate enough space for maximum scrollback, bumping up internal
* storage as necessary to allow screen to be resized to maximum height */
int initial_scrollback = options->max_scrollback;
if (initial_scrollback < GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_ROWS)
initial_scrollback = GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_ROWS;
/* Init current and alternate buffer */
term->current_buffer = term->normal_buffer = guac_terminal_buffer_alloc(initial_scrollback, &default_char);
term->alternate_buffer = guac_terminal_buffer_alloc(GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_ROWS, &default_char);
/* Init display */
term->display = guac_terminal_display_alloc(client,
options->font_name, options->font_size, options->dpi,
(guac_terminal_color(*)[256]) default_palette);
/* Fail if display init failed */
if (term->display == NULL) {
guac_client_log(client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "Display initialization failed");
return NULL;
/* Init common cursor */
term->cursor = guac_common_cursor_alloc(client);
/* Init terminal state */
term->current_attributes = default_char.attributes;
term->default_char = default_char;
term->clipboard = guac_common_clipboard_alloc();
term->disable_copy = options->disable_copy;
/* Calculate available text display area by character size */
int rows, columns;
calculate_rows_and_columns(term, height, width, &rows, &columns);
/* Calculate available display area in pixels */
int adjusted_height = height;
int adjusted_width = width;
calculate_height_and_width(term, rows, columns,
&adjusted_height, &adjusted_width);
/* Set size of available screen area */
term->outer_height = height;
term->outer_width = width;
/* Set rows and columns size */
term->term_height = rows;
term->term_width = columns;
/* Set pixel size */
term->height = adjusted_height;
term->width = adjusted_width;
/* Open STDIN pipe */
if (pipe(term->stdin_pipe_fd)) {
guac_error_message = "Unable to open pipe for STDIN";
return NULL;
/* Read input from keyboard by default */
term->input_stream = NULL;
/* Init pipe stream (output to display by default) */
term->pipe_stream = NULL;
/* No typescript by default */
term->typescript = NULL;
/* Init terminal lock */
pthread_mutex_init(&(term->lock), NULL);
/* Repaint and resize overall display */
guac_terminal_repaint_default_layer(term, term->client->socket);
term->term_width, term->term_height);
/* Allocate scrollbar */
term->scrollbar = guac_terminal_scrollbar_alloc(term->client, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER,
term->outer_width, term->outer_height, term->term_height);
/* Associate scrollbar with this terminal */
term->scrollbar->data = term;
term->scrollbar->scroll_handler = guac_terminal_scroll_handler;
/* Init terminal */
/* All mouse buttons are released */
term->mouse_mask = 0;
/* All keyboard modifiers are released */
term->mod_alt =
term->mod_ctrl =
term->mod_meta =
term->mod_shift = 0;
/* Initialize mouse cursor */
term->current_cursor = GUAC_TERMINAL_CURSOR_BLANK;
/* Start terminal thread */
if (pthread_create(&(term->thread), NULL,
guac_terminal_thread, (void*) term)) {
return NULL;
/* Configure backspace */
term->backspace = options->backspace;
/* Initialize mouse latest click time and counter */
term->click_timer = 0;
term->click_counter = 0;
return term;
void guac_terminal_start(guac_terminal* term) {
term->started = true;
void guac_terminal_stop(guac_terminal* term) {
/* Close input pipe and set fds to invalid */
if (term->stdin_pipe_fd[1] != -1) {
term->stdin_pipe_fd[1] = -1;
if (term->stdin_pipe_fd[0] != -1) {
term->stdin_pipe_fd[0] = -1;
void guac_terminal_free(guac_terminal* term) {
/* Close user input pipe */
/* Wait for render thread to finish */
pthread_join(term->thread, NULL);
/* Close and flush any open pipe stream */
/* Close and flush any active typescript */
/* Free scrollbar */
/* Free display */
/* Free buffers */
/* Free copies of font and color scheme information */
/* Free clipboard */
/* Free the terminal itself */
* Waits for the terminal state to be modified, returning only when the
* specified timeout has elapsed or a frame flush is desired. Note that the
* modified flag of the terminal will only be reset if no data remains to be
* read from STDOUT.
* @param terminal
* The terminal to wait on.
* @param msec_timeout
* The maximum amount of time to wait, in milliseconds.
* @return
* Non-zero if the terminal has been modified, zero if the timeout has
* elapsed without the terminal being modified.
