blob: f6a6ede270928358d21fcf55f85759895d9b1f9c [file] [log] [blame]
* This will take a groovy test file and turn it into a Java TestCase
* @author Jeremy Rayner
package org.codehaus.groovy.tck
class TestGenerator{
public String generate(realOutputPath, targetDir, srcName,srcText) {
// System.out.println('single \\\\')
// System.out.println("double \\\\")
srcText = srcText.replaceAll('\\\\','\\\\\\\\') // need to escape a slash with slash slash
resultWriter = new StringWriter()
result = new PrintWriter(resultWriter)
fileName = srcName
fileStem = fileName.tokenize(".")[0]
comments = scrape(srcText," * ",".") // Take the first javadoc sentence, if it exists, for use as method name
if (comments == null || comments[0] == null) {comments = [""]}
behaviourDescription = comments[0].trim()
if ("" != realOutputPath) {
realOutputPackage = ''
if (File.separator != '\\')
realOutputPackage = realOutputPath.replaceAll(File.separator,'.')
realOutputPackage = realOutputPath.replaceAll('\\\\','.')
result.println("package ${realOutputPackage};")
result.println("import junit.framework.*;")
result.println("import org.codehaus.groovy.tck.*;")
result.println("public class ${fileStem}Test extends TestCase {")
//methodName = turnSentenceIntoJavaName(behaviourDescription)
methodName = ""
methodName = "test${methodName}"
// test for the source 'as is'
printCommonTestMethodStart(result, "${methodName}Pass",srcText)
result.println(' helper.evaluate(srcBuffer.toString(),"' + "${methodName}Pass" + '");')
result.println(" }")
// test for each of the '@pass' alternatives
passAlternatives = generateAlternatives(srcText,"@pass")
printCommonTestMethodStart(result, "${methodName}Pass${i+1}",anAlternative[0]);
result.println(' helper.evaluate(srcBuffer.toString(),"' + "${methodName}Pass${i+1}" + '");')
result.println(" }")
// test for each of the '@fail:parse' alternatives
failureToParseAlternatives = generateAlternatives(srcText,"@fail:parse")
printCommonTestMethodStart(result, "${methodName}FailParse${i+1}",anAlternative[0]);
result.println(" try {")
result.println(' helper.parse(srcBuffer.toString(),"' + "${methodName}FailParse${i+1}" + '");')
result.println(' fail("This line did not fail to parse: ' + anAlternative[1] + '");')
result.println(" } catch (Exception e) {")
result.println(" // ignore an exception as that is what we're hoping for in this case.")
result.println(" }")
result.println(" }")
// test for each of the '@fail' alternatives, i.e. without being followed by a colon
failureAlternatives = generateAlternatives(srcText,"@fail(?!:)")
printCommonTestMethodStart(result, "${methodName}Fail${i+1}",anAlternative[0]);
result.println(" try {")
result.println(' helper.evaluate(srcBuffer.toString(),"' + "${methodName}Fail${i+1}" + '");')
result.println(' fail("This line did not fail to evaluate: ' + anAlternative[1] + '");')
result.println(" } catch (Exception e) {")
result.println(" // ignore an exception as that is what we're hoping for in this case.")
result.println(" }")
result.println(" }")
result.println(' protected String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");')
result.println(' protected TestGeneratorHelper helper = new ClassicGroovyTestGeneratorHelper();')
return resultWriter.toString()
// -- useful stuff
* Creates alternative versions of the given source, one for each end of line comment tag e.g. //@fail
* will remove the double slash from the start of each of the matching line.
* e.g. src text of...
* <pre>
* // a = 1 // @fail
* // b = 2 // @fail
* </pre>
* will return
* <pre>
* [ "a = 1 // @fail NLS // b = 2 // @fail",
* "// a = 1 // @fail NLS b = 2 // @fail" ]
* </pre>
List generateAlternatives(String srcText, String tag) {
alternatives = []
m = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("//(.*?//\\s*" + tag + "\\S*)\\s").matcher(srcText)
while (m.find()) {
foundText =
uncommentedSrcText = (srcText.substring(0,m.start()) + " " + srcText.substring(m.start() + 2))
alternatives << [uncommentedSrcText, foundText.replaceAll('"', '\\\\"')]
return alternatives
* Common setup code for each test method
void printCommonTestMethodStart(result, fullMethodName,someSrcText) {
buffer = new
result.println(" public void ${fullMethodName}() throws Exception {")
result.println(" StringBuffer srcBuffer = new StringBuffer();")
// append each line to the buffer
buffer.eachLine {line|
// escape double quotes
line = line.replaceAll('"','\\\\"')
result.println (' srcBuffer.append("' + line + '").append(lineSep);')
* Converts the given sentence into a Java style name like TheQuickBrownFox
String turnSentenceIntoJavaName(String sentence) {
//uppercase each word and remove spaces to give camel case
tokens = sentence.tokenize(" ,;");
methodName = ""
for (t in tokens) {
if (t.size() > 1) {
methodName += ( t[0].toUpperCase() + t[1...t.size()].toLowerCase() )
} else if (t.size() == 1) {
methodName += t[0].toUpperCase()
//remove nonalphanumeric characters
methodName = methodName.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]","")
return methodName
* Fetches a list of all the occurances of text between a string delimiter.
List scrape(String txt, String tag) {
return scrape(txt,tag,tag)
* Fetches a list of all the occurances of text between two string delimiters (tags).
List scrape(String txt, String openTag, String closeTag) {
i = 0; j = 0; k = 0;
contents = []
if (txt != null) {
while (i> -1 && k > -1) {
i = txt.indexOf(openTag,k)
if (i > -1) {
j = i + openTag.length()
if (j > -1) {
k = txt.indexOf(closeTag,j)
if (k > -1) {
contents << txt.substring(j,k)
return contents