blob: e0e16e7b5bdc8fb074576fc01fbd024783a82e40 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy.sql
import org.axiondb.jdbc.AxionDataSource
* This is more of a sample program than a unit test and is here as an easy
* to read demo of GDO. The actual full unit test case is in SqlCompleteTest
class SqlTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testSqlQuery() {
sql = createSql()
sql.eachRow("select * from PERSON") { println("Hello ${it.firstname} ${it.lastname}") }
void testQueryUsingColumnIndex() {
sql = createSql()
answer = null
sql.eachRow("select count(*) from PERSON") { answer = it[0] }
println "Found the count of ${answer}"
assert answer == 3
void testQueryUsingNegativeColumnIndex() {
sql = createSql()
first = null
last = null
sql.eachRow("select firstname, lastname from PERSON where firstname='James'") { row |
first = row[-2]
last = row[-1]
println "Found name ${first} ${last}"
assert first == "James"
assert last == "Strachan"
void testSqlQueryWithWhereClause() {
sql = createSql()
foo = "drink"
sql.eachRow("select * from FOOD where type=${foo}") { println("Drink ${}") }
void testSqlQueryWithWhereClauseWith2Arguments() {
sql = createSql()
foo = "cheese"
bar = "edam"
sql.eachRow("select * from FOOD where type=${foo} and name != ${bar}") { println("Found cheese ${}") }
void testSqlQueryWithIncorrectlyQuotedDynamicExpressions() {
sql = createSql()
foo = "cheese"
bar = "edam"
sql.eachRow("select * from FOOD where type='${foo}' and name != '${bar}'") { println("Found cheese ${}") }
void testDataSet() {
sql = createSql()
people = sql.dataSet("PERSON")
people.each { println("Hey ${it.firstname}") }
void testDataSetWithClosurePredicate() {
sql = createSql()
food = sql.dataSet("FOOD")
food.findAll { it.type == "cheese" }.each { println("Cheese ${}") }
void testExecuteUpdate(){
sql = createSql();
nRows = sql.executeUpdate("update FOOD set type=? where name=?",[foo,bar]);
if(nRows == 0){
sql.executeUpdate("insert into FOOD (type,name) values (${foo},${bar})");
protected createSql() {
dataSource = new AxionDataSource("jdbc:axiondb:foo" + getMethodName())
sql = new Sql(dataSource)
sql.execute("create table PERSON ( firstname varchar, lastname varchar )")
sql.execute("create table FOOD ( type varchar, name varchar)")
// now lets populate the datasets
people = sql.dataSet("PERSON")
people.add( firstname:"James", lastname:"Strachan" )
people.add( firstname:"Bob", lastname:"Mcwhirter" )
people.add( firstname:"Sam", lastname:"Pullara" )
food = sql.dataSet("FOOD")
food.add( type:"cheese", name:"edam" )
food.add( type:"cheese", name:"brie" )
food.add( type:"cheese", name:"cheddar" )
food.add( type:"drink", name:"beer" )
food.add( type:"drink", name:"coffee" )
return sql