static int guac_terminal_wait(guac_terminal* terminal, int msec_timeout) {
int retval = guac_flag_timedwait_and_lock(&terminal->modified,
/* Rest terminal modified state */
if (retval) {
guac_flag_clear(&terminal->modified, GUAC_TERMINAL_MODIFIED);
return retval;
int guac_terminal_render_frame(guac_terminal* terminal) {
guac_client* client = terminal->client;
int wait_result;
/* Wait for data to be available */
wait_result = guac_terminal_wait(terminal, 1000);
if (wait_result || !terminal->started) {
guac_timestamp frame_start = client->last_sent_timestamp;
do {
/* Calculate time remaining in frame */
guac_timestamp frame_end = guac_timestamp_current();
int frame_remaining = frame_start + GUAC_TERMINAL_FRAME_DURATION
- frame_end;
/* Wait again if frame remaining */
if (frame_remaining > 0 || !terminal->started)
wait_result = guac_terminal_wait(terminal,
} while (client->state == GUAC_CLIENT_RUNNING
&& (wait_result > 0 || !terminal->started));
/* Flush terminal */
return 0;
int guac_terminal_read_stdin(guac_terminal* terminal, char* c, int size) {
int stdin_fd = terminal->stdin_pipe_fd[0];
return read(stdin_fd, c, size);
void guac_terminal_notify(guac_terminal* terminal) {
/* Signal modification */
guac_flag_set(&terminal->modified, GUAC_TERMINAL_MODIFIED);
int guac_terminal_printf(guac_terminal* terminal, const char* format, ...) {
int written;
va_list ap;
char buffer[1024];
/* Print to buffer */
va_start(ap, format);
written = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, ap);
if (written < 0)
return written;
/* Write to STDOUT */
return guac_terminal_write(terminal, buffer, written);
char* guac_terminal_prompt(guac_terminal* terminal, const char* title,
bool echo) {
char buffer[1024];
int pos;
char in_byte;
/* Prompting implicitly requires user input */
/* Print title */
guac_terminal_printf(terminal, "%s", title);
/* Read bytes until newline */
pos = 0;
while (guac_terminal_read_stdin(terminal, &in_byte, 1) == 1) {
/* Backspace */
if (in_byte == 0x7F) {
if (pos > 0) {
guac_terminal_printf(terminal, "\b \b");
/* CR (end of input */
else if (in_byte == 0x0D) {
guac_terminal_printf(terminal, "\r\n");
/* Otherwise, store byte if there is room */
else if (pos < sizeof(buffer) - 1) {
/* Store character, update buffers */
buffer[pos++] = in_byte;
/* Print character if echoing */
if (echo)
guac_terminal_printf(terminal, "%c", in_byte);
guac_terminal_printf(terminal, "*");
/* Ignore all other input */
/* Terminate string */
buffer[pos] = 0;
/* Return newly-allocated string containing result */
return guac_strdup(buffer);
int guac_terminal_set(guac_terminal* term, int row, int col, int codepoint) {
/* Calculate width in columns */
int width = wcwidth(codepoint);
if (width < 0)
width = 1;
/* Do nothing if glyph is empty */
else if (width == 0)
return 0;
/* Build character with current attributes */
guac_terminal_char guac_char = {
.value = codepoint,
.attributes = term->current_attributes,
.width = width
guac_terminal_set_columns(term, row, col, col + width - 1, &guac_char);
return 0;
void guac_terminal_commit_cursor(guac_terminal* term) {
/* If no change, done */
if (term->cursor_visible && term->visible_cursor_row == term->cursor_row && term->visible_cursor_col == term->cursor_col)
/* Clear cursor if it was visible */
if (term->visible_cursor_row != -1 && term->visible_cursor_col != -1) {
guac_terminal_buffer_set_cursor(term->current_buffer, term->visible_cursor_row, term->visible_cursor_col, false);
guac_terminal_char* characters;
int length = guac_terminal_buffer_get_columns(term->current_buffer, &characters, NULL, term->visible_cursor_row);
if (term->visible_cursor_col < length)
guac_terminal_display_set_columns(term->display, term->visible_cursor_row + term->scroll_offset,
term->visible_cursor_col, term->visible_cursor_col, &characters[term->visible_cursor_col]);
/* Set cursor if should be visible */
if (term->cursor_visible) {
guac_terminal_buffer_set_cursor(term->current_buffer, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col, true);
guac_terminal_char* characters;
int length = guac_terminal_buffer_get_columns(term->current_buffer, &characters, NULL, term->cursor_row);
if (term->cursor_col < length)
guac_terminal_display_set_columns(term->display, term->cursor_row + term->scroll_offset,
term->cursor_col, term->cursor_col, &characters[term->cursor_col]);
term->visible_cursor_row = term->cursor_row;
term->visible_cursor_col = term->cursor_col;
/* Otherwise set visible position to a sentinel value */
else {
term->visible_cursor_row = -1;
term->visible_cursor_col = -1;
int guac_terminal_write(guac_terminal* term, const char* buffer, int length) {
for (int written = 0; written < length; written++) {
/* Read and advance to next character */
char current = *(buffer++);
/* Write character to typescript, if any */
if (term->typescript != NULL)
guac_terminal_typescript_write(term->typescript, current);
/* Handle character and its meaning */
term->char_handler(term, current);
return length;
void guac_terminal_scroll_up(guac_terminal* term,
int start_row, int end_row, int amount) {
if (amount <= 0)
if (amount >= end_row - start_row + 1)
amount = end_row - start_row + 1;
/* If scrolling entire display, update scroll offset */
if (start_row == 0 && end_row == term->term_height - 1) {
/* Scroll up visibly */
guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(term->display, start_row + amount, end_row, -amount);
/* Advance by scroll amount */
guac_terminal_buffer_scroll_up(term->current_buffer, amount);
/* Reset scrollbar bounds */
-guac_terminal_get_available_scroll(term), 0);
/* Update cursor location if within region */
if (term->visible_cursor_row >= start_row &&
term->visible_cursor_row <= end_row)
term->visible_cursor_row -= amount;
/* Update selected region */
if (term->text_selected) {
term->selection_start_row -= amount;
term->selection_end_row -= amount;
/* Otherwise, just copy row data upwards */
guac_terminal_copy_rows(term, start_row + amount, end_row, -amount);
/* Clear new area */
end_row - amount + 1, 0,
end_row, term->term_width - 1);
void guac_terminal_scroll_down(guac_terminal* term,
int start_row, int end_row, int amount) {
guac_terminal_copy_rows(term, start_row, end_row - amount, amount);
/* Clear new area */
start_row, 0,
start_row + amount - 1, term->term_width - 1);
/* Flush display copy before the cursor commit override operation
* type for visible cursor row and breaks display. */
int guac_terminal_clear_columns(guac_terminal* term,
int row, int start_col, int end_col) {
/* Build space */
guac_terminal_char blank;
blank.value = 0;
blank.attributes = term->current_attributes;
blank.width = 1;
/* Clear */
row, start_col, end_col, &blank);
return 0;
int guac_terminal_clear_range(guac_terminal* term,
int start_row, int start_col,
int end_row, int end_col) {
/* If not at far left, must clear sub-region to far right */
if (start_col > 0) {
/* Clear from start_col to far right */
start_row, start_col, term->term_width - 1);
/* One less row to clear */
/* If not at far right, must clear sub-region to far left */
if (end_col < term->term_width - 1) {
/* Clear from far left to end_col */
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, end_row, 0, end_col);
/* One less row to clear */
/* Remaining region now guaranteed rectangular. Clear, if possible */
if (start_row <= end_row) {
int row;
for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) {
/* Clear entire row */
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, row, 0, term->term_width - 1);
return 0;
* Returns whether the given character would be visible relative to the
* background of the given terminal.
