Functional Test cases

TestCase IDTest PageTest Case DescriptionTest Case StepsTest DataExpected ResultActual ResultTest ResultJira Bug ID
0101login pageinvalid corp id - check user cannot login the system with invalid corp id.1. Input invalid corp id.
2. Input password.
3. click ‘log in’ button.
1. login failed.Passed
0102login pageinvalid password - check user cannot login the system with invalid password.1. input valid corp id.
2.input invalid password ‘log in’ button.
1. login failed.Passed
0103login pagevalid corp id and passoword - check user can login the system with valid corp id and password.1. Input the corp id and password.
2 click ‘log in’ button.
1. login succesfullyPassed
0104login pageremember password1. Input the corp id and password.
2. select ‘remember password’. ‘log in’ button.
4. close the brower.
5. open the brower again.
6. visit the griffin page.
1.the id and password are valid.
2.‘remember password’ is checked.
3.logged in the griffin homepage.
4.the brower is closed.
5.the brower is reopened.
6.the griffin homepage is opened, instead of the login page.
0105login pagenot remember password1. Input the corp id and password.
2. unselect ‘remember password’. ‘log in’ button.
4. close the brower.
5. open the brower again.
6. visit the griffin page.
1.the id and password are valid.
2.‘remember password’ is unchecked.
3.logged in the griffin homepage.
4.the brower is closed.
5.the brower is reopened.
6.the login page is opened.
0201main pagemenu bar - check all links in the menu work.1. click ‘Health’.
2. click ‘Measures’. ‘Create Measure’. ‘Data Profiling’.
4. click your username -> ‘API Docs’. ‘health’ page. ‘measures’ page. ‘crreate measure’ page ‘data profiling’ page new page for API page.
0202main pagemenu bar - search1.input a word in the search box. search.
1. show search result.unimplemented
0203main pagemenu bar - user profile1. click username -> ‘user profile’1. show user profile pageunimplemented
0204main pagemenu bar - setting1. click username -> ‘setting’1. show setting page.unimplemented
0205main pageright side - DataAssets1. click ‘DataAssets’ the data assets page.Passed
0206main pageright side - DQ Metrics1. click ‘DQ Metrics’ link.1. show DQ Metrics pagePassed
0207main pageright side - statistics for the DQ data.1. check the DQ data with the name, last updated time, and the data quality.
2. show more for one item, check the dq trend chart.
3. click the chart.
4. close the zoomed-in chart. all the dq data. the latest dq trend chart for the item.
3.the dq chart is zoomed in.
4.the zoomed-in chart is closed.
0301health pageheatmap1. open ‘heatmap’ tab.
2. check the data quality metrics heatmap.
3. click inside the heatmap. the heatmap.
2.all the data are shown successfully. the metrics page.
0302health pagecheck the UI layout when the page is zoomed in and out.1.zoom in the page.
2.zoom out the page.
1. display the page correctly.Passed
0401metrics pagecheck metrics data1. check the dq charts for the metrics.
2. click one chart.
1. all the data in the dq charts are correct.
2. the chart is zoomed in.
0402metrics pageDownload Sample1. click ‘download sample’.1. the sample is downloaded to the local path.unimplemented
0403metrics pageProfiling1. click ‘profiling’1. show ‘profiling’unimplemented
0404metrics pagecheck the UI layout when the page is zoomed in and out.1.zoom in the page.
2.zoom out the page.
1. display the page correctly.Passed
0501Measures pagecheck the measures data1. check all the columns are correct or not.
2. click one measure name.
1. all the data are correct.
2. show more information of the measure.
0502Measures pagedelete measure1. click ‘delete’ icon for one measure.
2. confirm to delete the measure.
1. open delete confirmation page.
2. the measure is removed from the measures table.
0503Measures pageView measure1. click ‘view’ icon for one measure.1. open view measure page
0504Measures pagetable paging1. click other pages in the measures table.1.all the data in other pages are show correctly.Passed
0505Measures pagecreate measure1. click ‘create measure’ button1. open ‘create measure’ page.Passed
0506Measures pagecheck the UI layout when the page is zoomed in and out.1.zoom in the page.
2.zoom out the page.
1. display the page correctly.Passed
0601create measure - accuracycreate accuracy1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ -> ‘Accuracy’
2.choose the source. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_src’. one or more attributes, e.g. id, age.
4. click ‘next’.
5. choose the target. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_tgt’.
6. select one or more attributes, e.g. id.
7. click ‘next’.
8. select ‘Map To’,e.g.‘=’.
9. select a source field for each target.
10. click ‘next’.
11. input the partition configuration for the source and the target,e.g. partition size‘1day’.
12. input the required information, e.g. measure name ‘test_acu’. ‘submit’.
14. confirm to save.
source schema: ‘default -> demo_src’.
Source attributes: id, age.
target schema: ‘default -> demo_tgt’.
target attributes, e.g. id.
Map to: =.
Source Fields:
Partition size: ‘1day’.
model name: ‘test_acu’.
1. open ‘create accuracy’ page.
2. the source shcema is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
3. the source attributes are selected.
4. go to ‘choose target’ step.
5. the target schema is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
6. the target attributes are selected.
7. go to ‘mapping source and target’ step.
8. exactly map to the source.
9. the source field is selected for each target.
10. go to ‘partition configuration’ step.
12. the configuration are input correctly.
11. go to ‘configuration’ step.
12. the required info are input correctly.
13. open a confirmation page.
14. the new model ‘test_acu’ is created. It is shown in the measures table
0602create measure - accuracyshow error message if no source attribute is selected.1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ -> ‘Accuracy’.
