| |
| = Solving simple optimization problems with Groovy using Commons Math, Hipparchus, OptaPlanner, and Timefold |
| Paul King |
| :revdate: 2024-03-14T22:22:00+00:00 |
| :keywords: groovy, optaplanner, timefold, ojalgo, jacop, or-tools, choco, commons math, hipparchus, linear programming |
| :description: This post looks at solving simple optimization problems using Groovy. |
| |
| == Introduction |
| |
| There are many problems involving optimization. |
| We'll explore a case study which can be solved using linear optimization, |
| also known as |
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming[linear programming]. |
| Linear programming problems optimize a particular linear objective |
| function subject to one or more linear equality and inequality constraints. |
| |
| We'll look at such a problem and some libraries |
| and tools which can be used to solve them. |
| |
| == Case Study: Diet Optimization |
| |
| Let's look at a case study where we try to minimize the cost of food |
| items in our diet, while still maintaining some overall constraints |
| which we might set for health or dietary preference reasons. |
| The example is inspired by |
| https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/orcdc/14.2/ormpug/ormpug_lpsolver_examples01.htm[this SAS example], |
| but see the <<Further Information>> section for a more elaborate linear programming example, |
| the classic Stigler diet problem, solved using Google OR-Tools. |
| |
| First, here are six foods with their costs and nutritional |
| values that make up our diet: |
| |
| [width=300] |
| |=== |
| | | Bread 🍞 | Milk 🥛 | Cheese 🧀 | Potato 🥔 | Fish 🐟 | Yogurt 🍶 |
| | Cost | 2.0 | 3.5 | 8.0 | 1.5 | 11.0 | 1.0 |
| | Protein (g) | 4.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 | 1.3 | 8.0 | 9.2 |
| | Fat (g) | 1.0 | 5.0 | 9.0 | 0.1 | 7.0 | 1.0 |
| | Carbohydrates (g) | 15.0 | 11.7 | 0.4 | 22.6 | 0.0 | 17.0 |
| | Calories | 90 | 120 | 106 | 97 | 130 | 180 |
| |=== |
| |
| We want to minimize cost, while maintaining optimal nutrition, |
| where optimal will be defined as meeting the following criteria: |
| |
| * Must be at least 300 calories |
| * Not more than 10 grams of fat |
| * Not less than 10 grams of carbohydrates |
| * Not less than 8 grams of fat |
| * At least 0.5 units of fish |
| * No more than 1 unit of milk |
| |
| Note, we don't recommend this simplified set of constraints |
| as a real diet, it is only for illustrative purposes for our case study. |
| |
| Relating this back to our earlier definition of linear programming, |
| our list above represent our linear constraints. Our object function |
| is cost which is determined by the amount of each food multiplied |
| by its cost. |
| |
| == Solving with a spreadsheet solver |
| |
| This kind of problem is so common that solvers exist even within spreadsheet applications. We'll show a solution using the |
| https://opensolver.org/opensolver-for-google-sheets/[OpenSolver Add-on] for |
| https://www.google.com.au/sheets/about/[Google Sheets]. |
| But you can do the same thing using |
| https://speakerdeck.com/paulk/groovy-constraint-programming?slide=77[Microsoft Excel] if you prefer. |
| |
| First, we fill in the data for our problem. |
| It will be similar to the figure shown below, but initially, |
| the variable cells (blue) and objective cell (yellow) will be blank. |
| |
| image:img/GoogleSheetsDietData.png[Data] |
| |
| Then, using the OpenSolver extension, we identify by way |
| of cell ranges, our data (blue) and objective (yellow) cells, |
| as well as the constraints. |
| |
| image:img/GoogleSheetsDietOpenSolver.png[Solver,width=25%] |
| |
| Then we click "Solve" and it calculates our optimized value. |
| |
| Let's look at solving this programmatically using Groovy. |
| Groovy provides a particularly nice environment for |
| scripting solutions to such problems, but for |
| the libraries we are using, it should be possible to use |
| most JVM languages. |
| |
| == Using Apache Commons Math or Hipparchus |
| |
| Let's now look at solving this problem using a simplex solver. |
| We'll use the `SimplexSolver` class from Apache Commons |
| Math which is essentially the same as the one from Hipparchus |
