Apache Griffin Deployment Guide

For Griffin users, please follow the instructions below to deploy Griffin in your environment. Note that there are some dependencies should be installed first.


You need to install following items

  • jdk (1.8 or later versions).
  • mysql or Postgresql.
  • npm (version 6.0.0+).
  • Hadoop (2.6.0 or later), you can get some help here.
  • Spark (version 1.6.x, griffin does not support 2.0.x at current), if you want to install Pseudo Distributed/Single Node Cluster, you can get some help here.
  • Hive (version 1.2.1 or later), you can get some help here. You need to make sure that your spark cluster could access your HiveContext.
  • Livy, you can get some help here. Griffin need to schedule spark jobs by server, we use livy to submit our jobs. For some issues of Livy for HiveContext, we need to download 3 files or get them from Spark lib $SPARK_HOME/lib/, and put them into HDFS.
  • ElasticSearch. ElasticSearch works as a metrics collector, Griffin produces metrics to it, and our default UI get metrics from it, you can use your own way as well.


Create database ‘quartz’ in mysql

mysql -u username -e "create database quartz" -p

Init quartz tables in mysql by service/src/main/resources/Init_quartz.sql

mysql -u username -p quartz < service/src/main/resources/Init_quartz.sql

You should also modify some configurations of Griffin for your environment.

  • service/src/main/resources/application.properties

    # jpa
    spring.datasource.url = jdbc:postgresql://<your IP>:5432/quartz?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false
    spring.datasource.username = <user name>
    spring.datasource.password = <password>
    spring.datasource.driverClassName = org.postgresql.Driver
    spring.jpa.show-sql = true
    # hive metastore
    hive.metastore.uris = thrift://<your IP>:9083
    hive.metastore.dbname = <hive database name>    # default is "default"
    # external properties directory location, ignore it if not required
    external.config.location =
    	# login strategy, default is "default"
    	login.strategy = <default or ldap>
    	# ldap properties, ignore them if ldap is not enabled
    	ldap.url = ldap://hostname:port
    	ldap.email = @example.com
    	ldap.searchBase = DC=org,DC=example
    	ldap.searchPattern = (sAMAccountName={0})
    	# hdfs, ignore it if you do not need predicate job
    	fs.defaultFS = hdfs://<hdfs-default-name>
    	# elasticsearch
    	elasticsearch.host = <your IP>
    	elasticsearch.port = <your elasticsearch rest port>
    	# authentication properties, uncomment if basic authentication is enabled
    	# elasticsearch.user = user
    	# elasticsearch.password = password
  • measure/src/main/resources/env.json

    	"persist": [
    			"type": "http",
    			"config": {
    		        "method": "post",
    		        "api": "http://<your ES IP>:<ES rest port>/griffin/accuracy"

    Put the modified env.json file into HDFS.

  • service/src/main/resources/sparkJob.properties

    sparkJob.file = hdfs://<griffin measure path>/griffin-measure.jar
    sparkJob.args_1 = hdfs://<griffin env path>/env.json
    sparkJob.jars = hdfs://<datanucleus path>/spark-avro_2.11-2.0.1.jar\
    	    hdfs://<datanucleus path>/datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.6.jar\
    	    hdfs://<datanucleus path>/datanucleus-core-3.2.10.jar\
    	    hdfs://<datanucleus path>/datanucleus-rdbms-3.2.9.jar
    	spark.yarn.dist.files = hdfs:///<spark conf path>/hive-site.xml
    livy.uri = http://<your IP>:8998/batches
    spark.uri = http://<your IP>:8088
    • <griffin measure path> is the location you should put the jar file of measure module.
    • <griffin env path> is the location you should put the env.json file.
    • <datanucleus path> is the location you should put the 3 jar files of livy, and the spark avro jar file if you need to support avro data.
    • <spark conf path> is the location of spark conf directory.

Build and Run

Build the whole project and deploy. (NPM should be installed)

mvn clean install

Put jar file of measure module into <griffin measure path> in HDFS

cp measure/target/measure-<version>-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar measure/target/griffin-measure.jar
hdfs dfs -put measure/target/griffin-measure.jar <griffin measure path>/

After all environment services startup, we can start our server.

java -jar service/target/service.jar

After a few seconds, we can visit our default UI of Griffin (by default the port of spring boot is 8080).

http://<your IP>:8080

You can use UI following the steps here.

Note: The front-end UI is still under development, you can only access some basic features currently.