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package org.codehaus.groovy.transform
import groovy.test.GroovyShellTestCase
class InheritConstructorsTransformTest extends GroovyShellTestCase {
void testStandardCase() {
assertScript """
import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors
@InheritConstructors class CustomException extends RuntimeException { }
def ce = new CustomException('foo')
assert ce.message == 'foo'
void testOverrideCase() {
assertScript """
import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors
class CustomException2 extends RuntimeException {
CustomException2() { super('bar') }
def ce = new CustomException2()
assert ce.message == 'bar'
ce = new CustomException2('foo')
assert ce.message == 'foo'
void testChainedCase() {
assertScript """
import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors
class CustomException5 extends CustomException4 {}
class CustomException3 extends RuntimeException {}
class CustomException4 extends CustomException3 {}
def ce = new CustomException5('baz')
assert ce.message == 'baz'
void testCopyAnnotations_groovy7059() {
assertScript """
import java.lang.annotation.*
import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors
public @interface Foo1 {}
public @interface Foo2 {}
public @interface Foo3 {}
class Bar {
@Foo1 @Foo2
Bar() {}
Bar(@Foo3 String name) {}
Bar(Integer num) {}
Bar(String name, @Foo3 Integer num) {}
@InheritConstructors(constructorAnnotations=true, parameterAnnotations=true)
class Baz extends Bar {}
new Baz().class.constructors.each { cons ->
def ans = cons.annotations.toString() + cons.parameterAnnotations.toString()
switch(cons.toString()) {
case 'public Baz(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer)':
assert ans == '[@groovy.transform.Generated()][[], [@Foo3()]]'
case 'public Baz(java.lang.String)':
assert ans == '[@groovy.transform.Generated()][[@Foo3()]]'
case 'public Baz(java.lang.Integer)':
assert ans == '[@groovy.transform.Generated(), @Foo1()][[]]'
case 'public Baz()':
assert ans == '[@groovy.transform.Generated(), @Foo1()][]'
void testInnerClassUsage() {
assertScript """
import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors
class Outer extends RuntimeException {
class Inner extends RuntimeException {}
static class StaticInner extends RuntimeException {}
void test() {
assert new StaticInner('bar').message == 'bar'
assert new Inner('foo').message == 'foo'
class Outer2 extends Outer {
class Inner2 extends Outer.Inner {}
void test() {
assert new Inner2('foobar').message == 'foobar'
def o = new Outer('baz')
assert o.message == 'baz'
new Outer2().test()
void testParametersWithGenericsAndCompileStatic_GROOVY6874() {
assertScript """
import groovy.transform.*
import java.math.RoundingMode
abstract class BasePublisher<T, U> {
final Deque<T> items
private U mode
BasePublisher(Deque<T> items) { this.items = items }
BasePublisher(U mode) {
this.mode = mode
this.items = []
BasePublisher(Set<U> modes) { this(modes[0]) }
void publish(T item) { items.addFirst(item) }
void init(U mode) { this.mode = mode }
String toString() { items.join('|') + "|" + mode.toString() }
@CompileStatic @InheritConstructors
class OrderPublisher<V> extends BasePublisher<Integer, V> {
static OrderPublisher make() {
new OrderPublisher<RoundingMode>(new LinkedList<Integer>())
void foo() { publish(3) }
void bar(V mode) { init(mode) }
void baz() {
new OrderPublisher<RoundingMode>(RoundingMode.UP)
new OrderPublisher<RoundingMode>(new HashSet<RoundingMode>())
def op = OrderPublisher.make()
assert op.toString() == '3|DOWN'
void testParametersWithGenericsAndCompileStatic_errors_GROOVY6874() {
def message = shouldFail """
import groovy.transform.*
import java.math.RoundingMode
abstract class BasePublisher<T, U> {
final Deque<T> items
private U mode
BasePublisher(Deque<T> items) { this.items = items }
BasePublisher(U mode) {
this.mode = mode
this.items = []
BasePublisher(Set<U> modes) { this(modes[0]) }
void publish(T item) { items.addFirst(item) }
void init(U mode) { this.mode = mode }
String toString() { items.join('|') + "|" + mode.toString() }
@CompileStatic @InheritConstructors
class OrderPublisher<V> extends BasePublisher<Integer, V> {
static OrderPublisher make() {
new OrderPublisher<RoundingMode>(new LinkedList<String>())
void foo() { publish(3) }
void bar(V mode) { init(mode) }
void baz() {
new OrderPublisher<RoundingMode>(new Date())
new OrderPublisher<RoundingMode>(new HashSet<Date>())
def op = OrderPublisher.make()
assert op.toString() == '3|DOWN'
assert message.contains('Cannot call OrderPublisher <RoundingMode>#<init>(java.util.Deque <java.lang.Integer>) with arguments [java.util.LinkedList <String>]')
assert message.contains('Cannot find matching method OrderPublisher#<init>(java.util.Date)')
assert message.contains('Cannot call OrderPublisher <RoundingMode>#<init>(java.util.Set <RoundingMode>) with arguments [java.util.HashSet <Date>]')
// GROOVY-9323
void testAnnotationsCopiedForConstructorsFromPrecompiledClass() {
assertScript '''
class MyChildException extends org.codehaus.groovy.transform.MyException9323 {}
def annos = MyChildException.constructors[0].annotations*.annotationType().simpleName
assert annos.contains('Generated') && annos.contains('Deprecated')
class MyException9323 extends RuntimeException {
MyException9323() {}