| (a commons math fork). |
| |
| We'll start with a little helper method for defining our constraints: |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| static scalar(coeffs, rel, double val) { |
| new LinearConstraint(coeffs as double[], rel, val) |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| Next we define our individual constraints and the combined set: |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| var milk_max = scalar([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], LEQ, 1) |
| var fish_min = scalar([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], GEQ, 0.5) |
| var protein = scalar([4.0, 8.0, 7.0, 1.3, 8.0, 9.2], LEQ, 10) |
| var fat = scalar([1.0, 5.0, 9.0, 0.1, 7.0, 1.0], GEQ, 8) |
| var carbs = scalar([15.0, 11.7, 0.4, 22.6, 0.0, 17.0], GEQ, 10) |
| var calories = scalar([90, 120, 106, 97, 130, 180], GEQ, 300) |
| |
| LinearConstraintSet constraints = [milk_max, fish_min, protein, fat, carbs, calories] |
| ---- |
| |
| Each individual constraint has a coefficient for each food, |
| a relationship, and a value. |
| |
| Next, we define our cost function, and an additional constraint |
| to indicate that we can't buy a negative amount of any food. |
| The `zeroOrMore` constraint saves us from doing the long-hand |
| equivalent, like `fish_min` but with a minimum of `0`, for each food. |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| var cost = new LinearObjectiveFunction([2.0, 3.5, 8.0, 1.5, 11.0, 1.0] as double[], 0) |
| |
| var zeroOrMore = new NonNegativeConstraint(true) |
| ---- |
| |
| Now, our solution is found by creating a new solver, and asking |
| it to optimize using our cost function and the constraints. |
| We then print our solution out: |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| var solution = new SimplexSolver().optimize(cost, constraints, zeroOrMore) |
| |
| static pretty(int idx, double d) { |
| d ? [sprintf('%s %.2f', ['🍞', '🥛', '🧀', '🥔', '🐟', '🍶'][idx], d)] : [] |
| } |
| |
| if (solution != null) { |
| printf "Cost: %.2f%n", solution.value |
| println solution.point.indexed().collectMany(this::pretty).join(', ') |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| When run, it gives the following output: |
| |
| ---- |
| Cost: 12.08 |
| 🥛 0.05, 🧀 0.45, 🥔 1.87, 🐟 0.50 |
| ---- |
| |
| This is the same solution as what we saw when using the spreadsheet. |
| |
| You can currently swap between Apache Commons Math and Hipparchus |
| by switching the Maven coordinates of the jar being used on the classpath |
| and changing a few import statements. This may change in future versions, |
| but for now: |
| |
| * Using `org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1` gives an older stable version |
| of Commons Math, starting to show its age at 8 years old. |
| * Using `org.apache.commons:commons-math4-legacy:4.0-beta1` |
| gives the latest version of these classes from Apache Commons Math. |
| The naming possibly deserves some explanation. There has been ongoing |
| effort to modularise Commons Math and there are numerous components |
| delivered as a result. The optimisation classes haven't |
| been worked on yet and are available in the aforementioned artifact. |
| * Using `org.hipparchus:hipparchus-optim:3.1` gives classes from the forked |
| project. For the classes we are using, there is essentially no difference |
| in the fork, but other parts of the library have seen useful updates |
| if you don't mind having a dependency that isn't backed by the ASF. |
| |
| If you don't like those options, there are many more, here are a few |
| with Groovy solutions in the same repo as the above examples: |
| |
| * For a solution using the SCIP simplex solver in Google https://developers.google.com/optimization/lp[OR-Tools], see https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/blob/master/subprojects/Diet/src/main/groovy/DietOrTools.groovy[DietOrTools.groovy] |
| * For a solution showing Groovy support within https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.5/proc/p1x8agymll9gten1ocziihptcjzj.htm[SAS], see https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/blob/master/subprojects/Diet/src/main/groovy/DietGroovy.sas[DietGroovy.sas] |
