[GRIFFIN-319] Deprecate old Data Connectors

**What changes were proposed in this pull request?**

This ticket aims to inform users of the deprecated data source connectors.

Deprecated connectors:

- MySqlDataConnector in favour of JDBCBasedDataConnector
- AvroBatchDataConnector in favour of FileBasedDataConnector
- TextDirBatchDataConnector in favour of FileBasedDataConnector

The documentation is also updated corresponding to the new connectors for reference.

**Does this PR introduce any user-facing change?**

**How was this patch tested?**
Not Applicable

Author: chitralverma <chitralverma@gmail.com>

Closes #564 from chitralverma/deprecate-old-data-connectors.
diff --git a/griffin-doc/measure/measure-configuration-guide.md b/griffin-doc/measure/measure-configuration-guide.md
index ac7b5c2..d1a6c36 100644
--- a/griffin-doc/measure/measure-configuration-guide.md
+++ b/griffin-doc/measure/measure-configuration-guide.md
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 - **sinks**: This field configures list of metrics sink parameters, multiple sink ways are supported. Details of sink configuration [here](#sinks).
 - **griffin.checkpoint**: This field configures list of griffin checkpoint parameters, multiple cache ways are supported. It is only for streaming dq case. Details of info cache configuration [here](#griffin-checkpoint).
-### <a name="sinks"></a>Sinks
+### Sinks
 - **type**: Metrics and records sink type, "console", "hdfs", "http", "mongo", "custom". 
 - **config**: Configure parameters of each sink type.
 	+ console sink (aliases: "log")
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
         User-provided data sink should be present in Spark job's class path, by providing custom jar as -jar parameter
 		    to spark-submit or by adding to "jars" list in sparkProperties.json.
-### <a name="griffin-checkpoint"></a>Griffin Checkpoint
+### Griffin Checkpoint
 - **type**: Griffin checkpoint type, "zk" for zookeeper checkpoint.
 - **config**: Configure parameters of griffin checkpoint type.
 	+ zookeeper checkpoint
@@ -193,33 +193,138 @@
 	+ rules: List of rules, to define every rule step. Details of rule configuration [here](#rule).
 - **sinks**: Whitelisted sink types for this job. Note: no sinks will be used, if empty or omitted. 
-### <a name="data-connector"></a>Data Connector
-- **type**: Data connector type: "AVRO", "HIVE", "TEXT-DIR", "CUSTOM" for batch mode; "KAFKA", "CUSTOM" for streaming mode.
-- **version**: Version string of data connector type.
-- **config**: Configure parameters of each data connector type.
-	+ avro data connector
-		* file.path: avro file path, optional, "" as default.
-		* file.name: avro file name.
-	+ hive data connector
-		* database: data base name, optional, "default" as default.
-		* table.name: table name.
-		* where: where conditions string, split by ",", optional.
-			e.g. `dt=20170410 AND hour=15, dt=20170411 AND hour=15, dt=20170412 AND hour=15`
-	+ text dir data connector
-		* dir.path: parent directory path.
-		* data.dir.depth: integer, depth of data directories, 0 as default.
-		* success.file: success file name, 
-		* done.file: 
-	+ custom connector
-	    * class: class name for user-provided data connector implementation. For Batch
-	    it should be implementing BatchDataConnector trait and have static method with signature
-	    ```def apply(ctx: BatchDataConnectorContext): BatchDataConnector```. 
-	    For Streaming, it should be implementing StreamingDataConnector and have static method
-	    ```def apply(ctx: StreamingDataConnectorContext): StreamingDataConnector```. User-provided
-	    data connector should be present in Spark job's class path, by providing custom jar as -jar parameter
-	    to spark-submit or by adding to "jars" list in sparkProperties.json.  
+### Data Connector
-### <a name="rule"></a>Rule
+Data Connectors help connector to external sources on which DQ checks can be applied.
+List of supported data connectors:
+ - Hive
+ - Kafka (Steaming only) 
+ - **File based:** Parquet, Avro, ORC, CSV, TSV, Text.
+ - **JDBC based:** MySQL, PostgreSQL etc.
+ - **Custom:** Cassandra, ElasticSearch
+ #### Configuration
+ A sample data connector configuration is as following,
+ ```
+"connectors": [
+  {
+    "type": "file",
+    "version": "1.7",
+    "config": {
+      "key1": "value1",
+      "key2": "value2"
+    }
+  }
+ ```
+ ##### Key Parameters:
+ | Name    | Type     | Description                            | Supported Values                                 |
+ |:--------|:---------|:---------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------|