* @param term
* The guac_terminal to test the character against.
* @param c
* The character being tested.
* @return
* true if the given character is different from the terminal background,
* false otherwise.
static bool guac_terminal_is_visible(guac_terminal* term,
guac_terminal_char* c) {
/* Continuation characters are NEVER visible */
return false;
/* Characters with glyphs are ALWAYS visible */
if (guac_terminal_has_glyph(c->value))
return true;
const guac_terminal_color* background;
/* Determine actual background color of character */
if (c->attributes.reverse != c->attributes.cursor)
background = &c->attributes.foreground;
background = &c->attributes.background;
/* Blank characters are visible if their background color differs from that
* of the terminal */
return guac_terminal_colorcmp(background,
&term->default_char.attributes.background) != 0;
void guac_terminal_scroll_display_down(guac_terminal* terminal,
int scroll_amount) {
int start_row, end_row;
int dest_row;
int row, column;
/* Limit scroll amount by size of scrollback buffer */
if (scroll_amount > terminal->scroll_offset)
scroll_amount = terminal->scroll_offset;
/* If not scrolling at all, don't bother trying */
if (scroll_amount <= 0)
/* Shift screen up */
if (terminal->term_height > scroll_amount)
scroll_amount, terminal->term_height - 1,
/* Advance by scroll amount */
terminal->scroll_offset -= scroll_amount;
guac_terminal_scrollbar_set_value(terminal->scrollbar, -terminal->scroll_offset);
/* Get row range */
end_row = terminal->term_height - terminal->scroll_offset - 1;
start_row = end_row - scroll_amount + 1;
dest_row = terminal->term_height - scroll_amount;
/* Draw new rows from scrollback */
for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) {
/* Get row from scrollback */
guac_terminal_char* characters;
int length = guac_terminal_buffer_get_columns(terminal->current_buffer, &characters, NULL, row);
/* Clear row */
dest_row, 0, terminal->display->width, &(terminal->default_char));
/* Draw row */
guac_terminal_char* current = characters;
for (column = 0; column < length; column++) {
/* Only draw if not blank */
if (guac_terminal_is_visible(terminal, current))
guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, dest_row, column, column, current);
/* Next row */
void guac_terminal_scroll_display_up(guac_terminal* terminal,
int scroll_amount) {
int start_row, end_row;
int dest_row;
int row, column;
/* Limit scroll amount by size of scrollback buffer */
int available_scroll = guac_terminal_get_available_scroll(terminal);
if (terminal->scroll_offset + scroll_amount > available_scroll)
scroll_amount = available_scroll - terminal->scroll_offset;
/* If not scrolling at all, don't bother trying */
if (scroll_amount <= 0)
/* Shift screen down */
if (terminal->term_height > scroll_amount)
0, terminal->term_height - scroll_amount - 1,
/* Advance by scroll amount */
terminal->scroll_offset += scroll_amount;
guac_terminal_scrollbar_set_value(terminal->scrollbar, -terminal->scroll_offset);
/* Get row range */
start_row = -terminal->scroll_offset;
end_row = start_row + scroll_amount - 1;
dest_row = 0;
/* Draw new rows from scrollback */
for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) {
/* Get row from scrollback */
guac_terminal_char* characters;
int length = guac_terminal_buffer_get_columns(terminal->current_buffer, &characters, NULL, row);
/* Clear row */
dest_row, 0, terminal->display->width, &(terminal->default_char));
/* Draw row */
guac_terminal_char* current = characters;
for (column = 0; column < length; column++) {
/* Only draw if not blank */
if (guac_terminal_is_visible(terminal, current))
guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, dest_row, column, column, current);
/* Next row */
void guac_terminal_copy_columns(guac_terminal* terminal, int row,
int start_column, int end_column, int offset) {
guac_terminal_display_copy_columns(terminal->display, row + terminal->scroll_offset,
start_column, end_column, offset);
guac_terminal_buffer_copy_columns(terminal->current_buffer, row,
start_column, end_column, offset);
/* Clear selection if region is modified */
guac_terminal_select_touch(terminal, row, start_column, row, end_column);
/* Update cursor location if within region */
if (row == terminal->visible_cursor_row &&
terminal->visible_cursor_col >= start_column &&
terminal->visible_cursor_col <= end_column)
terminal->visible_cursor_col += offset;
void guac_terminal_copy_rows(guac_terminal* terminal,
int start_row, int end_row, int offset) {
start_row + terminal->scroll_offset, end_row + terminal->scroll_offset, offset);
start_row, end_row, offset);
/* Clear selection if region is modified */
guac_terminal_select_touch(terminal, start_row, 0, end_row,
/* Update cursor location if within region */
if (terminal->visible_cursor_row >= start_row &&
terminal->visible_cursor_row <= end_row)
terminal->visible_cursor_row += offset;
void guac_terminal_set_columns(guac_terminal* terminal, int row,
int start_column, int end_column, guac_terminal_char* character) {
__guac_terminal_set_columns(terminal, row, start_column, end_column, character);
/* If visible cursor in current row, preserve state */
if (row == terminal->visible_cursor_row
&& terminal->visible_cursor_col >= start_column
&& terminal->visible_cursor_col <= end_column) {
/* Create copy of character with cursor attribute set */
guac_terminal_char cursor_character = *character;
cursor_character.attributes.cursor = true;
__guac_terminal_set_columns(terminal, row,
terminal->visible_cursor_col, terminal->visible_cursor_col, &cursor_character);
static void __guac_terminal_redraw_rect(guac_terminal* term, int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col) {
int row, col;
/* Redraw region */
for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) {
guac_terminal_char* characters;
int length = guac_terminal_buffer_get_columns(term->current_buffer, &characters, NULL, row - term->scroll_offset);
/* Clear row */
row, start_col, end_col, &(term->default_char));
/* Copy characters */
for (col=start_col; col <= end_col && col < length; col++) {
/* Only redraw if not blank */
guac_terminal_char* c = &characters[col];
if (guac_terminal_is_visible(term, c))
guac_terminal_display_set_columns(term->display, row, col, col, c);
* Internal terminal resize routine. Accepts width/height in CHARACTERS
* (not pixels like the public function).
