blob: 4daf6bff6a21672aa5cac14186288797ef635c92 [file] [log] [blame]
class ExpandoPropertyTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testExpandoProperty() {
foo = new Expando()
foo.cheese = "Cheddar" = "Gromit"
assert foo.cheese == "Cheddar"
assert == "Gromit"
assert foo.expandoProperties.size() == 2
void testExpandoMethods() {
foo = new Expando()
foo.cheese = "Cheddar"
foo.fullName = "Gromit"
foo.nameLength = { return fullName.length() }
foo.multiParam = { a, b, c | println("Called with ${a}, ${b}, ${c}"); return a + b + c }
assert foo.cheese == "Cheddar"
assert foo.fullName == "Gromit"
assert foo.nameLength() == 6 : foo.nameLength()
assert foo.multiParam(1, 2, 3) == 6
// lets test using wrong number of parameters
shouldFail { foo.multiParam(1) }
shouldFail { foo.nameLength(1, 2) }