blob: b806fb0a9c216be326ee4bbb9a667fff77542e7f [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Date as UDate
// TODO allow annotations on classes again :)
class SampleTest extends GroovyTestCase {
String foo = "John"
String bar = "Jez"
private static def dummyx = 123
protected final def dummyY = 456
void testRange() {
def range = 1..3
assert range == [1, 2, 3]
for (i in 1..10) {
println "Range loop at $i"
(10..1).each { println "Range closure loop at $it" }
void testListClosure() {
def list = [1, 2, 3]
println "list is $list"
// TODO sort out parser
// list.each {|e| println("List contains $e") }
void testMap() {
n = [:]
assert n instanceof java.util.Map
m = ["y":2, "foo":"bar", "x":4.2]
//m.each { (k, v)| println "key $k and value $v" }
println "Created map $m"
m2 = [x:123, y:456, z:"whatnot"]
println "Created map with named arguments $m2"
// TODO parser can't handle this!
//m3 = [123:456, 678:"whatnot"]
m3 = [(123):456, (678):"whatnot"]
println "Created map with named arguments $m3"
void testMultiLineString() {
println """
this is
a very
long string
which spans
many lines
void testStrings() {
assert "\\" == '\\'
assert "\\" != "\\\\"
void testNew() {
x = new ArrayList()
assert x.size() == 1
println "created list $x"
void testNewWithImports() {
f = new File("foo.txt")
def name =
def name2 = f.getName()
assert name == name2
println "File name $name"
println new UDate()
def sd = new java.sql.Date(105, 11, 5)
println "created SQL date of value $sd"
void testAsCastAndInstanceof() {
def x = "foo"
def foo = x as String
def bar = (String) x
assert foo == bar
assert foo instanceof String
void testComplexExpression() {
def list = [1, [1, [1, 2], 3], 3]
def x = list[1][1][1]
assert x == 2
def y = list.get(1)[1].get(1)
assert x == y
void testCase() {
println "Hello"
println 123
println 123.456
println "Hello $foo!"
println "Hello ${bar}!"
def f = this
def answer ="hello ", "James")
println "Received answer $answer"
assert answer == "hello James"
answer = foo2("hello ", "Guillaume")
assert answer == "hello Guillaume"
println "Now the answer is $answer"
void testSubscript() {
list = [1, 2, 3]
def x = list[2]
assert x == 3
void testIf() {
def x = 123
def y = 1
if (x > 100) {
y = 2
assert y == 2
void testIfElse() {
def x = 123
def y = 1
if (x > 100) {
y = 2
else {
y = 3
assert y == 2
void testWhile() {
def x = 10
while (x > 0) {
println "loop value with x=$x"
x = x - 1
if (x == 3) {
void testWhileWithLabel() {
def x = 10
while (x > 0) {
println "loop value with x=$x"
x = x - 1
if (x == 3) {
break FOO
FOO: println "Done"
String foo(a, b) {
return a + b
def foo2(a, b) {
def answer = a + b
return answer
void testTryCatchWithException() {
try {
fail "Should have thrown an exception by now!"
catch (Exception e) {
println "Worked! Caught expected exception $e"
void methodThatThrowsException() {
throw new Exception("Test exception")
void testSwitch() {
x = 12
switch (x) {
case 1:
fail "not 1"
case 12:
println "Switch worked! answer is 12!"
case "text":
fail "not text"
fail "Not defailt"
x = 5
switch (x) {
case 1:
fail "not 1"
case 12:
fail "not 12"
case "text":
fail "not text"
println "worked, the default answer"
void testFor() {
def list = [1, 2, 3]
println "normal iteration loop on list $list"
for (i in list) {
println "for item: $i"
println "typed iteration loop on list $list"
for (Integer i in list) {
println "for item: $i"
void testTryCatch() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
fail "Should not throw exception $e"
void testTryCatchFinally() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
fail "Should not throw exception $e"
finally {
println "Called from finally block"
void methodThatDoesNotThrowException() {
println "Normal method invocation..."
void testBug675() {
assert "\\"!="\\\\"
// Are the following valid now? Must $ be escaped?
// TODO assert "\\$"=="\\"+"$"
assert ("\\\\"+"\\").length() == 3
// TODO assert "\\3 $1$2" == "\\" + "3" + " " + "$" + "1" + "$" + "2"
// TODO assert "\\\\3 \\$1$2" == "\\" + "\\" + "3" + " " + "\\"+ "$" + "1" + "$" + "2"
// TODO assert "\\\\\\3 \\\\$1$2" == "\\" + "\\\\" + "3" + " " + "\\\\"+ "$" + "1" + "$" + "2"
// TODO assert "\\\\\\\\3 \\\\\\$1$2" == "\\\\" + "\\\\" + "3" + " " + "\\\\\\"+ "$" + "1" + "$" + "2"
assert "\\\\" == "\\" + "\\"
assert "\\\\".length() == 2
z = 100 + 200
assert "Hello\\, \\World\\".charAt(4) == "o".charAt(0)
assert "Hello\\, \\World\\".charAt(5) == "\\".charAt(0)
assert "Hello\\, \\World\\".charAt(6) == ",".charAt(0)
// TODO failing tests...
// assert "\\"+"\\\\" == "\\"+"\\"+"\\" && "\\\\"+"\\" == "\\"+"\\"+"\\"
// assert "\\\\ \\ ${z}" == "\\\\ \\ 300"
// assert "\\\\ \\ ${z}" == "\\" + "\\" + " " + "\\" + " " + "300"
@webService void methodWithAnnotations() {
println "Hey"
protected synchronized static void something() {
println "Hey, I'm synchronized and static"
void testPrePostFix() {
def x = 123
println("value is $x")
if (x > 100) {
assert x == 124
assert ++x == 125
assert x++ == 125
assert --x == 125
assert x-- == 125
println("value is now ${x}")
assert x == 124
// TODO when parser fixed
void testArrays() {
// TODO this line seems to cause a stack overflow...
String[] array = { "a", "b", "c" }
List list = array.asList()
assert list == ["a", "b", "c"]
void testMapWithIntegerKey() {
m = [1:2, "foo":"bar", "x":4.2]
println "Created map $m"
m.each { (k, v)| println "key $k and value $v" }