* @param term
* The terminal being resized.
* @param width
* The new width of the terminal, in characters.
* @param height
* The new height of the terminal, in characters.
static void __guac_terminal_resize(guac_terminal* term, int width, int height) {
/* If height is decreasing, shift display up */
if (height < term->term_height) {
int shift_amount;
/* Get number of rows actually occupying terminal space */
int used_height = guac_terminal_effective_buffer_length(term);
if (used_height > term->term_height)
used_height = term->term_height;
shift_amount = used_height - height;
/* If the new terminal bottom covers N rows, shift up N rows */
if (shift_amount > 0) {
shift_amount, term->display->height - 1, -shift_amount);
/* Update buffer top and cursor row based on shift */
guac_terminal_buffer_scroll_up(term->current_buffer, shift_amount);
term->cursor_row -= shift_amount;
if (term->visible_cursor_row != -1)
term->visible_cursor_row -= shift_amount;
/* Redraw characters within old region */
__guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, height - shift_amount, 0, height-1, width-1);
/* Resize display */
guac_terminal_display_resize(term->display, width, height);
/* Redraw any characters on right if widening */
if (width > term->term_width)
__guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, 0, term->term_width-1, height-1, width-1);
/* If height is increasing, shift display down */
if (height > term->term_height) {
/* If undisplayed rows exist in the buffer, shift them into view */
int available_scroll = guac_terminal_get_available_scroll(term);
if (available_scroll > 0) {
/* If the new terminal bottom reveals N rows, shift down N rows */
int shift_amount = height - term->term_height;
/* The maximum amount we can shift is the number of undisplayed rows */
if (shift_amount > available_scroll)
shift_amount = available_scroll;
/* Update buffer top and cursor row based on shift */
guac_terminal_buffer_scroll_down(term->current_buffer, shift_amount);
term->cursor_row += shift_amount;
if (term->visible_cursor_row != -1)
term->visible_cursor_row += shift_amount;
/* If scrolled enough, use scroll to fulfill entire resize */
if (term->scroll_offset >= shift_amount) {
term->scroll_offset -= shift_amount;
guac_terminal_scrollbar_set_value(term->scrollbar, -term->scroll_offset);
/* Draw characters from scroll at bottom */
__guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, term->term_height, 0, term->term_height + shift_amount - 1, width-1);
/* Otherwise, fulfill with as much scroll as possible */
else {
/* Draw characters from scroll at bottom */
__guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, term->term_height, 0, term->term_height + term->scroll_offset - 1, width-1);
/* Update shift_amount and scroll based on new rows */
shift_amount -= term->scroll_offset;
term->scroll_offset = 0;
guac_terminal_scrollbar_set_value(term->scrollbar, -term->scroll_offset);
/* If anything remains, move screen as necessary */
if (shift_amount > 0) {
0, term->display->height - shift_amount - 1, shift_amount);
/* Draw characters at top from scroll */
__guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, 0, 0, shift_amount - 1, width-1);
} /* end if undisplayed rows exist */
/* Keep cursor on screen */
if (term->cursor_row < 0) term->cursor_row = 0;
if (term->cursor_row >= height) term->cursor_row = height-1;
if (term->cursor_col < 0) term->cursor_col = 0;
if (term->cursor_col >= width) term->cursor_col = width-1;
/* Commit new dimensions */
term->term_width = width;
term->term_height = height;
int guac_terminal_resize(guac_terminal* terminal, int width, int height) {
guac_terminal_display* display = terminal->display;
guac_client* client = display->client;
/* Acquire exclusive access to terminal */
/* Calculate available text display area by character size */
int rows, columns;
calculate_rows_and_columns(terminal, height, width, &rows, &columns);
/* Calculate available display area in pixels */
int adjusted_height = height;
int adjusted_width = width;
calculate_height_and_width(terminal, rows, columns,
&adjusted_height, &adjusted_width);
/* Set size of available screen area */
terminal->outer_height = height;
terminal->outer_width = width;
/* Set pixel size */
terminal->height = adjusted_height;
terminal->width = adjusted_width;
/* Resize default layer to given pixel dimensions */
guac_terminal_repaint_default_layer(terminal, client->socket);
/* Resize terminal if row/column dimensions have changed */
if (columns != terminal->term_width || rows != terminal->term_height) {
/* Resize terminal and set the columns and rows on the terminal struct */
__guac_terminal_resize(terminal, columns, rows);
/* Reset scroll region */
terminal->scroll_end = rows - 1;
/* Notify scrollbar of resize */
terminal->outer_width, terminal->outer_height, terminal->term_height);
-guac_terminal_get_available_scroll(terminal), 0);
/* Release terminal */
return 0;
void guac_terminal_flush(guac_terminal* terminal) {
/* Flush typescript if in use */
if (terminal->typescript != NULL)
/* Flush pipe stream if automatic flushing is enabled */
if (terminal->pipe_stream_flags & GUAC_TERMINAL_PIPE_AUTOFLUSH)
/* Flush display state */
void guac_terminal_lock(guac_terminal* terminal) {
void guac_terminal_unlock(guac_terminal* terminal) {
int guac_terminal_send_data(guac_terminal* term, const char* data, int length) {
/* Block all other sources of input if input is coming from a stream */
if (term->input_stream != NULL)
return 0;
return guac_terminal_write_all(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1], data, length);
int guac_terminal_send_string(guac_terminal* term, const char* data) {
/* Block all other sources of input if input is coming from a stream */
if (term->input_stream != NULL)
return 0;
return guac_terminal_write_all(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1], data, strlen(data));
static int __guac_terminal_send_key(guac_terminal* term, int keysym, int pressed) {
/* Ignore user input if terminal is not started */
if (!term->started) {
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "Ignoring user input "
"while terminal has not yet started.");
return 0;
/* Hide mouse cursor if not already hidden */
if (term->current_cursor != GUAC_TERMINAL_CURSOR_BLANK) {
term->current_cursor = GUAC_TERMINAL_CURSOR_BLANK;
/* Track modifiers */
if (keysym == 0xFFE3 || keysym == 0xFFE4)
term->mod_ctrl = pressed;
else if (keysym == 0xFFE7 || keysym == 0xFFE8)