| * For a solution using the LP solver in https://www.ojalgo.org/[ojAlgo], see https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/blob/master/subprojects/Diet/src/main/groovy/DietOjalgo.groovy[DietOjalgo.groovy] |
| * For a solution using the https://choco-solver.org/[Choco] constraint programming solver, see https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/blob/master/subprojects/Diet/src/main/groovy/DietChocoInt.groovy[DietChocoInt.groovy] for a solution using scaled integers, and https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/blob/master/subprojects/Diet/src/main/groovy/DietChocoReal.groovy[DietChocoReal.groovy] for a solution with real numbers using Ibex integration |
| * For a solution using the https://github.com/radsz/jacop[JaCoP] constraint programming solver, see https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/blob/master/subprojects/Diet/src/main/groovy/DietJacopInt.groovy[DietJacopInt.groovy] for a solution using scaled integers, and https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/blob/master/subprojects/Diet/src/main/groovy/DietJacopIntKnapsack.groovy[DietJacopIntKnapsack.groovy] for a solution utilizing a Knapsack constraint |
| |
| For simple optimization problems, like our case study, |
| which can be solved using a simplex solver, you generally |
| need look no further. It is a very efficient approach |
| to solving such problems. For an additional class of slightly |
| more complex problems, they can be mapped to linear programming |
| problems with a little ingenuity. |
| |
| For more complex problems, |
| there are generally no super efficient solution approaches. |
| You need to bring to bear a range of techniques for managing |
| the potentially huge search space which is inherent in |
| such problems. That is where optimization libraries like |
| OptaPlanner (and Timefold) come into play. |
| |
| == Using OptaPlanner or Timefold |
| |
| OptaPlanner is an optimization library combining optimization algorithms with constraint solving. |
| For most of the last 10 years the library was developed under Red Hat's guidance. |
| In the last 12 months, the project and other related projects |
| were donated to the https://www.apache.org/[ASF] as part of https://kie.apache.org/[Apache KIE]. |
| More recently, the library was also forked as |
| https://timefold.ai/[Timefold]. |
| |
| In this blog, we'll use Timefold, but the code in the examples remains the same for both libraries as you can see in the |
| referenced repositories. |
| Just the Maven coordinate of the library changes along with the associated class imports. |
| At this stage, it isn't clear how the two projects will evolve over time. |
| |
| One of the claims of the Timefold project is that it has a lighter dependency footprint. |
| This can be confirmed by running the `printRuntimeClasspath` task in the associated builds. |
| Timefold has 20 dependant jars compared with OptaPlanner's 55 jars. |
| |
| While Timefold's power isn't needed for our simple problem, |
| let's examine how you would use it for the same case study. |
| |
| First, we'll create a planning entity. |
| This is a class which the solver knows will change |
| over time and will contain one or more planning |
| variables. |
| |
| In our case, we have just one planning variable, |
| the `amount` property, which the solver will adjust while trying |
| to find an optimal solution. |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| @PlanningEntity |
| @TupleConstructor(includeFields = true) |
| class Food { |
| final String name, emoji |
| final double cost, protein, fat, carbs, calories |
| @PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = "amount") |
| Integer amount // times 100 |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| We are using an Integer as the type for `amount`, since |
| Integers are much easier for a solver to work with. |
| We'll actually store the amount (as seen in the earlier example) |
| multiplied by 100, but we'll divide by 100 when displaying the result. |
| |
| The other fields of our class are constants once defined |
| during instance construction. |
| |
