blob: 8bc627cb4510d0e368a2d60e36104651a157c081 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXProxy
def folderName = "."
println "Playing files from: ${folderName}"
// create a Windows Media Player (from its Class ID)
def player = new ActiveXProxy("clsid:{6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}")
// react upon a state change = { variants ->
// if the media ended change the status flag
// so that the main thread notices the change
if (variants[0].value == 1) synchronized(player) { player.notify() }
// start listening to the events we're subsribed to
// loop over the available files and play them
new File(folderName).eachFileMatch(~/.*(wav|au|wma|mp3)/) { song ->
println "Listening to: $song"
player.URL = song.absolutePath
control =
synchronized(player) { player.wait() }
// close the player