term->mod_meta = pressed;
else if (keysym == 0xFFE9 || keysym == 0xFFEA)
term->mod_alt = pressed;
else if (keysym == 0xFFE1 || keysym == 0xFFE2)
term->mod_shift = pressed;
/* If key pressed */
else if (pressed) {
/* Ctrl+Shift+V or Cmd+v (mac style) shortcuts for paste */
if ((keysym == 'V' && term->mod_ctrl) || (keysym == 'v' && term->mod_meta))
return guac_terminal_send_data(term, term->clipboard->buffer, term->clipboard->length);
* Ctrl+Shift+C and Cmd+c shortcuts for copying are not handled, as
* selecting text in the terminal automatically copies it. To avoid
* attempts to use these shortcuts causing unexpected results in the
* terminal, these are just ignored.
if ((keysym == 'C' && term->mod_ctrl) || (keysym == 'c' && term->mod_meta))
return 0;
/* Shift+PgUp / Shift+PgDown shortcuts for scrolling */
if (term->mod_shift) {
/* Page up */
if (keysym == 0xFF55) {
guac_terminal_scroll_display_up(term, term->term_height);
return 0;
/* Page down */
if (keysym == 0xFF56) {
guac_terminal_scroll_display_down(term, term->term_height);
return 0;
/* Reset scroll */
if (term->scroll_offset != 0)
guac_terminal_scroll_display_down(term, term->scroll_offset);
/* If alt being held, also send escape character */
if (term->mod_alt)
guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B");
/* Translate Ctrl+letter to control code */
if (term->mod_ctrl) {
char data;
/* Keysyms for '@' through '_' are all conveniently in C0 order */
if (keysym >= '@' && keysym <= '_')
data = (char) (keysym - '@');
/* Handle lowercase as well */
else if (keysym >= 'a' && keysym <= 'z')
data = (char) (keysym - 'a' + 1);
/* Ctrl+? is DEL (0x7f) */
else if (keysym == '?')
data = 0x7F;
/* Map Ctrl+2 to same result as Ctrl+@ */
else if (keysym == '2')
data = 0x00;
/* Map Ctrl+3 through Ctrl-7 to the remaining C0 characters such that Ctrl+6 is the same as Ctrl+^ */
else if (keysym >= '3' && keysym <= '7')
data = (char) (keysym - '3' + 0x1B);
/* Otherwise ignore */
return 0;
return guac_terminal_send_data(term, &data, 1);
/* Translate Unicode to UTF-8 */
else if ((keysym >= 0x00 && keysym <= 0xFF) || ((keysym & 0xFFFF0000) == 0x01000000)) {
int length;
char data[5];
length = guac_terminal_encode_utf8(keysym & 0xFFFF, data);
return guac_terminal_send_data(term, data, length);
/* Typeable keys of number pad */
else if (keysym >= 0xFFAA && keysym <= 0xFFB9) {
char value = keysym - 0xFF80;
guac_terminal_send_data(term, &value, sizeof(value));
/* Non-printable keys */
else {
/* Backspace can vary based on configuration of terminal by client. */
if (keysym == 0xFF08) {
char backspace_str[] = { term->backspace, '\0' };
return guac_terminal_send_string(term, backspace_str);
if (keysym == 0xFF09 || keysym == 0xFF89) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x09"); /* Tab */
if (keysym == 0xFF0D || keysym == 0xFF8D) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x0D"); /* Enter */
if (keysym == 0xFF1B) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B"); /* Esc */
if (keysym == 0xFF50 || keysym == 0xFF95) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[1~"); /* Home */
/* Arrow keys w/ application cursor */
if (term->application_cursor_keys) {
if (keysym == 0xFF51 || keysym == 0xFF96) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1BOD"); /* Left */
if (keysym == 0xFF52 || keysym == 0xFF97) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1BOA"); /* Up */
if (keysym == 0xFF53 || keysym == 0xFF98) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1BOC"); /* Right */
if (keysym == 0xFF54 || keysym == 0xFF99) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1BOB"); /* Down */
else {
if (keysym == 0xFF51 || keysym == 0xFF96) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[D"); /* Left */
if (keysym == 0xFF52 || keysym == 0xFF97) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[A"); /* Up */
if (keysym == 0xFF53 || keysym == 0xFF98) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[C"); /* Right */
if (keysym == 0xFF54 || keysym == 0xFF99) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[B"); /* Down */
if (keysym == 0xFF55 || keysym == 0xFF9A) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[5~"); /* Page up */
if (keysym == 0xFF56 || keysym == 0xFF9B) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[6~"); /* Page down */
if (keysym == 0xFF57 || keysym == 0xFF9C) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[4~"); /* End */
if (keysym == 0xFF63 || keysym == 0xFF9E) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[2~"); /* Insert */
if (keysym == 0xFFBE || keysym == 0xFF91) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[[A"); /* F1 */
if (keysym == 0xFFBF || keysym == 0xFF92) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[[B"); /* F2 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC0 || keysym == 0xFF93) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[[C"); /* F3 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC1 || keysym == 0xFF94) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[[D"); /* F4 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC2) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[[E"); /* F5 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC3) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[17~"); /* F6 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC4) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[18~"); /* F7 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC5) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[19~"); /* F8 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC6) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[20~"); /* F9 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC7) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[21~"); /* F10 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC8) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[22~"); /* F11 */
if (keysym == 0xFFC9) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[23~"); /* F12 */
if (keysym == 0xFFFF || keysym == 0xFF9F) return guac_terminal_send_string(term, "\x1B[3~"); /* Delete */
/* Ignore unknown keys */
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Ignoring unknown keysym: 0x%X", keysym);
return 0;
int guac_terminal_send_key(guac_terminal* term, int keysym, int pressed) {
int result;
result = __guac_terminal_send_key(term, keysym, pressed);
return result;
* Determines if the given character is part of a word.
