Accuracy Measure - Configuration Guide


Data accuracy refers to the degree to which the values of a said attribute in a data source agree with an identified reference truth data (source of correct information). In-accurate data may come from different sources like,

  • Dynamically computed values,
  • the result of a manual workflow,
  • irate customers, etc.

Accuracy measure quantifies the extent to which data sets contains are correct, reliable and certified values that are free of error. Higher accuracy values signify that the said data set represents the “real-life” values/ objects that it intends to model.

Accuracy measure is comparative in nature - attributes of data source to be checked are compared with attributes of another reference source. Thus, unlike other measures/ dimensions, Accuracy relies on definition of 2 sources,

  • the reference (truth) source which contains the good/ correct/ accurate values.
  • the actual data source to be assessed and measured for data accuracy.


The accuracy measure can be configured as below,


  "measures": [
      "name": "accuracy_measure",
      "type": "accuracy",
      "data.source": "crime_report_source",
      "config": {
        "ref.source": "crime_report_truth",
        "expr": [
            "source.col": "city",
            "ref.col": "city_name"
      "out": [
          "type": "metric",
          "name": "accuracy_metric",
          "flatten": "map"
          "type": "record",
          "name": "accuracy_records"

Key Parameters:
NameTypeDescriptionSupported Values
nameStringUser-defined name of this measure-
typeStringType of Measurecompleteness, duplication, profiling, accuracy, sparksql, schemaConformance
data.sourceStringName of data source on which this measure is applied-
configObjectConfiguration params of the measureDepends on measure type (see below)
outList Define output(s) of measure executionSee below
Example config Object:

config object for Accuracy measure contains the following keys,

  • expr: The value for expr is a json array of comparison objects where each object has 2 fields source.col and ref.col which must be actual columns in the source and reference data sets respectively. This key is mandatory and expr array must not be empty i.e. at least one comparison must be defined.

  • ref.source: This is a mandatory parameter which selects the data source which will be used as reference. This is a mandatory parameter and this data source must be defined in the sources section of the application configuration.

Note: This expression describes the accurate records. This means that for all records where expr is true, the row is marked as accurate, and rest of the records are in-accurate.

The conditions of attribute comparison are defined by users, and it looks something like,


  "config": {
    "ref.source": "crime_report_truth",
    "expr": [
        "source.col": "city",
        "ref.col": "city_name"


This expression means that the users is trying to access the accuracy of city column in the data source under assessment against the accurate values in city_name column of the reference data source. For understand, in SQL this will boil down to city == city_name.

Since expr is an array, users can define as many comparisons as they require. In case of multiple conditions, the overall rule representation in terms of SQL becomes something like, s1 == r1 AND s2 == r2 AND sn == rn, where sn and rn are all actual columns.

Note: The values of source.col and ref.col must be actual column names in the source and reference data sets respectively.


Accuracy measure supports the following two outputs,

  • Metrics
  • Records

Users can choose to define any combination of these 2 outputs. For no outputs, skip this out: [ ... ] section from the measure configuration.

Metrics Outputs

To write metrics for accuracy measure, configure the measure with output section as below,


  "out": [
      "type": "metric",
      "name": "accuracy_metric"


This will generate the metrics like below,

  "applicationId": "local-1623451540444",
  "job_name": "Batch-All-Measures-Example",
  "tmst": 1623451547986,
  "measure_name": "accuracy_measure",
  "metrics": [
      "metric_name": "total",
      "metric_value": "4617"
      "metric_name": "accurate",
      "metric_value": "4511"
      "metric_name": "inaccurate",
      "metric_value": "106"
  "measure_type": "Accuracy",
  "data_source": "crime_report_source"

Record Outputs

To write records as output for accuracy measure, configure the measure with output section as below,


  "out": [
      "type": "record",
      "name": "accuracy_records"


The above configuration will generate the records output like below,

|date_time          |incident                                     |address                          |city         |zipcode|__tmst       |__status|
|2015-05-26 20:15:00|F&W/DISPOSAL REQUEST (F&WDISPS)              |200 Block FOREST AV              |PALO ALTO    |94301  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-26 20:45:00|ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE (1182)              |MIDDLEFIELD RD & SAN ANTONIO RD  |PALO ALTO    |94303  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-26 22:55:00|DRIVER'S LICENSE SUSPENDED/ALC (14601.2(A)VC)|EL CAMINO REAL & N SAN ANTONIO RD|""           |null   |1622231569966|bad     |
|2015-05-26 22:55:00|TRAFFIC/SUSPENDED LICENSE (14601)            |EL CAMINO REAL & N SAN ANTONIO RD|""           |null   |1622231569966|bad     |
|2015-05-26 23:40:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |300 Block EMERSON ST             |PALO ALTO    |94301  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-27 00:30:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |1900 Block EL CAMINO REAL        |PALO ALTO    |94306  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-30 19:28:00|SICK & CARED FOR/MISC (1053M)                |100 Block LOIS LN                |PALO ALTO    |94303  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-30 19:30:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |100 Block EL CAMINO REAL         |PALO ALTO    |94304  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-30 20:50:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |100 Block EL CAMINO REAL         |PALO ALTO    |94304  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-30 20:54:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |400 Block E OKEEFE ST            |""           |94303  |1622231569966|bad     |
|2015-05-30 20:54:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |400 Block E OKEEFE ST            |""           |94303  |1622231569966|bad     |
|2015-05-30 21:17:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |2000 Block EL CAMINO REAL        |PALO ALTO    |94306  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-05-30 21:17:00|CREDIT CARDS/FRAUDULENT USE (484G)           |2000 Block EL CAMINO REAL        |PALO ALTO    |94306  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-06-01 16:00:00|ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE (1182)              |3100 Block BLOCK MIDDLEFIELD RD  |PALO ALTO    |94306  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-06-01 16:00:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |4200 Block EL CAMINO REAL        |PALO ALTO    |94306  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-06-01 16:20:00|BURGLARY ATTEMPT/AUTO (459AA)                |300 Block LOWELL AV              |PALO ALTO    |94301  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-06-01 16:30:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |800 Block EL CAMINO REAL         |PALO ALTO    |94301  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-06-01 16:30:00|ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON (245)             |1100 Block N RENGSTORFF AV       |MOUNTAIN VIEW|null   |1622231569966|bad     |
|2015-06-01 16:30:00|BURGLARY/AUTO (459A)                         |2000 Block EL CAMINO REAL        |PALO ALTO    |94306  |1622231569966|good    |
|2015-06-01 16:30:00|TRAFFIC/SUSPENDED LICENSE (14601)            |1100 Block N RENGSTORFF AV       |MOUNTAIN VIEW|null   |1622231569966|bad     |
only showing top 20 rows

A new column __status has been added to the original data set on which this measure was executed. The value of this column can be either bad or good which can be used to calculate the metrics/ separate data based on quality etc.

Note: These outputs are for ConsoleSink.