blob: 6bb0c51b6970c2de878640b07de888434f7541a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# set empty to use the environment variable instead
grailsHome =
webtestHome =
projectName = The books project
executable = cmd.exe
#serverDir = /java/tomcat-4.0.4
serverDir = /java/Tomcat-5.5.9
serverAdminUsername = admin
serverAdminPassword = admin
serverWebappDir = webapps
serverStartCommand = /c bin\\startup.bat
serverStopCommand = /c bin\\shutdown.bat
webtest_host = localhost
webtest_port = 8080
webtest_protocol = http
webtest_basepath = grails-app/app
webtest_summary = true
webtest_saveresponse = true
webtest_resultpath = tmp/webtest/results
webtest_resultfile = WebTestResults.xml
webtest_haltonerror = false
webtest_errorproperty = webTestError
webtest_haltonfailure = false
webtest_failureproperty = webTestFailure
webtest_showhtmlparseroutput= true