| Next, we define a planning solution class. This has all the |
| information needed about any given solution including a `score`. |
| The score lets us determine whether one solution is more optimal |
| than another, and also whether a given solution meets all hard |
| and soft constraints (explained shortly). |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| @PlanningSolution |
| class DietSolution { |
| @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty |
| List<Food> foods |
| |
| @ValueRangeProvider(id = "amount") |
| CountableValueRange<Integer> getAmount() { |
| ValueRangeFactory.createIntValueRange(0, 200, 5) |
| } |
| |
| @PlanningScore |
| HardSoftScore score |
| |
| String toString() { |
| var sb = new StringBuilder() |
| foods.eachWithIndex { f, idx -> |
| sb << "$f.emoji $f.name: ${f.amount / 100}\n" |
| } |
| for (name in ['fat', 'carbs', 'protein', 'calories', 'cost']) { |
| var total = foods.sum{ f -> f."$name" * f.amount / 100 } |
| sb << sprintf("Total %s: %.2f%n", name, total) |
| } |
| sb << "Score: $score" |
| sb |
| } |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| Next we want to define some constraints. In general, we have hard |
| constraints which must be met and soft constraints which should |
| be met if possible. In our case, we'll have constraints like minimum |
| and maximum values for various foods and various nutritional measures. |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| class DietConstraintProvider implements ConstraintProvider { |
| @Override |
| Constraint[] defineConstraints(ConstraintFactory factory) { |
| new Constraint[]{ |
| maxField(factory, 'protein', 10), |
| minField(factory, 'fat', 8), |
| minField(factory, 'carbs', 10), |
| minField(factory, 'calories', 300), |
| minFood(factory, 'Fish', 50), |
| maxFood(factory, 'Milk', 100), |
| minCost(factory), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private static int amountOf(Food f, String name) { |
| (f."$name" * f.amount).toInteger() |
| } |
| |
| private static Constraint minField(ConstraintFactory factory, String fieldName, double minAmount) { |
| ToIntFunction<Food> amount = f -> amountOf(f, fieldName) |
| factory.forEach(Food) |
| .groupBy(sum(amount)) |
| .filter(fs -> fs < minAmount * 100) |
| .penalize(ONE_HARD) |
| .asConstraint("Min $fieldName") |
| } |
| |
| private static Constraint maxField(ConstraintFactory factory, String fieldName, double maxAmount) { |
| ToIntFunction<Food> amount = f -> amountOf(f, fieldName) |
| factory.forEach(Food) |
| .groupBy(sum(amount)) |
| .filter(fs -> fs > maxAmount * 100) |
| .penalize(ONE_HARD) |
| .asConstraint("Max $fieldName") |
| } |
| |
| private static Constraint minFood(ConstraintFactory factory, String foodName, double minAmount) { |
| factory.forEach(Food) |
| .filter(f -> f.name == foodName && f.amount < minAmount) |
| .penalize(ONE_HARD) |
| .asConstraint("Min $foodName") |
| } |
| |
| private static Constraint maxFood(ConstraintFactory factory, String foodName, double maxAmount) { |
| factory.forEach(Food) |
| .filter(f -> f.name == foodName && f.amount > maxAmount) |
| .penalize(ONE_HARD) |
| .asConstraint("Max $foodName") |
| } |
| |
| private static ToIntFunction<Food> totalCost = f -> |
| (f.cost * f.amount).toInteger() |
| |
| private static Constraint minCost(ConstraintFactory factory) { |
| factory.forEach(Food) |
| .filter(f -> f.amount > 0) |
| .groupBy(sum(totalCost)) |
| .penalize(ONE_SOFT, fs -> fs >> 2) |
| .asConstraint('Min cost') |
| } |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| With these helper classes in place, we are now ready to |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| def unsolved = new DietSolution(foods: [ |
| new Food('Bread' , '🍞', 2.0, 4.0, 1.0, 15.0, 90), |
| new Food('Milk' , '🥛', 3.5, 8.0, 5.0, 11.7, 120), |
| new Food('Cheese', '🧀', 8.0, 7.0, 9.0, 0.4, 106), |
| new Food('Potato', '🥔', 1.5, 1.3, 0.1, 22.6, 97), |
| new Food('Fish' , '🐟', 11.0, 8.0, 7.0, 0.0, 130), |
| new Food('Yogurt', '🍶', 1.0, 9.2, 1.0, 17.0, 180) |
| ]) |
| |
| def config = new SolverConfig() |
| .withSolutionClass(DietSolution) |
| .withEntityClasses(Food) |
| .withConstraintProviderClass(DietConstraintProvider) |
