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package groovy
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
* Tests for DGM methods on CharSequence.
class GroovyCharSequenceMethodsTest extends GroovyTestCase {
private static CharSequence makeCharSequence(String s) {
toString : { -> s },
subSequence: { int f, int t -> s.substring(f, t) },
length : { -> s.length() },
charAt : { int i -> s.chars[i] },
] as CharSequence
def cs1 = makeCharSequence('Today is Thu Jul 28 06:38:07 EST 2011')
def cs2 = makeCharSequence('Foobar')
def cs3 = makeCharSequence('''\
def csEmpty = makeCharSequence('')
void testIsCase() {
// direct
assert cs2.isCase('Foobar')
assert !cs2.isCase('Baz')
// typical usage
switch(cs2) {
case 'Foobar': break
default: assert false, 'Should not get here'
void testSize() {
assert cs1.size() == 37
void testGetAtRange() {
assert cs2.getAt(1..3) == 'oob'
assert cs2[1..3] == 'oob'
assert cs2.getAt(3..1) == 'boo'
assert cs2.getAt(-3..-1) == 'bar'
assert cs2[-3..-1] == 'bar'
void testGetAtCollection() {
assert cs2.getAt([0, 4, 5]) == 'Far'
assert cs2[1, 3, 5] == 'obr'
assert cs2[3, 5, 2] == 'bro'
void testGetAtEmptyRange() {
assert cs2.getAt(new EmptyRange(null)) == ''
void testReverse() {
assert cs2.reverse() == 'rabooF'
void testStripMargin() {
assert cs3.stripMargin() == 'Foo\nbar\n'
void testStripIndent() {
assert cs3.stripIndent() == '|Foo\n|bar\n|'
void testIsAllWhitespace() {
assert !cs2.isAllWhitespace()
assert makeCharSequence(' \t\n\r').isAllWhitespace()
void testReplace() {
assert cs2.replaceFirst(~/[ab]/, csEmpty) == 'Fooar'
assert cs2.replaceAll(~/[ab]/, csEmpty) == 'Foor'
void testMatches() {
assert cs2.matches(~/.oo.*/)
assert !cs2.matches(~/.*z.*/)
void testFind() {
def csDigits = makeCharSequence(/\d{4}/)
assert cs1.find(csDigits) == '2011'
assert cs1.find(csDigits, {"--$it--"}) == '--2011--'
assert cs1.find(~/\d\d:\d\d/) == '06:38'
assert cs1.find(~/\d\d:\d\d/, {"|$it|"}) == '|06:38|'
void testFindAll() {
def csDigits = makeCharSequence(/\d\d/)
assert cs1.findAll(csDigits) == ['28', '06', '38', '07', '20', '11']
assert cs1.findAll(csDigits, {"<$it>"}) == ['<28>', '<06>', '<38>', '<07>', '<20>', '<11>']
assert cs1.findAll(~/\s\d\d/) == [' 28', ' 06', ' 20']
assert cs1.findAll(~/\s\d\d/, {"<$it >"}) == ['< 28 >', '< 06 >', '< 20 >']
void testPad() {
assert cs2.padLeft(10) == ' Foobar'
assert cs2.padLeft(10, '+') == '++++Foobar'
assert cs2.padRight(10) == 'Foobar '
assert cs2.padRight(10, '+') == 'Foobar++++'
assert == ' Foobar '
assert, '+') == '++Foobar++'
void testDrop() {
assert cs2.drop(3) == 'bar'
void testDropTakeTC() {
assertScript '''
def method() {
assert 'Foo Bar'.drop(4).toLowerCase() == 'bar'
assert 'Foo Bar'.take(3).toLowerCase() == 'foo'
void testAsBoolean() {
assert cs1 && cs2
assert !csEmpty
void testLeftShift() {
assert cs2.leftShift('___').toString() == 'Foobar___'
assert (cs2 << 'baz').toString() == 'Foobarbaz'
void testSplit() {
def parts = cs1.split()
assert parts instanceof CharSequence[]
assert parts.size() == 8
assert parts[2] == 'Thu'
void testTokenize() {
def parts = cs1.tokenize()
assert parts instanceof List
assert parts.size() == 8
assert parts[2] == 'Thu'
parts = cs1.tokenize(':')
assert parts.size() == 3
assert parts[1] == '38'
void testCapitalize() {
def csfoo = makeCharSequence('foo')
assert csfoo.capitalize() == 'Foo'
assert cs2.capitalize() == 'Foobar'
void testUncapitalize() {
def csfoo = makeCharSequence('Foo')
assert csfoo.uncapitalize() == 'foo'
assert cs2.uncapitalize() == 'foobar'
void testExpand() {
def csfoobar = makeCharSequence('foo\tbar')
assert csfoobar.expand() == 'foo bar'
assert csfoobar.expand(4) == 'foo bar'
csfoobar = makeCharSequence('\tfoo\n\tbar')
assert csfoobar.expand(4) == ' foo\n bar'
void testUnexpand() {
def csfoobar = makeCharSequence('foo bar')
assert csfoobar.unexpand() == 'foo\tbar'
assert csfoobar.unexpand(4) == 'foo\t\tbar'
csfoobar = makeCharSequence(' foo\n bar')
assert csfoobar.unexpand(4) == '\t foo\n\tbar'
void testPlus() {
assert == 'Foobar42'
assert cs2 + 42 == 'Foobar42'
void testMinus() {
def csoo = makeCharSequence('oo')
assert cs2.minus(42) == 'Foobar'
assert cs2.minus(csoo) == 'Fbar'
assert cs2 - csoo == 'Fbar'
void testContains() {
def csoo = makeCharSequence('oo')
def csbaz = makeCharSequence('baz')
assert cs2.contains(csoo)
assert !cs2.contains(csbaz)
void testCount() {
def cszero = makeCharSequence('0')
def csbar = makeCharSequence('|')
assert cs1.count(cszero) == 3
