commit | e76275f88300b486704e2190def0a632cc7369f8 | [log] [tgz] |
author | William Guo <> | Tue Jun 27 16:39:31 2017 +0800 |
committer | William Guo <> | Tue Jun 27 16:39:31 2017 +0800 |
tree | 430e3ff0266e0b9f655ffb56587997c06478116f | |
parent | 93bd54b8a9a5ec9bedbc6e66319af5ea04338a21 [diff] |
update parent version Author: William Guo <> Closes #99 from guoyuepeng/20170627_update_parent_version.
Apache Griffin is a model driven data quality solution for modern data systems. It provides a standard process to define data quality measures, execute, report, as well as an unified dashboard across multiple data systems. You can access our home page here. You can access our wiki page here. You can access our issues jira page here.
docker pull bhlx3lyx7/griffin_demo:0.0.1
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
docker run -it -h sandbox --name griffin_demo -m 8G --memory-swap -1 \ -p 32122:2122 -p 37077:7077 -p 36066:6066 -p 38088:8088 -p 38040:8040 \ -p 33306:3306 -p 39000:9000 -p 38042:8042 -p 38080:8080 -p 37017:27017 \ -p 39083:9083 -p 38998:8998 -p 39200:9200 bhlx3lyx7/griffin_demo:0.0.1
http://<your local IP address>:38080/You can also follow the steps using UI here.
datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.6.jar datanucleus-core-3.2.10.jar datanucleus-rdbms-3.2.9.jar
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://<your IP>:3306/quartz?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false spring.datasource.username = <user name> spring.datasource.password = <password> hive.metastore.uris = thrift://<your IP>:9083 hive.metastore.dbname = <hive database name> # default is "default"service/src/main/resources/
sparkJob.file = hdfs://<griffin measure path>/griffin-measure.jar sparkJob.args_1 = hdfs://<griffin env path>/env.json sparkJob.jars_1 = hdfs://<datanucleus path>/datanucleus-api-jdo-3.2.6.jar sparkJob.jars_2 = hdfs://<datanucleus path>/datanucleus-core-3.2.10.jar sparkJob.jars_3 = hdfs://<datanucleus path>/datanucleus-rdbms-3.2.9.jar sparkJob.uri = http://<your IP>:8998/batchesui/js/services/services.js
ES_SERVER = "http://<your IP>:9200"Configure measure/measure-batch/src/main/resources/env.json for your environment, and put it into Hdfs /
mvn installCreate a directory in Hdfs, and put our measure package into it.
cp /measure/target/measure-0.1.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar /measure/target/griffin-measure.jar hdfs dfs -put /measure/target/griffin-measure.jar <griffin measure path>/After all our environment services startup, we can start our server.
java -jar service/target/service.jarAfter a few seconds, we can visit our default UI of Griffin (by default the port of spring boot is 8080).
http://<your IP>:8080
Note: The front-end UI is still under development, you can only access some basic features currently.
See for details on how to contribute code, documentation, etc.