* Match these chars :[0-9A-Za-z\$\%\&\-\.\/\:\=\?\\_~]
* This allows a path, URL, variable name or IP address to be treated as a word.
* @param ascii_char
* The character to check.
* @return
* true if match a "word" char,
* false otherwise.
static bool guac_terminal_is_part_of_word(int ascii_char) {
return ((ascii_char >= '0' && ascii_char <= '9') ||
(ascii_char >= 'A' && ascii_char <= 'Z') ||
(ascii_char >= 'a' && ascii_char <= 'z') ||
(ascii_char == '$') ||
(ascii_char == '%') ||
(ascii_char == '&') ||
(ascii_char == '-') ||
(ascii_char == '.') ||
(ascii_char == '/') ||
(ascii_char == ':') ||
(ascii_char == '=') ||
(ascii_char == '?') ||
(ascii_char == '\\') ||
(ascii_char == '_') ||
(ascii_char == '~'));
* Determines if the given character is part of blank block.
* @param ascii_char
* The character to check.
* @return
* true if match space (char 0x20) or NULL (char 0x00),
* false otherwise.
static bool guac_terminal_is_blank(int ascii_char) {
return (ascii_char == '\0' || ascii_char == ' ');
* Selection of a word during a double click event.
* - Fetching the character under the mouse cursor.
* - Determining the type of character :
* Letter, digit, acceptable symbol within a word,
* or space/NULL,
* all other chars are treated as single.
* - Calculating the word boundaries.
* - Visual selection of the found word.
* - Adding it to clipboard.
* @param terminal
* The terminal that received a double click event.
* @param row
* The row where is the mouse at the double click event.
* @param col
* The column where is the mouse at the double click event.
static void guac_terminal_double_click(guac_terminal* terminal, int row, int col) {
guac_terminal_char* characters;
int length = guac_terminal_buffer_get_columns(terminal->current_buffer, &characters, NULL, row);
if (col >= length)
/* (char)10 behind cursor */
int current_char = characters[col].value;
/* Position of the word behind cursor.
* Default = col required to select a char if not a word and not blank. */
/* The function used to calculate the word borders */
bool (*is_part_of_word)(int) = NULL;
/* If selection is on a word, get its borders */
if (guac_terminal_is_part_of_word(current_char))
is_part_of_word = guac_terminal_is_part_of_word;
/* If selection is on a blank, get its borders */
else if (guac_terminal_is_blank(current_char))
is_part_of_word = guac_terminal_is_blank;
int word_head = col;
int word_tail = col;
if (is_part_of_word != NULL) {
/* Get word head*/
for (; word_head - 1 >= 0; word_head--) {
if (!is_part_of_word(characters[word_head - 1].value))
/* Get word tail */
for (; word_tail + 1 < terminal->display->width && word_tail + 1 < length; word_tail++) {
if (!is_part_of_word(characters[word_tail + 1].value))
/* Select and add to clipboard the "word" */
guac_terminal_select_start(terminal, row, word_head);
guac_terminal_select_update(terminal, row, word_tail);
static int __guac_terminal_send_mouse(guac_terminal* term, guac_user* user,
int x, int y, int mask) {
/* Ignore user input if terminal is not started */
if (!term->started) {
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "Ignoring user input "
"while terminal has not yet started.");
return 0;
/* Determine which buttons were just released and pressed */
int released_mask = term->mouse_mask & ~mask;
int pressed_mask = ~term->mouse_mask & mask;
/* Store current mouse location/state */
guac_common_cursor_update(term->cursor, user, x, y, mask);
/* Notify scrollbar, do not handle anything handled by scrollbar */
if (guac_terminal_scrollbar_handle_mouse(term->scrollbar, x, y, mask)) {
/* Set pointer cursor if mouse is over scrollbar */
if (term->current_cursor != GUAC_TERMINAL_CURSOR_POINTER) {
term->current_cursor = GUAC_TERMINAL_CURSOR_POINTER;
return 0;
/* Remove display margin from mouse position without going below 0 */
y = y >= term->display->margin ? y - term->display->margin : 0;
x = x >= term->display->margin ? x - term->display->margin : 0;
term->mouse_mask = mask;
/* Show mouse cursor if not already shown */
if (term->current_cursor != GUAC_TERMINAL_CURSOR_IBAR) {
term->current_cursor = GUAC_TERMINAL_CURSOR_IBAR;
/* Paste contents of clipboard on right or middle mouse button up */
if ((released_mask & GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_RIGHT) || (released_mask & GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_MIDDLE))
return guac_terminal_send_data(term, term->clipboard->buffer, term->clipboard->length);
/* If left mouse button was just released, stop selection */
if (released_mask & GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_LEFT)
/* Update selection state contextually while the left mouse button is
* pressed */
else if (mask & GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_LEFT) {
int row = y / term->display->char_height - term->scroll_offset;
int col = x / term->display->char_width;
/* If mouse button was already just pressed, start a new selection or
* resume the existing selection depending on whether shift is held */
if (pressed_mask & GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_LEFT) {
if (term->mod_shift)
guac_terminal_select_resume(term, row, col);
else {
/* Reset click counter if last click was 300ms before */
if (guac_timestamp_current() - term->click_timer > 300)
term->click_counter = 0;
/* New click time */
term->click_timer = guac_timestamp_current();
switch (term->click_counter++) {
/* First click = start selection */
case 0:
guac_terminal_select_start(term, row, col);
/* Second click = word selection */
case 1:
guac_terminal_double_click(term, row, col);
/* third click or more = line selection */
guac_terminal_select_start(term, row, 0);
guac_terminal_select_update(term, row, term->display->width);