assert cs3.count(csbar) == 3
void testNext() {
assert == 'Foobas'
assert ++cs2 == 'Foobas'
void testPrevious() {
assert cs2.previous() == 'Foobaq'
assert --cs2 == 'Foobaq'
void testMultiply() {
assert cs2.multiply(2) == 'FoobarFoobar'
assert cs2 * 3 == 'FoobarFoobarFoobar'
void testToInteger() {
def csFourteen = makeCharSequence('014')
assert csFourteen.isInteger()
def fourteen = csFourteen.toInteger()
assert fourteen instanceof Integer
assert fourteen == 14
void testToLong() {
def csFourteen = makeCharSequence('014')
assert csFourteen.isLong()
def fourteen = csFourteen.toLong()
assert fourteen instanceof Long
assert fourteen == 14L
void testToShort() {
def csFourteen = makeCharSequence('014')
def fourteen = csFourteen.toShort()
assert fourteen instanceof Short
assert fourteen == 14
void testToBigInteger() {
def csFourteen = makeCharSequence('014')
assert csFourteen.isBigInteger()
def fourteen = csFourteen.toBigInteger()
assert fourteen instanceof BigInteger
assert fourteen == 14G
void testToFloat() {
def csThreePointFive = makeCharSequence('3.5')
assert csThreePointFive.isFloat()
def threePointFive = csThreePointFive.toFloat()
assert threePointFive instanceof Float
assert threePointFive == 3.5
void testToDouble() {
def csThreePointFive = makeCharSequence('3.5')
assert csThreePointFive.isDouble()
def threePointFive = csThreePointFive.toDouble()
assert threePointFive instanceof Double
assert threePointFive == 3.5D
void testToBigDecimal() {
def csThreePointFive = makeCharSequence('3.5')
assert csThreePointFive.isBigDecimal()
assert csThreePointFive.isNumber()
def threePointFive = csThreePointFive.toBigDecimal()
assert threePointFive instanceof BigDecimal
assert threePointFive == 3.5G
void testEachLine() {
def result = []
cs3.eachLine{ line, num -> result << "$num:${line.size()}" }
assert result == ["0:20", "1:20", "2:17"]
result = []
cs3.eachLine(10){ line, num -> result << "$num:${line.size()}" }
assert result == ["10:20", "11:20", "12:17"]
void testSplitEachLine() {
def regexOp = /\s*\*\s*/
def csOp = makeCharSequence(regexOp)
def csTwoLines = makeCharSequence('10*15\n11 * 9')
def result = []
csTwoLines.splitEachLine(csOp){ left, right -> result << left.toInteger() * right.toInteger() }
assert result == [150, 99]
result = []
csTwoLines.splitEachLine(~regexOp){ left, right -> result << left.toInteger() * right.toInteger() }
assert result == [150, 99]
void testReadLines() {
def lines = cs3.readLines()
assert lines.size() == 3
assert lines[1].trim() == '|bar'
void testToList() {
def chars = cs2.toList()
assert chars.size() == 6
assert chars[0] == 'F'
assert chars[3] == 'b'
assert chars[-1] == 'r'
void testToSet() {
def chars = cs2.toSet()
assert chars.size() == 5
assert 'F' in chars
assert 'b' in chars
void testGetChars() {
def chars = cs2.chars
assert chars instanceof char[]
assert chars.size() == 6
assert chars[0] == 'F'
assert chars[3] == 'b'
assert chars[-1] == 'r'
private enum Coin { penny, nickel, dime, quarter }
void testAsType() {
def csDime = makeCharSequence('dime')
def dime = csDime as Coin
assert dime instanceof Coin
assert dime == Coin.dime
void testEachMatch() {
def result = []
def regexDigits = /(\d)(.)(\d)/
def csDigits = makeCharSequence(regexDigits)
assert cs1.eachMatch(csDigits) { all, first, delim, second -> result << "$first $delim $second" }
assert result == ['8 0', '6 : 3', '8 : 0', '2 0 1']
result = []
assert cs1.eachMatch(~regexDigits) { all, first, delim, second -> result << "$first $delim $second" }
assert result == ['8 0', '6 : 3', '8 : 0', '2 0 1']
void testTr() {
assert':uoa', '/___') == 'T_d_y is Th_ J_l 28 06/38/07 EST 2011'
void testReplaceAllFirst() {
def csDigit = makeCharSequence(/\d/)
def csUnder = makeCharSequence(/_/)
assert cs1.replaceAll(~/\d/, csUnder) == 'Today is Thu Jul __ __:__:__ EST ____'
assert cs1.replaceAll(csDigit, csUnder) == 'Today is Thu Jul __ __:__:__ EST ____'
assert cs1.replaceAll(csDigit, { '_' }) == 'Today is Thu Jul __ __:__:__ EST ____'
assert cs1.replaceFirst(~/\d/, csUnder) == 'Today is Thu Jul _8 06:38:07 EST 2011'
assert cs1.replaceFirst(csDigit, csUnder) == 'Today is Thu Jul _8 06:38:07 EST 2011'
assert cs1.replaceFirst(csDigit, { '_' }) == 'Today is Thu Jul _8 06:38:07 EST 2011'
void testNormalizeDenormalize() {
def text = 'the quick brown\nfox jumped\r\nover the lazy dog'
def csText = makeCharSequence(text)
assert csText.normalize() == text.normalize()
assert csText.normalize().denormalize() == text.normalize().denormalize()