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package groovy
import gls.CompilableTestSupport
class AbstractClassAndInterfaceTest extends CompilableTestSupport {
void testInterface() {
def shell = new GroovyShell()
def text = """
interface A {
void methodOne(Object o)
Object methodTwo()
class B implements A {
void methodOne(Object o){assert true}
Object methodTwo(){
assert true
return new Object()
def b = new B();
return b.methodTwo()
def retVal = shell.evaluate(text)
assert retVal.class == Object
void testClassImplementingAnInterfaceButMissesMethod() {
shouldNotCompile """
interface A {
void methodOne(Object o)
Object methodTwo()
class B implements A {
void methodOne(Object o){assert true}
def b = new B();
return b.methodTwo()
shouldNotCompile """
interface A {
Object methodTwo()
interface B extends A{
void methodOne(Object o)
class C implements A {
void methodOne(Object o){assert true}
def b = new C();
return b.methodTwo()
void testClassImplementingNestedInterfaceShouldContainMethodsFromSuperInterfaces() {
shouldNotCompile """
interface A { def a() }
interface B extends A { def b() }
class BImpl implements B {
def b(){ println 'foo' }
new BImpl().b()
void testAbstractClass() {
def shell = new GroovyShell()
def text = """
abstract class A {
abstract void methodOne(Object o)
Object methodTwo(){
assert true
return new Object()
class B extends A {
void methodOne(Object o){assert true}
def b = new B();
return b.methodTwo()
def retVal = shell.evaluate(text)
assert retVal.class == Object
void testClassExtendingAnAbstractClassButMissesMethod() {
shouldNotCompile """
abstract class A {
abstract void methodOne(Object o)
Object methodTwo(){
assert true
return new Object()
abstract void MethodThree()
abstract class B extends A {
void methodOne(Object o){assert true}
class C extends B{}
def b = new C();
return b.methodTwo()
shouldNotCompile """
abstract class A {
abstract void methodOne(Object o)
Object methodTwo(){
assert true
return new Object()
abstract void MethodThree()
class B extends A {
void methodOne(Object o){assert true}
def b = new B();
return b.methodTwo()
void testInterfaceAbstractClassCombination() {
def shell = new GroovyShell()
def text = """
interface A {
void methodOne()
abstract class B implements A{
abstract void methodTwo()
class C extends B {
void methodOne(){assert true}
void methodTwo(){
def c = new C()
shouldNotCompile """
interface A {
void methodOne()
abstract class B implements A{
abstract void methodTwo()
class C extends B {}
def c = new c()
void testDefaultModifiersForInterfaces() {
def shell = new GroovyShell()
def text = """
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
interface A {
def foo
def fields = A.class.declaredFields
assert fields.length==1
assert fields[0].name == "foo"
assert Modifier.isPublic (fields[0].modifiers)
assert Modifier.isStatic (fields[0].modifiers)
assert Modifier.isFinal (fields[0].modifiers)
void testAccessToInterfaceField() {
def shell = new GroovyShell()
def text = """
interface A {
def foo=1
class B implements A {
def foo(){foo}
assert new B().foo()==1
void testImplementsDuplicateInterface() {
shouldCompile """
interface I {}
class C implements I {}
shouldNotCompile """
interface I {}
class C implements I, I {}
void testDefaultMethodParamsNotAllowedInInterface() {
shouldCompile """
interface Foo {
def doit( String param, int o )
shouldNotCompile """
interface Foo {
def doit( String param = "Groovy", int o )
void testClassImplementsItselfCreatingACycle() {
def scriptStr = """
package p1
class XXX implements XXX {}
shouldNotCompile scriptStr
scriptStr = """
class YYY implements YYY {}
shouldNotCompile scriptStr
void testAbstractClassWithPrivateAbstractMethod() {
def msg = shouldNotCompile """
abstract class X {
private abstract void y()
assert msg.contains("Method 'y' from class 'X' must not be private as it is declared as an abstract method.")
void testAbstractClassWithPrivateAbstractMethods() {
def msg = shouldNotCompile """
abstract class X {
private abstract void y()
private abstract void z()
assert msg.contains("Method 'y' from class 'X' must not be private as it is declared as an abstract method.")
assert msg.contains("Method 'z' from class 'X' must not be private as it is declared as an abstract method.")
void testAbstractNestedClassWithPrivateAbstractMethod() {
def msg = shouldNotCompile """
class Z {
abstract class X {
private abstract void y()
assert msg.contains("Method 'y' from class 'Z\$X' must not be private as it is declared as an abstract method.")
void testClassWithPrivateAbstractMethod() {
def msg = shouldNotCompile """
class X {
private abstract void y()
assert !msg.contains("Method 'y' from class 'X' must not be private as it is declared as an abstract method.")
assert msg.contains("Can't have an abstract method in a non-abstract class. The class 'X' must be declared abstract or the method 'void y()' must be implemented.")
void testEnumWithPrivateAbstractMethod() {
def msg = shouldNotCompile """
enum X {
private void y() { }
private abstract void y()
assert msg.contains("Method 'y' from class 'X' must not be private as it is declared as an abstract method.")
void testInterfaceWithPrivateAbstractMethod() {
def msg = shouldNotCompile """
interface X {
private abstract void y()
assert msg.contains("Method 'y' is private but should be public in interface 'X'.")