| .withTerminationSpentLimit(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) |
| |
| def factory = SolverFactory.create(config) |
| def solver = factory.buildSolver() |
| println solver.solve(unsolved) |
| ---- |
| |
| It has this output when run: |
| |
| ---- |
| 08:17:05.202 [main] INFO a.t.s.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolver - Solving started: time spent (25), best score (-6init/0hard/0soft), environment mode (REPRODUCIBLE), move thread count (NONE), random (JDK with seed 0). |
| 08:17:05.385 [main] INFO a.t.s.c.i.c.DefaultConstructionHeuristicPhase - Construction Heuristic phase (0) ended: time spent (210), best score (-1hard/-521soft), score calculation speed (1355/sec), step total (6). |
| 08:17:15.175 [main] INFO a.t.s.c.i.l.DefaultLocalSearchPhase - Local Search phase (1) ended: time spent (10000), best score (-1hard/-261soft), score calculation speed (155967/sec), step total (1030). |
| 08:17:15.176 [main] INFO a.t.s.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolver - Solving ended: time spent (10000), best score (-1hard/-261soft), score calculation speed (152685/sec), phase total (2), environment mode (REPRODUCIBLE), move thread count (NONE). |
| 🍞 Bread: 0.6 |
| 🥛 Milk: 0.6 |
| 🧀 Cheese: 0 |
| 🥔 Potato: 0.4 |
| 🐟 Fish: 0.5 |
| 🍶 Yogurt: 1.05 |
| Total fat: 8.19 |
| Total carbs: 42.91 |
| Total protein: 21.38 |
| Total calories: 418.80 |
| Total cost: 10.45 |
| Score: -1hard/-261soft |
| ---- |
| |
| Given the amount of time we gave the solver, and using the |
| default search algorithms, we couldn't even meet all hard constraints. |
| The search space was so vast, that we never reached an area in the |
| search space where all constraints were met. |
| |
| The good news is that we can provide additional guidance, so that |
| the solver heads in better directions during its searching. |
| Here is one possible additional configuration that we could supply, |
| along with the updated `config` definition: |
| |
| [source,groovy] |
| ---- |
| def construction = new ConstructionHeuristicPhaseConfig( |
| constructionHeuristicType: FIRST_FIT) |
| def moveSelector = new UnionMoveSelectorConfig([ |
| new ChangeMoveSelectorConfig(), |
| new SwapMoveSelectorConfig() |
| ]) |
| def localSearch = new LocalSearchPhaseConfig( |
| moveSelectorConfig: moveSelector) |
| def config = new SolverConfig() |
| .withSolutionClass(DietSolution) |
| .withEntityClasses(Food) |
| .withConstraintProviderClass(DietConstraintProvider) |
| .withPhases(construction, localSearch) // additional solution guidance |
| .withTerminationSpentLimit(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) |
| ---- |
| |
| It now has this output when run: |
| |
| ---- |
| 🍞 Bread: 0 |
| 🥛 Milk: 0 |
| 🧀 Cheese: 0.5 |
| 🥔 Potato: 1.9 |
| 🐟 Fish: 0.5 |
| 🍶 Yogurt: 0 |
| Total fat: 8.19 |
| Total carbs: 43.14 |
| Total protein: 9.97 |
| Total calories: 302.30 |
| Total cost: 12.35 |
| Score: 0hard/-308soft |
| ---- |
| |
| We can see here that it is now close to what linear programming would give us. |
| |
| == Further Information |
| |
| * https://developers.google.com/optimization/lp[OR-Tools] linear optimization |
| * A related but more elaborate example based on the https://developers.google.com/optimization/lp/stigler_diet[Stigler Diet] problem using Google OR-Tools |
| * A Python https://www.kaggle.com/code/nbuhagiar/diet-optimization-with-or-tools[Diet example] also using Google OR-Tools |
| * GitHub repos containing sample code: https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/tree/master/subprojects/Diet[Diet] https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/tree/master/subprojects/DietOptaPlanner[DietOptaPlanner] https://github.com/paulk-asert/groovy-constraint-programming/tree/master/subprojects/DietTimeflow[DietTimeflow] |
| |
| == Conclusion |
| |
| We have looked at using Groovy and a few linear optimization |
| libraries to solve a diet case study. Our main focus was the |
| Apache Commons Math and Hipparchus libraries. |
| We also explored using the more powerful Timeflow and OptaPlanner |
| libraries. |
| |
| .Update history |
| **** |
| *10/Dec/2024*: Updated to OptaPlanner 10.0.0 and Timefold 1.16.0. |
| **** |