/* In all other cases, simply update the existing selection as long as
* the mouse button is pressed */
guac_terminal_select_update(term, row, col);
/* Scroll up if wheel moved up */
if (released_mask & GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP)
guac_terminal_scroll_display_up(term, GUAC_TERMINAL_WHEEL_SCROLL_AMOUNT);
/* Scroll down if wheel moved down */
if (released_mask & GUAC_CLIENT_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN)
guac_terminal_scroll_display_down(term, GUAC_TERMINAL_WHEEL_SCROLL_AMOUNT);
return 0;
int guac_terminal_send_mouse(guac_terminal* term, guac_user* user,
int x, int y, int mask) {
int result;
result = __guac_terminal_send_mouse(term, user, x, y, mask);
return result;
void guac_terminal_scroll_handler(guac_terminal_scrollbar* scrollbar, int value) {
guac_terminal* terminal = (guac_terminal*) scrollbar->data;
/* Calculate change in scroll offset */
int delta = -value - terminal->scroll_offset;
/* Update terminal based on change in scroll offset */
if (delta < 0)
guac_terminal_scroll_display_down(terminal, -delta);
else if (delta > 0)
guac_terminal_scroll_display_up(terminal, delta);
/* Update scrollbar value */
guac_terminal_scrollbar_set_value(scrollbar, value);
int guac_terminal_sendf(guac_terminal* term, const char* format, ...) {
int written;
va_list ap;
char buffer[1024];
/* Block all other sources of input if input is coming from a stream */
if (term->input_stream != NULL)
return 0;
/* Print to buffer */
va_start(ap, format);
written = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, ap);
if (written < 0)
return written;
/* Write to STDIN */
return guac_terminal_write_all(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1], buffer, written);
void guac_terminal_set_tab(guac_terminal* term, int column) {
int i;
/* Search for available space, set if available */
for (i=0; i<GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_TABS; i++) {
/* Set tab if space free */
if (term->custom_tabs[i] == 0) {
term->custom_tabs[i] = column+1;
void guac_terminal_unset_tab(guac_terminal* term, int column) {
int i;
/* Search for given tab, unset if found */
for (i=0; i<GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_TABS; i++) {
/* Unset tab if found */
if (term->custom_tabs[i] == column+1) {
term->custom_tabs[i] = 0;
void guac_terminal_clear_tabs(guac_terminal* term) {
term->tab_interval = 0;
memset(term->custom_tabs, 0, sizeof(term->custom_tabs));
int guac_terminal_next_tab(guac_terminal* term, int column) {
int i;
/* Determine tab stop from interval */
int tabstop;
if (term->tab_interval != 0)
tabstop = (column / term->tab_interval + 1) * term->tab_interval;
tabstop = term->term_width - 1;
/* Walk custom tabs, trying to find an earlier occurrence */
for (i=0; i<GUAC_TERMINAL_MAX_TABS; i++) {
int custom_tabstop = term->custom_tabs[i] - 1;
if (custom_tabstop != -1 && custom_tabstop > column && custom_tabstop < tabstop)
tabstop = custom_tabstop;
return tabstop;
void guac_terminal_pipe_stream_open(guac_terminal* term, const char* name,
int flags) {
guac_client* client = term->client;
guac_socket* socket = client->socket;
/* Close existing stream, if any */
/* Allocate and assign new pipe stream */
term->pipe_stream = guac_client_alloc_stream(client);
term->pipe_buffer_length = 0;
term->pipe_stream_flags = flags;
/* Open new pipe stream */
guac_protocol_send_pipe(socket, term->pipe_stream, "text/plain", name);
/* Log redirect at debug level */
guac_client_log(client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "Terminal output now directed to "
"pipe \"%s\" (flags=%i).", name, flags);
void guac_terminal_pipe_stream_write(guac_terminal* term, char c) {
/* Append byte to buffer only if pipe is open */
if (term->pipe_stream != NULL) {
/* Flush buffer if no space is available */
if (term->pipe_buffer_length == sizeof(term->pipe_buffer))
/* Append single byte to buffer */
term->pipe_buffer[term->pipe_buffer_length++] = c;
void guac_terminal_pipe_stream_flush(guac_terminal* term) {
guac_client* client = term->client;
guac_socket* socket = client->socket;
guac_stream* pipe_stream = term->pipe_stream;
/* Write blob if data exists in buffer */
if (pipe_stream != NULL && term->pipe_buffer_length > 0) {
guac_protocol_send_blob(socket, pipe_stream,
term->pipe_buffer, term->pipe_buffer_length);
term->pipe_buffer_length = 0;
void guac_terminal_pipe_stream_close(guac_terminal* term) {
guac_client* client = term->client;
guac_socket* socket = client->socket;
guac_stream* pipe_stream = term->pipe_stream;
/* Close any existing pipe */
if (pipe_stream != NULL) {
/* Write end of stream */
guac_protocol_send_end(socket, pipe_stream);
/* Destroy stream */
guac_client_free_stream(client, pipe_stream);
term->pipe_stream = NULL;
/* Log redirect at debug level */
guac_client_log(client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Terminal output now redirected to display.");
int guac_terminal_create_typescript(guac_terminal* term, const char* path,
const char* name, int create_path, int allow_write_existing) {
/* Create typescript */
term->typescript = guac_terminal_typescript_alloc(
path, name, create_path, allow_write_existing);
/* Log failure */
if (term->typescript == NULL) {
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_ERROR,
"Creation of typescript failed: %s", strerror(errno));
return 1;
/* If typescript was successfully created, log filenames */
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_INFO,
"Typescript of terminal session will be saved to \"%s\". "
"Timing file is \"%s\".",
/* Typescript creation succeeded */
return 0;
* Synchronize the state of the provided terminal to a subset of users of
* the provided guac_client using the provided socket.
