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= Groovy website
The Groovy development team
:revdate: 2022-04-02
{groovy-www}[Groovy] is a multi-faceted language for the Java Virtual Machine. It builds
upon the strengths of Java, but has additional power features inspired by languages like
Python, Ruby and Smalltalk.
Groovy makes modern programming features available to Java developers with almost-zero
learning curve as well as supports Domain-Specific Languages and other compact syntax
so your code becomes easy to read and maintain.
Groovy makes writing shell and build scripts easy with its powerful processing primitives,
OO abilities and an Ant DSL.
It also increases developer productivity by reducing scaffolding code when developing web,
GUI, database or console applications. Groovy simplifies testing by supporting unit testing
and mocking out-of-the-box. Groovy also seamlessly integrates with all existing Java classes
and libraries and compiles straight to Java bytecode so you can use it anywhere you can use Java.
== Sources for the Groovy website
This project builds two Groovy websites:
* The _user_ website contains information for users of the Apache Groovy programming language
* The _developer_ website contains information for those interested in contributing to the language development
The websites are static once generated. The generation process uses {gradle}[Gradle] and Groovy's templating
capabilities to generate the sites.
== Generating the user site
git clone
cd groovy-website
./gradlew :site-user:webzip
The output can be found in the `site-user/build` directory:
|---- site : the generated static website
|---- reports : deadlinks report
|---- distributions : zip of the website
The user site is published as part of the release process.
== Generating the developer site
git clone
cd groovy-website
./gradlew :site-dev:webzip
The output can be found in the `site-dev/build` directory:
|---- site : the generated static website
|---- reports : deadlinks report
|---- distributions : zip of the website
The dev site is published continuously from the _asf-site_ branch.
The CI server runs {groovy-ci}[here] (Groovy committers can login
with Apache credentials and trigger manually if needed).
Status: image:{build-icon}[build status, link={groovy-ci}]
WARNING: The website is continuously updated from the _asf-site_ branch.
This means that *every merge on that branch is immediately published*.
Changes that need to be applied on a specific date need to be done on a dedicated branch.
== Contributing
The website is generated thanks to Gradle and makes use of the {markupte}[Markup Template Engine].
The structure of the project consists of these modules/directories:
generator : module for utility classes and model for generating the website
site : directory with shared website content
site-user : module which describes which content appears in the user site
site-dev : module which describes which content appears in the developer site
The `site` subproject consists of:
src/main/site : sources for the static website
|--- assets : static resources such as images, CSS files, ...
|--- html : elements that templates include as raw HTML contents
|--- includes : includes used by templates
|--- layouts : layouts for the various pages
|--- pages : individual pages
The `site-user` subproject consists of:
build.gradle : website weaving logic for user site
The `site-dev` subproject consists of:
build.gradle : website weaving logic for dev site
Additional details (a little dated but mostly relevant) can be found in
this[blog post].
== License
Groovy is licensed under the terms of the[Apache License, Version 2.0]