blob: a7ca7da52e758f65e48faf28a187dfa91a8eec23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "config.h"
#include "common/rect.h"
void guac_common_rect_init(guac_common_rect* rect, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
rect->x = x;
rect->y = y;
rect->width = width;
rect->height = height;
void guac_common_rect_extend(guac_common_rect* rect, const guac_common_rect* min) {
/* Calculate extents of existing dirty rect */
int left = rect->x;
int top = rect->y;
int right = left + rect->width;
int bottom = top + rect->height;
/* Calculate missing extents of given new rect */
int min_left = min->x;
int min_top = min->y;
int min_right = min_left + min->width;
int min_bottom = min_top + min->height;
/* Update minimums */
if (min_left < left) left = min_left;
if (min_top < top) top = min_top;
if (min_right > right) right = min_right;
if (min_bottom > bottom) bottom = min_bottom;
/* Commit rect */
guac_common_rect_init(rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
void guac_common_rect_constrain(guac_common_rect* rect, const guac_common_rect* max) {
/* Calculate extents of existing dirty rect */
int left = rect->x;
int top = rect->y;
int right = left + rect->width;
int bottom = top + rect->height;
/* Calculate missing extents of given new rect */
int max_left = max->x;
int max_top = max->y;
int max_right = max_left + max->width;
int max_bottom = max_top + max->height;
/* Update maximums */
if (max_left > left) left = max_left;
if (max_top > top) top = max_top;
if (max_right < right) right = max_right;
if (max_bottom < bottom) bottom = max_bottom;
/* Commit rect */
guac_common_rect_init(rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
int guac_common_rect_expand_to_grid(int cell_size, guac_common_rect* rect,
const guac_common_rect* max_rect) {
/* Invalid cell_size received */
if (cell_size <= 0)
return -1;
/* Nothing to do */
if (cell_size == 1)
return 0;
/* Calculate how much the rectangle must be adjusted to fit within the
* given cell size. */
int dw = cell_size - rect->width % cell_size;
int dh = cell_size - rect->height % cell_size;
int dx = dw / 2;
int dy = dh / 2;
/* Set initial extents of adjusted rectangle. */
int top = rect->y - dy;
int left = rect->x - dx;
int bottom = top + rect->height + dh;
int right = left + rect->width + dw;
/* The max rectangle */
int max_left = max_rect->x;
int max_top = max_rect->y;
int max_right = max_left + max_rect->width;
int max_bottom = max_top + max_rect->height;
/* If the adjusted rectangle has sides beyond the max rectangle, or is larger
* in any direction; shift or adjust the rectangle while trying to fit in
* the grid */
/* Adjust left/right */
if (right > max_right) {
/* shift to left */
dw = right - max_right;
right -= dw;
left -= dw;
/* clamp left if too far */
if (left < max_left) {
left = max_left;
else if (left < max_left) {
/* shift to right */
dw = max_left - left;
left += dw;
right += dw;
/* clamp right if too far */
if (right > max_right) {
right = max_right;
/* Adjust top/bottom */
if (bottom > max_bottom) {
/* shift up */
dh = bottom - max_bottom;
bottom -= dh;
top -= dh;
/* clamp top if too far */
if (top < max_top) {
top = max_top;
else if (top < max_top) {
/* shift down */
dh = max_top - top;
top += dh;
bottom += dh;
/* clamp bottom if too far */
if (bottom > max_bottom) {
bottom = max_bottom;
/* Commit rect */
guac_common_rect_init(rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
return 0;
int guac_common_rect_intersects(const guac_common_rect* rect,
const guac_common_rect* other) {
/* Empty (no intersection) */
if (other->x + other->width < rect->x || rect->x + rect->width < other->x ||
other->y + other->height < rect->y || rect->y + rect->height < other->y) {
return 0;
/* Complete */
else if (other->x <= rect->x && (other->x + other->width) >= (rect->x + rect->width) &&
other->y <= rect->y && (other->y + other->height) >= (rect->y + rect->height)) {
return 2;
/* Partial intersection */
return 1;
int guac_common_rect_clip_and_split(guac_common_rect* rect,
const guac_common_rect* hole, guac_common_rect* split_rect) {
/* Only continue if the rectangles intersects */
if (!guac_common_rect_intersects(rect, hole))
return 0;
int top, left, bottom, right;
/* Clip and split top */
if (rect->y < hole->y) {
top = rect->y;
left = rect->x;
bottom = hole->y;
right = rect->x + rect->width;
guac_common_rect_init(split_rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
/* Re-initialize original rect */
top = hole->y;
bottom = rect->y + rect->height;
guac_common_rect_init(rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
return 1;
/* Clip and split left */
else if (rect->x < hole->x) {
top = rect->y;
left = rect->x;
bottom = rect->y + rect->height;
right = hole->x;
guac_common_rect_init(split_rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
/* Re-initialize original rect */
left = hole->x;
right = rect->x + rect->width;
guac_common_rect_init(rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
return 1;
/* Clip and split bottom */
else if (rect->y + rect->height > hole->y + hole->height) {
top = hole->y + hole->height;
left = rect->x;
bottom = rect->y + rect->height;
right = rect->x + rect->width;
guac_common_rect_init(split_rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
/* Re-initialize original rect */
top = rect->y;
bottom = hole->y + hole->height;
guac_common_rect_init(rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
return 1;
/* Clip and split right */
else if (rect->x + rect->width > hole->x + hole->width) {
top = rect->y;
left = hole->x + hole->width;
bottom = rect->y + rect->height;
right = rect->x + rect->width;
guac_common_rect_init(split_rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
/* Re-initialize original rect */
left = rect->x;
right = hole->x + hole->width;
guac_common_rect_init(rect, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
return 1;
return 0;