* @param client
* The client whose users should be synchronized.
* @param term
* The terminal state that should be synchronized to the users.
* @param socket
* The socket that should be used to communicate with the users.
static void __guac_terminal_sync_socket(
guac_client* client, guac_terminal* term, guac_socket* socket) {
/* Synchronize display state with new user */
guac_terminal_repaint_default_layer(term, socket);
guac_terminal_display_dup(term->display, client, socket);
/* Synchronize mouse cursor */
guac_common_cursor_dup(term->cursor, client, socket);
/* Paint scrollbar for joining users */
guac_terminal_scrollbar_dup(term->scrollbar, client, socket);
void guac_terminal_dup(guac_terminal* term, guac_user* user,
guac_socket* socket) {
/* Ignore the user and just use the provided socket directly */
__guac_terminal_sync_socket(user->client, term, socket);
void guac_terminal_sync_users(
guac_terminal* term, guac_client* client, guac_socket* socket) {
/* Use the provided socket to synchronize state to the users */
__guac_terminal_sync_socket(client, term, socket);
void guac_terminal_apply_color_scheme(guac_terminal* terminal,
const char* color_scheme) {
guac_client* client = terminal->client;
guac_terminal_char* default_char = &terminal->default_char;
guac_terminal_display* display = terminal->display;
/* Reinitialize default terminal colors with values from color scheme */
guac_terminal_parse_color_scheme(client, color_scheme,
/* Reinitialize default attributes of buffer and display */
display->default_foreground = default_char->attributes.foreground;
display->default_background = default_char->attributes.background;
/* Redraw terminal text and background */
/* Acquire exclusive access to terminal */
/* Update stored copy of color scheme */
terminal->color_scheme = guac_strdup(color_scheme);
/* Release terminal */
const char* guac_terminal_get_color_scheme(guac_terminal* terminal) {
return terminal->color_scheme;
void guac_terminal_apply_font(guac_terminal* terminal, const char* font_name,
int font_size, int dpi) {
guac_terminal_display* display = terminal->display;
if (guac_terminal_display_set_font(display, font_name, font_size, dpi))
/* Resize terminal to fit available region, now that font metrics may be
* different */
guac_terminal_resize(terminal, terminal->outer_width,
/* Redraw terminal text and background */
/* Acquire exclusive access to terminal */
/* Update stored copy of font name, if changed */
if (font_name != NULL)
terminal->font_name = guac_strdup(font_name);
/* Update stored copy of font size, if changed */
if (font_size != -1)
terminal->font_size = font_size;
/* Release terminal */
void guac_terminal_set_upload_path_handler(guac_terminal* terminal,
guac_terminal_upload_path_handler* upload_path_handler) {
terminal->upload_path_handler = upload_path_handler;
void guac_terminal_set_file_download_handler(guac_terminal* terminal,
guac_terminal_file_download_handler* file_download_handler) {
terminal->file_download_handler = file_download_handler;
const char* guac_terminal_get_font_name(guac_terminal* terminal) {
return terminal->font_name;
int guac_terminal_get_font_size(guac_terminal* terminal) {
return terminal->font_size;
int guac_terminal_get_mod_ctrl(guac_terminal* terminal) {
return terminal->mod_ctrl;
void guac_terminal_clipboard_reset(guac_terminal* terminal,
const char* mimetype) {
guac_common_clipboard_reset(terminal->clipboard, mimetype);
void guac_terminal_clipboard_append(guac_terminal* terminal,
const char* data, int length) {
/* Allocate and clear space for the converted data */
char* output = output_data;
/* Convert clipboard contents */
guac_iconv(GUAC_READ_UTF8_NORMALIZED, &data, length,
guac_common_clipboard_append(terminal->clipboard, output_data, output - output_data);
void guac_terminal_remove_user(guac_terminal* terminal, guac_user* user) {
/* Remove the user from the terminal cursor */
guac_common_cursor_remove_user(terminal->cursor, user);
void guac_terminal_redraw_default_layer(guac_terminal* terminal) {
/* Redraw terminal text and background */
guac_terminal_repaint_default_layer(terminal, terminal->client->socket);
__guac_terminal_redraw_rect(terminal, 0, 0,
terminal->term_height - 1,
terminal->term_width - 1);