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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# groovysh Bash Completion
# =======================
# Bash completion support for the `groovysh` command,
# generated by [picocli]( version 3.0.2.
# 1. Source all completion scripts in your .bash_profile
# cd $GROOVY_HOME/bin
# for f in $(find . -name "*_completion"); do line=". $(pwd)/$f"; grep "$line" ~/.bash_profile || echo "$line" >> ~/.bash_profile; done
# 2. Open a new bash console, and type `groovysh [TAB][TAB]`
# Documentation
# -------------
# The script is called by bash whenever [TAB] or [TAB][TAB] is pressed after
# 'groovysh (..)'. By reading entered command line parameters,
# it determines possible bash completions and writes them to the COMPREPLY variable.
# Bash then completes the user input if only one entry is listed in the variable or
# shows the options if more than one is listed in COMPREPLY.
# References
# ----------
# [1]
# [2]
# [3]
# [4]
# [5]
# Enable programmable completion facilities (see [3])
shopt -s progcomp
# ArrContains takes two arguments, both of which are the name of arrays.
# It creates a temporary hash from lArr1 and then checks if all elements of lArr2
# are in the hashtable.
# Returns zero (no error) if all elements of the 2nd array are in the 1st array,
# otherwise returns 1 (error).
# Modified from [4]
function ArrContains() {
local lArr1 lArr2
declare -A tmp
eval lArr1=("\"\${$1[@]}\"")
eval lArr2=("\"\${$2[@]}\"")
for i in "${lArr1[@]}";{ [ -n "$i" ] && ((++tmp[$i]));}
for i in "${lArr2[@]}";{ [ -n "$i" ] && [ -z "${tmp[$i]}" ] && return 1;}
return 0
# Bash completion entry point function.
# _complete_groovysh finds which commands and subcommands have been specified
# on the command line and delegates to the appropriate function
# to generate possible options and subcommands for the last specified subcommand.
function _complete_groovysh() {
# No subcommands were specified; generate completions for the top-level command.
_picocli_groovysh; return $?;
# Generates completions for the options and subcommands of the `groovysh` command.
function _picocli_groovysh() {
# Get completion data
FLAG_OPTS="-cp -classpath --classpath -h --help -V --version -v --verbose -q --quiet -d --debug -pr --enable-preview -pa --parameters"
ARG_OPTS="-e --evaluate -C --color -D --define -T --terminal"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${FLAG_OPTS} ${ARG_OPTS} ${COMMANDS}" -- ${CURR_WORD}) )
# Define a completion specification (a compspec) for the
# `groovysh`, ``, and `groovysh.bash` commands.
# Uses the bash `complete` builtin (see [5]) to specify that shell function
# `_complete_groovysh` is responsible for generating possible completions for the
# current word on the command line.
# The `-o default` option means that if the function generated no matches, the
# default Bash completions and the Readline default filename completions are performed.
complete -F _complete_groovysh -o default groovysh groovysh.bash