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* Unit tests for static type checking : fields and properties.
class FieldsAndPropertiesSTCTest extends StaticTypeCheckingTestCase {
void testAssignFieldValue() {
assertScript """
class A {
int x
A a = new A()
a.x = 1
void testAssignFieldValueWithWrongType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
int x
A a = new A()
a.x = '1'
''', 'Cannot assign value of type java.lang.String to variable of type int'
void testMapDotPropertySyntax() {
assertScript '''
HashMap map = [:]
map['a'] = 1
map.b = 2
assert map.get('a') == 1
assert map.get('b') == 2
void testInferenceFromFieldType() {
assertScript '''
class A {
String name = 'Cedric'
A a = new A()
def b =
b.toUpperCase() // type of b should be inferred from field type
void testAssignFieldValueWithAttributeNotation() {
assertScript """
class A {
int x
A a = new A()
a.@x = 1
void testAssignFieldValueWithWrongTypeAndAttributeNotation() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
int x
A a = new A()
a.@x = '1'
''', 'Cannot assign value of type java.lang.String to variable of type int'
void testInferenceFromAttributeType() {
assertScript '''
class A {
String name = 'Cedric'
A a = new A()
def b = a.@name
b.toUpperCase() // type of b should be inferred from field type
void testShouldComplainAboutMissingField() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
Object o = new Object()
o.x = 0
''', 'No such property: x for class: java.lang.Object'
void testShouldComplainAboutMissingField2() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
A a = new A()
a.x = 0
''', 'No such property: x for class: A'
void testFieldWithInheritance() {
assertScript '''
class A {
int x
class B extends A {
B b = new B()
b.x = 2
void testFieldTypeWithInheritance() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class A {
int x
class B extends A {
B b = new B()
b.x = '2'
''', 'Cannot assign value of type java.lang.String to variable of type int'
void testFieldWithInheritanceFromAnotherSourceUnit() {
assertScript '''
class B extends {
B b = new B()
b.x = 2
void testFieldWithInheritanceFromAnotherSourceUnit2() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class B extends {
B b = new B()
b.x = '2'
''', 'Cannot assign value of type java.lang.String to variable of type int'
void testFieldWithSuperInheritanceFromAnotherSourceUnit() {
assertScript '''
class B extends {
B b = new B()
b.x = 2
void testMethodUsageForProperty() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
String name
def name = new Foo().getName()
void testDateProperties() {
assertScript '''
Date d = new Date()
def time = d.time
d.time = 0
// GROOVY-5232
void testSetterForProperty() {
assertScript '''
class Person {
String name
static Person create() {
def p = new Person()
// but = "Guillaume" works
return p
// GROOVY-5443
void testFieldInitShouldPass() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
int x = 1
// GROOVY-5443
void testFieldInitShouldNotPassBecauseOfIncompatibleTypes() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
int x = new Date()
''', 'Cannot assign value of type java.util.Date to variable of type int'
// GROOVY-5443
void testFieldInitShouldNotPassBecauseOfIncompatibleTypesWithClosure() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
Closure<List> cls = { Date aDate -> aDate.getTime() }
''', 'Incompatible generic argument types. Cannot assign groovy.lang.Closure <java.lang.Long> to: groovy.lang.Closure <List>'
// GROOVY-5517
void testShouldFindStaticPropertyEvenIfObjectImplementsMap() {
assertScript '''
class MyHashMap extends HashMap {
public static int version = 666
def map = new MyHashMap()
map['foo'] = 123
Object value =
assert value == 123
value = map['foo']
assert value == 123
int v = MyHashMap.version
assert v == 666
void testListDotProperty() {
assertScript '''class Elem { int value }
List<Elem> list = new LinkedList<Elem>()
list.add(new Elem(value:123))
list.add(new Elem(value:456))
assert list.value == [ 123, 456 ]
list.add(new Elem(value:789))
assert list.value == [ 123, 456, 789 ]
assertScript '''class Elem { String value }
List<Elem> list = new LinkedList<Elem>()
list.add(new Elem(value:'123'))
list.add(new Elem(value:'456'))
assert list.value == [ '123', '456' ]
