blob: 55753b8147fdab55bd73c6ea17596a439653f673 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy.modules.pages;
import groovy.lang.Script;
import groovy.lang.Binding;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* Author: Troy Heninger
* Date: Jan 10, 2004
* Default base class of pages. Provides access to many useful functions for web page writers.
* Note: Currently unused due to a bug in Groovy not allowing classes derived indirectly from Script
* to receive their Binding data. Also, many functions to be added soon.
public abstract class GroovyPage extends Script {
/* private final ThreadLocal bindings = new ThreadLocal();
public Binding getBinding() {
return (Binding)bindings.get();
} // getBinding()
public void setBinding(Binding binding) {
} // setBinding()
public Object getProperty(String property) {
return getBinding().getVariable(property);
public void setProperty(String property, Object newValue) {
getBinding().setVariable(property, newValue);
* Defaults to deflt if value is null.
public Object ensure(Object value, Object deflt) {
return value == null ? deflt : value;
} // ensure()
* Convert from HTML to Unicode text. This function converts many of the encoded HTML
* characters to normal Unicode text. Example: < to <. This is the opposite
* of showHtml().
* @see showHtml(String)
public static String fromHtml(String text)
int ixz;
if (text == null || (ixz = text.length()) == 0) return text;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(ixz);
String rep = null;
for (int ix = 0; ix < ixz; ix++)
char c = text.charAt(ix);
if (c == '&');
String sub = text.substring(ix + 1).toLowerCase();
if (sub.startsWith("lt;"))
c = '<';
ix += 3;
if (sub.startsWith("gt;"))
c = '>';
ix += 3;
if (sub.startsWith("amp;"))
c = '&';
ix += 4;
if (sub.startsWith("nbsp;"))
c = ' ';
ix += 5;
if (sub.startsWith("semi;"))
c = ';';
ix += 5;
if (sub.startsWith("#"))
char c2 = 0;
for (int iy = ix + 1; iy < ixz; iy++)
char c1 = text.charAt(iy);
if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9')
c2 = (char)(c2 * 10 + c1);
if (c1 == ';')
c = c2;
ix = iy;
if (rep != null)
rep = null;
else buf.append(c);
return buf.toString();
} // fromHtml()
* Substring Replacer. For each instance of <b>sub</b> found in <b>str</b>, it is replaced
* by <b>rep</b>. The resulting String is returned.
public static String replace(String str, String sub, String rep)
StringBuffer buf = null;
int lenS = sub.length();
for (int last = 0;;)
int ix = str.indexOf(sub, last);
if (ix < 0)
if (buf != null)
str = buf.toString(); // return str as result
if (buf == null) buf = new StringBuffer(str.length() * 3 / 2);
buf.append(str.substring(last, ix));
last = ix + lenS;
return str;
} // replace()
* Substring Replacer. For each instance of <b>sub</b> found in <b>str</b>, it is replaced
* by <b>rep</b>. The buffer argument itself is modifed and returned. This is faster than
* replace(), especially useful when called multiple times for various replacements.
public static StringBuffer replaceBuf(StringBuffer buf, String sub, String rep)
String str = buf.toString();
int lenS = sub.length();
int diff = rep.length() - lenS;
int offset = 0;
for (int last = 0;;)
int ix = str.indexOf(sub, last);
if (ix < 0) break;
buf.replace(ix + offset, ix + offset + lenS, rep);
last = ix + lenS;
offset += diff;
return buf;
} // replaceBuf()
} // GroovyPage