blob: dcd5067c2e688d2c57363041e07ec7ea6841f3e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Example how to access MS Outlook from Groovy Scriptom for reading
// tasks and appointments for further processing. --Dierk Koenig
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXProxy
namespace = new ActiveXProxy("Outlook.Application").getNamespace('MAPI')
appointmentAttribs = '''
start end duration subject location alldayevent
organizer importance sensitivity body'''
taskAttribs = '''
body importance lastmodificationtime mileage noaging saved sensitivity size
subject unread actualwork complete contactnames datecompleted delegationstate
delegator duedate isrecurring ordinal owner ownership percentcomplete recipients
remindertime reminderoverridedefault responsestate role startdate status
statusoncompletionrecipients statusupdaterecipients teamtask totalwork
getrecurrencepattern statusreport'''
print(CALENDAR_FOLDER, appointmentAttribs)
print(TASK_FOLDER, taskAttribs)
def print (folder, attributes) {
entries = namespace.getDefaultFolder(folder)
attribute_list = attributes.split(/\s+/).findAll{it.size()>0}
count = entries.Items.count.value
for (i in 1..count) {
entry = entries.Items.item(i)
attribute_list.each {attr -> println attr +"\t:\t" + entry[attr].value }
println '----'