list.add(new Elem(value:'789'))
assert list.value == [ '123', '456', '789' ]
void testClassPropertyOnInterface() {
assertScript '''
Class test(Serializable arg) {
Class<?> clazz = arg.class
assert test('foo') == String
assertScript '''
Class test(Serializable arg) {
Class<?> clazz = arg.getClass()
assert test('foo') == String
void testSetterUsingPropertyNotation() {
assertScript '''
class A {
boolean ok = false;
void setFoo(String foo) { ok = foo == 'foo' }
def a = new A() = 'foo'
assert a.ok
void testSetterUsingPropertyNotationOnInterface() {
assertScript '''
interface FooAware { void setFoo(String arg) }
class A implements FooAware {
void setFoo(String foo) { }
void test(FooAware a) { = 'foo'
def a = new A()
// GROOVY-5700
void testInferenceOfMapDotProperty() {
assertScript '''
def m = [retries: 10]
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == Integer_TYPE
def r1 = m['retries']
assert node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE) == Integer_TYPE
def r2 = m.retries
void testInferenceOfListDotProperty() {
assertScript '''class Foo { int x }
def list = [new Foo(x:1), new Foo(x:2)]
def iType = node.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert iType == make(List)
assert iType.isUsingGenerics()
assert iType.genericsTypes[0].type == Integer_TYPE
def r2 = list.x
assert r2 == [ 1,2 ]
void testTypeCheckerDoesNotThinkPropertyIsReadOnly() {
assertScript '''
// a base class defining a read-only property
class Top {
private String foo = 'foo'
String getFoo() { foo }
String getFooFromTop() { foo }
// a subclass defining it's own field
class Bottom extends Top {
private String foo
Bottom(String msg) { = msg
public String getFoo() { }
def b = new Bottom('bar')
assert == 'bar'
assert b.fooFromTop == 'foo'
// GROOVY-5779
void testShouldNotUseNonStaticProperty() {
assertScript '''import java.awt.Color
Color c = // should not be interpreted as Color.getRed()
// GROOVY-5725
void testAccessFieldDefinedInInterface() {
assertScript '''
class Foo implements {
void test() {
assert boo == "I don't fancy fields in interfaces"
new Foo().test()
void testPrivateFieldAccessInClosure() {
assertScript '''
class A {
private int x
void foo() {
def cl = { x = 666 }
void ensure() {
assert x == 666
def a = new A()
void testPrivateFieldAccessInAIC() {
assertScript '''
class A {
private int x
void foo() {
def aic = new Runnable() { void run() { x = 666 } }
void ensure() {
assert x == 666
def a = new A()
// GROOVY-5737
void testAccessGeneratedFieldFromClosure() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.*
import groovy.util.logging.*
class GreetingActor {
def receive = { "test"
new GreetingActor()
// GROOVY-5872
void testAssignNullToFieldWithGenericsShouldNotThrowError() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
List<String> list = null // should not throw an error
new Foo()
void testSetterInWith() {
assertScript '''
class Builder {
private int y
void setFoo(int x) { y = x}
int value() { y }
def b = new Builder()
b.with {
assert b.value() == 5
void testSetterInWithUsingPropertyNotation() {
assertScript '''
class Builder {
private int y
void setFoo(int x) { y = x}
int value() { y }
def b = new Builder()
b.with {
foo = 5
assert b.value() == 5
void testSetterInWithUsingPropertyNotationAndClosureSharedVariable() {
assertScript '''
class Builder {
private int y
void setFoo(int x) { y = x}
int value() { y }
def b = new Builder()
def csv = 0
b.with {
foo = 5
csv = 10
assert b.value() == 5
assert csv == 10
// GROOVY-6230
void testAttributeWithGetterOfDifferentType() {
assertScript '''import java.awt.Dimension
def d = new Dimension(800,600)
def rit = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(INFERRED_TYPE)
assert rit == int_TYPE
int width = d.@width
assert width == 800
assert (d.@width).getClass() == Integer
// GROOVY-6489
void testShouldNotThrowUnmatchedGenericsError() {
assertScript '''public class Foo {
private List<String> names;
public List<String> getNames() {
return names;
public void setNames(List<String> names) {
this.names = names;
class FooWorker {
public void doSomething() {
new Foo().with {
names = new ArrayList()
new FooWorker().doSomething()'''
void testShouldFailWithIncompatibleGenericTypes() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''\
