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package groovy
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
* Test for the spread dot operator "*.".
* For an example,
* list*.property
* means
* list.collect { it?.property }
class SpreadDotTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testSpreadDot() {
def m1 = ["a": 1, "b": 2]
def m2 = ["a": 11, "b": 22]
def m3 = ["a": 111, "b": 222]
def x = [m1, m2, m3]
assert x*.a == [1, 11, 111]
assert x*."a" == [1, 11, 111]
assert x == [m1, m2, m3]
def m4 = null
x << m4
assert x*.a == [1, 11, 111, null]
assert x*."a" == [1, 11, 111, null]
assert x == [m1, m2, m3, null]
Date checkDate = new Date()
def d = new SpreadDotDemo()
x << d
assert x*."a"[4] >= checkDate
assert x == [m1, m2, m3, null, d]
def y = new SpreadDotDemo2()
assert y."a" == 'Attribute Get a'
assert y.a == 'Attribute Get a'
x << y
assert x*."a"[5] == 'Attribute Get a'
assert x == [m1, m2, m3, null, d, y]
void testSpreadDot2() {
def a = new SpreadDotDemo()
def b = new SpreadDotDemo2()
def x = [a, b]
assert x*.fnB("1") == [a.fnB("1"), b.fnB("1")]
assert [a, b]*.fnB() == [a.fnB(), b.fnB()]
void testSpreadDotArrays() {
def a = new SpreadDotDemo()
def b = new SpreadDotDemo2()
Object[] x = [a, b]
assert x*.fnB("1") == [a.fnB("1"), b.fnB("1")]
assert [a, b]*.fnB() == [a.fnB(), b.fnB()]
int[] nums = [3, 4, 5]
assert nums*.toString() == ['3', '4', '5']
boolean[] answers = [true, false, true]
assert answers*.toString() == ['true', 'false', 'true']
String[] pets = ['ant', 'bear', 'camel']
assert pets*.length() == nums
void testSpreadDotOnArrays2() {
def books = [Book1, Book2, Book3] as Object[]
books*.metaClass*.foo = { "Hello, ${}" }
assertEquals "Hello, groovy.Book1", new Book1().foo()
assertEquals "Hello, groovy.Book2", new Book2().foo()
assertEquals "Hello, groovy.Book3", new Book3().foo()
void testSpreadDotAdvanced() {
assertEquals([3, 3], ['cat', 'dog']*.size())
assertEquals([3, 3], (['cat', 'dog'] as Vector)*.size())
assertEquals([3, 3], (['cat', 'dog'] as String[])*.size())
assertEquals([3, 3], (['cat', 'dog'] as Vector).elements()*.size())
assertEquals([1, 1, 1], 'zoo'*.size())
assertEquals(Object, new Object().getClass())
assertEquals([Object], new Object()*.getClass())
assertEquals('Large', new Shirt().size())
assertEquals(['Large'], new Shirt()*.size())
void testSpreadDotMap() {
def map = [A: "one", B: "two", C: "three"]
assert map.collect { child -> child.value.size() } == [3, 3, 5]
assert map*.value*.size() == [3, 3, 5]
assert map*.getKey() == ['A', 'B', 'C']
void testSpreadDotAttribute() {
def s = new Singlet()
assert s.size == 1
assert s.@size == 12
def wardrobe = [s, s]
assert wardrobe*.size == [1, 1]
assert wardrobe*.@size == [12, 12]
void testNewLine() {
def x = [a: 1, b: 2]
def y = x
assert y == ['1', '2']
def z = x
assert z == 3
x = [new Singlet(), new Singlet()]
y = x
assert y == [12, 12]
class SpreadDotDemo {
java.util.Date getA() {
return new Date()
String fnB() {
return "bb"
String fnB(String m) {
return "BB$m"
class SpreadDotDemo2 {
String getAttribute(String key) {
return "Attribute $key"
String get(String key) {
return getAttribute("Get $key")
String fnB() {
return "cc"
String fnB(String m) {
return "CC$m"
class Book1 {}
class Book2 {}
class Book3 {}
class Shirt {
def size() { 'Large' }
class Singlet {
private size = 12
def getSize() { 1 }