+ | type    | `String` | Type of the Connector                  | file, hive, kafka (streaming only), jdbc, custom |
+ | version | `String` | Version String of connector (optional) | Depends on connector type                        |
+ | config  | `Object` | Configuration params of the connector  | Depends on connector type (see below)            |
+ ##### For Custom Data Connectors:
+ - **config** object must contain the key **class** whose value specifies class name for user-provided data connector 
+ implementation. 
+    + For **Batch** it should implement BatchDataConnector trait.
+    + For **Streaming** it should implement StreamingDataConnector trait.
+ - Example:
+      ```
+     "connectors": [
+       {
+         "type": "custom",
+         "config": {
+           "class": "org.apache.griffin.measure.datasource.connector.batch.CassandraDataConnector",
+           ...
+         }
+       }
+     ]
+      ```
+ **Note:** User-provided data connector should be present in Spark job's class path, by either providing custom jar with 
+`--jars` parameter to spark-submit or by adding setting `spark.jars` in `spark -> config` section of environment config.  
+ ##### For File based Data Connectors:
+ - Currently supported formats like Parquet, ORC, AVRO, Text and Delimited types like CSV, TSV etc.
+ - Local files can also be read by prepending `file://` namespace.
+ - **config** object supports the following keys,
+ | Name       | Type     | Description                            | Supported Values | Default Values |
+ |:-----------|:---------|:---------------------------------------|:-----------------|:-------------- |
+ | format     | `String` | type of file source| parquet, avro, orc, csv, tsv, text | parquet |
+ | paths      | `List`   | path(s) to be read | | `Empty` |
+ | options    | `Object` | format specific options | | `Empty` |
+ | skipOnError| `Boolean`| whether to continue execution if one or more paths are invalid | true, false | false |
+ | schema     | `List`   | given as list of key value pairs | See example below | `null` |
+ - Example:
+      ```
+     "connectors": [
+       {
+         "type": "file",
+         "config": {
+           "format": "csv",
+           "paths": ["/path/to/csv/dir/*", "/path/to/dir/test.csv"],
+           "options": {
+                "header": "true"
+            },
+           "skipOnError": "false",
+           "schema":[{"name":"user_id","type":"string","nullable":"true"},{"name":"age","type":"int","nullable":"false"}]
+         }
+       }
+     ]
+ **Note:** Additional examples of schema:
+- "schema":[{"name":"user_id","type":"string","nullable":"true"},{"name":"age","type":"int","nullable":"false"}]
+- "schema":[{"name":"user_id","type":"decimal(5,2)","nullable":"true"}]
+- "schema":[{"name":"my_struct","type":"struct<f1:int,f2:string>","nullable":"true"}]
+ ##### For Hive Data Connectors:
+ - **config** object supports the following keys,
+    * database: data base name, optional, "default" as default.
+    * table.name: table name.
+    * where: where conditions string, split by ",", optional.
+        e.g. `dt=20170410 AND hour=15, dt=20170411 AND hour=15, dt=20170412 AND hour=15`
+ ##### For JDBC based Data Connectors:
+- **config** object supports the following keys,
+| Name       | Type     | Description                            | Default Values |
+|:-----------|:---------|:---------------------------------------|:-------------- |
+| database   | `String` | database name                          | default |
+| tablename  | `String` | table name to be read                  | `Empty` |
+| url        | `String` | the connection string URL to database  | `Empty` |
+| user       | `String` | user for connection to database        | `Empty` |
+| password   | `String` | password for connection to database    | `null`  |
+| driver     | `String` | driver class for JDBC connection to database | com.mysql.jdbc.Driver |
+| where      | `String` | condition for reading data from table  | `Empty` |
+- Example:
+   ```
+  "connectors": [
+    {
+      "type": "jdbc",
+      "config": {
+        "database": "default",
+        "tablename": "test",
+        "url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/default",
+        "user": "test_u",
+        "password": "test_p",
+        "driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
+        "where": ""
+      }
+    }
+  ]   
+**Note:** Jar containing driver class should be present in Spark job's class path, by either providing custom jar with 
+`--jars` parameter to spark-submit or by adding setting `spark.jars` in `spark -> config` section of environment config.  