public class Foo {
private List<String> names;
public List<String> getNames() {
return names;
public void setNames(List<String> names) {
this.names = names;
class FooWorker {
public void doSomething() {
new Foo().with {
names = new ArrayList<Integer>()
new FooWorker().doSomething()
'Cannot assign value of type java.util.ArrayList <Integer> to variable of type java.util.List <String>'
void testAICAsStaticProperty() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
static x = new Object() {}
assert Foo.x instanceof Object
void testPropertyWithMultipleSetters() {
assertScript '''import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BinaryExpression
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.BooleanExpression
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.AssertStatement
class A {
private field
void setX(Integer a) {field=a}
void setX(String b) {field=b}
def getX(){field}
lookup('test1').each { stmt ->
def exp = stmt.expression
assert exp instanceof BinaryExpression
def left = exp.leftExpression
def md = left.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET)
assert md
assert == 'setX'
assert md.parameters[0].originType == Integer_TYPE
lookup('test2').each { stmt ->
def exp = stmt.expression
assert exp instanceof BinaryExpression
def left = exp.leftExpression
def md = left.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET)
assert md
assert == 'setX'
assert md.parameters[0].originType == STRING_TYPE
void testBody() {
def a = new A()
a.x = 1
assert a.x==1
a.x = "3"
assert a.x == "3"
void testPropertyAssignmentAsExpression() {
assertScript '''
class Foo {
int x = 2
def f = new Foo()
def v = f.x = 3
assert v == 3
void testPropertyAssignmentInSubClassAndMultiSetter() {
10.times {
assertScript '''
public class Activity {
int debug
Activity() {
contentView = 1
public void setContentView(Date layoutResID) { debug = 2 }
public void setContentView(int layoutResID) { debug = 3 }
class MyActivity extends Activity {
void foo() {
contentView = 1
assert debug == 3
contentView = new Date()
assert debug == 2
new MyActivity().foo()
void testPropertyAssignmentInSubClassAndMultiSetterThroughDelegation() {
10.times {
assertScript '''
public class Activity {
int debug
Activity() {
contentView = 1
public void setContentView(Date layoutResID) { debug = 2 }
public void setContentView(int layoutResID) { debug = 3 }
class MyActivity extends Activity {
def activity = new MyActivity()
activity.with {
contentView = 1
assert debug == 3
contentView = new Date()
assert debug == 2
void testShouldAcceptPropertyAssignmentEvenIfSetterOnlyBecauseOfSpecialType() {
assertScript '''
class BooleanSetterOnly {
void setFlag(boolean b) {}
def b = new BooleanSetterOnly()
b.flag = 'foo'
assertScript '''
class StringSetterOnly {
void setFlag(String b) {}
def b = new StringSetterOnly()
b.flag = false
assertScript '''
class ClassSetterOnly {
void setFlag(Class b) {}
def b = new ClassSetterOnly()
b.flag = 'java.lang.String'
// GROOVY-6590
void testShouldFindStaticPropertyOnPrimitiveType() {
assertScript '''
int i=1
assertScript '''
def i="d"
void testImplicitPropertyOfDelegateShouldNotPreferField() {
assertScript '''
Calendar.instance.with {
Date d1 = time // Date getTime() vs. long time
void testPropertyStyleSetterArgShouldBeCheckedAgainstParamType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
Bar bar;
void setBar(int x) { = new Bar(x: x)
class Bar {
int x
Foo foo = new Foo() = new Bar()
''', 'Cannot assign value of type Bar to variable of type int'
assertScript '''
class Foo {
Bar bar;
void setBar(int x) { = new Bar(x: x)
class Bar {
int x
Foo foo = new Foo() = 1
assert == 1
void testPropertyStyleGetterUsageShouldBeCheckedAgainstReturnType() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
class Foo {
Bar bar;
int getBar() {
class Bar {
int x
Foo foo = new Foo(bar: new Bar(x: 1))
Bar bar =
''', 'Cannot assign value of type int to variable of type Bar'
assertScript '''
class Foo {
Bar bar;
int getBar() {
class Bar {
int x
Foo foo = new Foo(bar: new Bar(x: 1))
int x =
assert x == 1
static interface InterfaceWithField {
String boo = "I don't fancy fields in interfaces"
static class BaseClass {
int x
static class BaseClass2 extends BaseClass {