blob: 4a5eb089d09136447359ea17ee8f9559e8a85d7e [file] [log] [blame]
* A local variable declaration statement declares one or more local variable names
class Foo {
def run() {
// The type can be a builtin type keyword.
def runIntTests() {
int a
int b = 1
int c,d,e
int f,g = 2
int h = 3,i = 4 // extra permutations
int j = 5,k // extra permutations
//int int p//@fail:parse
// With type keywords, the 'def' keyword is optional.
def runDefIntTests() {
def int a
def int b = 1
def int c,d,e
def int f,g = 2
//def int int p//@fail:parse
// With the 'def' the type is optional.
// (It defaults to the type of the expression.)
def runDefTests() {
def a
def b = 1
def c,d,e
def f,g = 2
def h = "h"
def java.lang.String i = 'i'
//def def p//@fail:parse
// Capitalized names are taken to be declaration types.
// With such names, the 'def' keyword is optional.
def runStringTests() {
Strange z
String a
String b = '1'
String c,d,e
String f,g = '2'
String h = 3,i = 4 // extra permutations
String j = 5,k // extra permutations
//String String p//@fail:parse
// With capitalized type names, the 'def' keyword is optional.
def runDefStringTests() {
def String a
def String b = '1'
def String c,d,e
def String f,g = '2'
//def String String p//@fail:parse
def Strange z // Will parse, though not a type! //@fail:check
// When a modifier is present, the 'def' keyword is optional.
def runModifierTests() {
final a = 1, b = 2
final int c = 12
def final d = 3, e = 4
def final int f = 5
//int final p //@fail:parse
//final def q = 9//@fail:parse
def nonType = // not capitalized...
{println "nonType invoked on $it"}
def one=1
// The parser accepts uncapitalized type names only when required by context.
// The requiring context is a modifier ('final') or the 'def' keyword.
// Of course, built-in type keywords like 'int' are always types.
// All other uncapitalized names are taken to be commands.
def runNonTypeTests() {
nonType one // Parses as a command.
def nonType a; // Will parse, though not a type! //@fail:check
final nonType b = 0; //@fail:check // Will parase, though not a type!
//nonType p = 1 //@fail:parse