2. click ‘next’
1. open ‘create accuracy’ page.
2. show error message to select at least one attribute.
0603create measure - accuracyshow error message if no target attribute is selected.1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ -> ‘Accuracy’.
2.choose the source. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_src’. one or more attributes, e.g. id, age.
4. click ‘next’.
5. in the ‘target’ step, click ‘next’.
source schema: ‘default -> demo_src’.
Source attributes: id, age.
"1. open ‘create accuracy’ page.
2. the source shcema is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
3. the source attributes are selected.
4. go to ‘choose target’ step.
5. show error message to select at least one attribute.
0604create measure - accuracyshow error message if ‘map fields’ is not set.1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ -> ‘Accuracy’
2.choose the source. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_src’. one or more attributes, e.g. id, age.
4. click ‘next’.
5. choose the target. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_tgt’.
6. select one or more attributes, e.g. id.
7. click ‘next’.
8. no selection. click ‘next’.
source schema: ‘default -> demo_src’.
Source attributes: id, age.
target schema: ‘default -> demo_tgt’.
target attributes, e.g. id.
1. open ‘create accuracy’ page.
2. the source shcema is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
3. the source attributes are selected.
4. go to ‘choose target’ step.
5. the target schema is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
6. the target attributes are selected.
7. go to ‘mapping source and target’ step.
8. no source field is selected for each target.
9. show error message.
0605create measure - accuracyshow error if the configuration is invalid1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ -> ‘Accuracy’
2.choose the source. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_src’. one or more attributes, e.g. id, age.
4. click ‘next’.
5. choose the target. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_tgt’.
6. select one or more attributes, e.g. id.
7. click ‘next’.
8. select ‘Map To’,e.g.‘=’.
9. select a source field for each target.
10. click ‘next’.
11.input the partition configuration for the source and the target,e.g. partition size‘1day’.
12. input invalid value for each field, e.g. measure name ‘a test’,
source schema: ‘default -> demo_src’.
Source attributes: id, age.
target schema: ‘default -> demo_tgt’.
target attributes, e.g. id.
Map to: =.
Source Fields:
Partition size: ‘1day’.
model name: ‘a test’,
1. open ‘create accuracy’ page.
2. the source shcema is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
3. the source attributes are selected.
4. go to ‘choose target’ step.
5. the target schema is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
6. the target attributes are selected.
7. go to ‘mapping source and target’ step.
8. the source field is selected for each target..
9. exactly map to the source.
10. the source field is selected for each target.
11. go to ‘configuration’ step.
12. show error for invalid value.
0606create measure - accuracycheck the link to add new data asset.1. click the link for adding new data asset.1. go to the ‘register data asset’ page.unimplemented
0607create measure - accuracycheck the UI layout for all the steps when the page is zoomed in and out.1.zoom in the page.
2.zoom out the page.
1.all the steps in the page can be shown correctly.Passed
0701create measure - profilingcheck measure with profiling type can be created.1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ ->Data Profiling
2.choose the target. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_src’. one attribute, e.g. id.
4. click ‘next’.
5. choose one profiling model, e.g. Null Count ,Total Count.
6. click ‘next’.
7.input the partition configuration for the source,e.g. partition size‘1day’.
8. click ‘next’.
9. input valid value for the configuration fields. e.g. measure name ‘avalidity’.
10. click ‘submit’
11. click ‘save’.
schema: ‘default -> demo_src’.
Attribute: id.
validity model: Null Count ,Total Count.
measure name: ‘a profiling’,
1. open ‘create profiling’ page.
2. the target schem is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
3. the attribute is selected.
4. go to ‘select models’ page.
5. the profiling model is selected. The description of the model is shown as well.
7. go to ‘partition configuration’ step.
8. go to ‘configuration’ step.
9. all the value are valid.
10. open a confirmation page.
11. the new model ‘profiling’ is created successfully. it is shown in the measures page.
0702create measure - profilingshow error if no target is selected.1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ ->Data Profiling
2. not choose the target.
3. click ‘next’.
1. open ‘create profiling’ page.
2. no target schem is selected.
3. show error.
0703create measure - profilingshow error if any field is invalid.1. click ‘Measures’ -> ‘Create Measure’ ->Data Profiling
2.choose the target. Select a schema, e.g. ‘default -> demo_src’. one attribute, e.g. id.
4. click ‘next’.
5. choose one profiling model, e.g. Null Count ,Total Count.
6. click ‘next’.
7.input the partition configuration for the source,e.g. partition size‘1day’.
8. click ‘next’.
9. input invalid value for the configuration fields.
schema: ‘default -> demo_src’.
Attribute: id.
validity model: Null Count ,Total Count.
measure name: ‘a profiling’,
1. open ‘create profiling’ page.
2. the target schem is selected. The corresponding attributes are shown in the attributes table.
3. the attribute is selected.
4. go to ‘select models’ page.
5. the profiling model is selected. The description of the model is shown as well.
6. go to ‘partition configuration’ step.
7. go to ‘configuration’ step.
8. show error for the invalid value.
0704create measure - profilingcheck the UI layout for all the steps when the page is zoomed in and out.1.zoom in the page.
2.zoom out the page.
1.all the steps in the page can be shown correctly.Passed
0801data assetscheck the data assets information1. check all the columns are correct or not.
2. show more for an asset.
1. all the data are correct.
2. show the schemas of the asset.
0802data assetstable paging1. click other pages in the table.1.all the data in other pages are show correctly.Passed
0803data assetscheck the UI layout when the page is zoomed in and out.1.zoom in the page.
2.zoom out the page.
1. display the page correctly.Passed