blob: f5c0ff475dc9cd4e88403163b2043e4ba2fe0c3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Tests the various new Groovy methods
* @author <a href="">James Strachan</a>
* @author Guillaume Laforge
* @version $Revision$
class GroovyMethodsTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testCollect() {
assert [2, 4, 6].collect { it * 2} == [4, 8, 12]
answer = [2, 4, 6].collect(new Vector()) { it * 2}
assert answer[0] == 4
assert answer[1] == 8
assert answer[2] == 12
void testJoin() {
assert [2, 4, 6].join("-") == "2-4-6"
assert ["edam", "cheddar", "brie"].join(", ") == 'edam, cheddar, brie'
println( ["abc", 5, 2.34].join(", ") )
void testTimes() {
count = 0
5.times { i | count = count + i }
assert count == 10
count = 0
temp = 5
temp.times { i | count = count + i }
assert count == 10
void testArraySubscript() {
list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
array = list.toArray()
value = array[2]
assert value == 3
array[0] = 9
assert array[0] == 9
void testToCharacterMethod() {
s = 'c'
x = s.toCharacter()
assert x instanceof Character
void testListGrep() {
list = ["James", "Bob", "Guillaume", "Sam"]
answer = list.grep(~".*a.*")
assert answer == ["James", "Guillaume", "Sam"]
answer = list.grep(~"B.b")
assert answer == ["Bob"]
void testCollectionToList() {
c = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // but it's a list
l = c.toList()
assert l.containsAll(c)
assert c.size() == l.size()
void testJoinString() {
arr = new String[] {"a", "b", "c", "d"}
joined = arr.join(", ")
assert joined == "a, b, c, d"
void testReverseEach() {
l = ["cheese", "loves", "Guillaume"]
expected = ["Guillaume", "loves", "cheese"]
answer = []
l.reverseEach{ answer << it }
assert answer == expected
void testGrep() {
list = ["Guillaume", "loves", "cheese"]
answer = list.grep(~".*ee.*")
assert answer == ["cheese"]
list = [123, "abc", 4.56]
answer = list.grep(String)
assert answer == ["abc"]
list = [4, 2, 7, 3, 6, 2]
answer = list.grep(2..3)
assert answer == [2, 3, 2]
void testMapGetWithDefault() {
map = [:]
assert == null
map.get("foo", []).add(123)
assert == [123]
map.get("bar", [:]).get("xyz", [:]).cheese = 123
assert == 123
assert map.size() == 2
void DISABLE_testExecuteCommandLineProcessUsingAString() {
/** @todo why does this not work
javaHome = System.getProperty('java.home', '')
cmd = "${javaHome}/bin/java -version"
cmd = "ls -l"
if (System.getProperty('', '').contains('Win')) {
cmd = "dir"
println "executing command: ${cmd}"
process = cmd.execute()
//process = "ls -l".execute()
// lets have an easier way to do this!
count = 0
println "Read the following lines..."
/** @todo we should simplify the following line!!! */
new InputStreamReader( { line |
println line
println ""
value = process.exitValue()
println "Exit value of command line is ${value}"
assert count > 1
void DISABLED_testExecuteCommandLineProcessAndUseWaitForOrKill() {
/** @todo why does this not work
javaHome = System.getProperty('java.home', '')
cmd = "${javaHome}/bin/java -version"
cmd = "ls -l"
if (System.getProperty('', '').contains('Win')) {
cmd = "dir"
println "executing command: ${cmd}"
process = cmd.execute()
value = process.exitValue()
println "Exit value of command line is ${value}"
process = cmd.execute()
value = process.exitValue()
println "Exit value of command line is ${value}"
void testDisplaySystemProperties() {
println "System properties are..."
properties =
keys = properties.keySet().sort()
for (k in keys) {
println "${k} = ${properties[k]}"
void testMax() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].max{ it * it } == -5
void testMin() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].min{ it * it } == 0
void testSort() {
assert [-5, -3, -1, 0, 2, 4].sort { it*it } == [0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5]