blob: ea518ab869c03d2d3c7254879b0267f55f887b70 [file] [log] [blame]
* check that groovy Process methods do their job.
* @author <a href="">Jeremy Rayner</a>
* @version $Revision$
import java.util.*
class ProcessTest extends GroovyTestCase {
property myProcess
void setUp() {
myProcess = new MockProcess()
void testProcessAppendBytes() {
myBytes = "mooky".getBytes()
myProcess << myBytes
result = myProcess.outputStream.toByteArray()
assert result != null
assert Arrays.equals(myBytes,result)
void testProcessAppendTwoByteArrays() {
myBytes1 = "foo".getBytes()
myBytes2 = "bar".getBytes()
myProcess << myBytes1 << myBytes2
result = myProcess.outputStream.toByteArray()
assert result != null
assert result.size() == myBytes1.size() + myBytes2.size()
void testProcessAppend() {
myProcess << "mooky"
assert "mooky" == myProcess.outputStream.toString()
void testProcessInputStream() {
assert instanceof InputStream
assert != null
void testProcessText() {
assert "" == myProcess.text
void testProcessErrorStream() {
assert myProcess.err instanceof InputStream
assert myProcess.err != null
void testProcessOutputStream() {
assert myProcess.out instanceof OutputStream
assert myProcess.out != null
// @todo - ps.waitForOrKill(secs) creates it's own thread, leave this out of test suite for now...
void tearDown() {
* simple Process, used purely for test cases
class MockProcess extends Process {
private e
private i
private o
public MockProcess() {
e = new AnotherMockInputStream()
i = new AnotherMockInputStream()
o = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
void destroy() {}
int exitValue() { return 0 }
InputStream getErrorStream() { return e }
public InputStream getInputStream() { return i }
public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return o }
int waitFor() { return 0 }
* only needed for workaround in groovy,
* new ByteArrayInputStream(myByteArray) doesn't work at mo... (28-Sep-2004)
class AnotherMockInputStream extends InputStream {
int read() { return -1 }