+### Rule
 - **dsl.type**: Rule dsl type, "spark-sql", "df-ops" and "griffin-dsl".
 - **dq.type**: DQ type of this rule, only for "griffin-dsl" type. Supported types: "ACCURACY", "PROFILING", "TIMELINESS", "UNIQUENESS", "COMPLETENESS".
 - **out.dataframe.name** (step information): Output table name of this rule, could be used in the following rules.
diff --git a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/DataConnectorFactory.scala b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/DataConnectorFactory.scala
index deb9bd8..ccc5fda 100644
--- a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/DataConnectorFactory.scala
+++ b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/DataConnectorFactory.scala
@@ -32,15 +32,14 @@
 object DataConnectorFactory extends Loggable {
+  @deprecated val AvroRegex: Regex = """^(?i)avro$""".r
+  @deprecated val TextDirRegex: Regex = """^(?i)text-dir$""".r
   val HiveRegex: Regex = """^(?i)hive$""".r
-  val AvroRegex: Regex = """^(?i)avro$""".r
   val FileRegex: Regex = """^(?i)file$""".r
-  val TextDirRegex: Regex = """^(?i)text-dir$""".r
   val KafkaRegex: Regex = """^(?i)kafka$""".r
-  val CustomRegex: Regex = """^(?i)custom$""".r
   val JDBCRegex: Regex = """^(?i)jdbc$""".r
+  val CustomRegex: Regex = """^(?i)custom$""".r
    * create data connector
diff --git a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/AvroBatchDataConnector.scala b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/AvroBatchDataConnector.scala
index dcedf48..d069356 100644
--- a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/AvroBatchDataConnector.scala
+++ b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/AvroBatchDataConnector.scala
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
  * batch data connector for avro file
+  s"This class is deprecated. Use '${classOf[FileBasedDataConnector].getCanonicalName}'.",
+  "0.6.0")
 case class AvroBatchDataConnector(
     @transient sparkSession: SparkSession,
     dcParam: DataConnectorParam,
diff --git a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/FileBasedDataConnector.scala b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/FileBasedDataConnector.scala
index 086596b..3fbd73c 100644
--- a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/FileBasedDataConnector.scala
+++ b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/FileBasedDataConnector.scala
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
  *  - format : [[String]] specifying the type of file source (parquet, orc, etc.).
  *  - paths : [[Seq]] specifying the paths to be read
  *  - options : [[Map]] of format specific options
- *  - skipOnError : [[Boolean]] specifying where to continue execution if one or more paths are invalid.
+ *  - skipOnError : [[Boolean]] specifying whether to continue execution if one or more paths are invalid.
  *  - schema : [[Seq]] of {colName, colType and isNullable} given as key value pairs. If provided, this can
  * help skip the schema inference step for some underlying data sources.
diff --git a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/MySqlDataConnector.scala b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/MySqlDataConnector.scala
index 31502b2..feacfc9 100644
--- a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/MySqlDataConnector.scala
+++ b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/MySqlDataConnector.scala
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.ParamUtil._
-  "This class is deprecated. Use 'org.apache.griffin.measure.datasource.connector.batch.JDBCBasedDataConnector'",
+  s"This class is deprecated. Use '${classOf[JDBCBasedDataConnector].getCanonicalName}'.",
 case class MySqlDataConnector(
     @transient sparkSession: SparkSession,
diff --git a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/TextDirBatchDataConnector.scala b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/TextDirBatchDataConnector.scala
index 35bcaa3..946ff7c 100644
--- a/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/TextDirBatchDataConnector.scala
+++ b/measure/src/main/scala/org/apache/griffin/measure/datasource/connector/batch/TextDirBatchDataConnector.scala
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
  * batch data connector for directory with text format data in the nth depth sub-directories
+  s"This class is deprecated. Use '${classOf[FileBasedDataConnector].getCanonicalName}'.",
+  "0.6.0")
 case class TextDirBatchDataConnector(
     @transient sparkSession: SparkSession,
     dcParam: DataConnectorParam,