Measure Batch Sample

Measures consists of batch measure and streaming measure. This document is for the batch measure sample.

Batch Accuracy Sample

  "name": "accu_batch",

  "process.type": "batch",

  "data.sources": [
      "name": "src",
      "connectors": [
          "type": "avro",
          "version": "1.7",
          "config": {
            "": "users_info_src.avro"
    }, {
      "name": "tgt",
      "connectors": [
          "type": "avro",
          "version": "1.7",
          "config": {
            "": "users_info_target.avro"

  "evaluateRule": {
    "rules": [
        "dsl.type": "griffin-dsl",
        "dq.type": "accuracy",
        "rule": "src.user_id = tgt.user_id AND upper(src.first_name) = upper(tgt.first_name) AND src.last_name = tgt.last_name",
        "details": {
          "source": "src",
          "target": "tgt",
          "miss.records": {
            "name": "miss.records",
            "persist.type": "record"
          "accuracy": {
            "name": "accu",
            "persist.type": "metric"
          "miss": "miss_count",
          "total": "total_count",
          "matched": "matched_count"

Above is the configure file of batch accuracy job.

Data source

In this sample, we use avro file as source and target.

Evaluate rule

In this accuracy sample, the rule describes the match condition: src.user_id = tgt.user_id AND upper(src.first_name) = upper(tgt.first_name) AND src.last_name = tgt.last_name.
The accuracy metrics will be persisted as metric, with miss column named “miss_count”, total column named “total_count”, matched column named “matched_count”.
The miss records of source will be persisted as record.

Batch Profiling Sample

  "name": "prof_batch_test",

  "process.type": "batch",

  "data.sources": [
      "name": "source",
      "connectors": [
          "type": "hive",
          "version": "1.2",
          "config": {
          	"database": "griffin",
          	"": "demo_src"

  "evaluateRule": {
    "rules": [
        "dsl.type": "griffin-dsl",
        "dq.type": "profiling",
        "rule": "country, country.count() as cnt group by country order by cnt desc limit 3",
        "details": {
          "source": "source",
          "profiling": {
            "name": "cntry-group",
            "persist.type": "metric"

Above is the configure file of batch profiling job.

Data source

In this sample, we use hive table as source.

Evaluate rule

In this profiling sample, the rule describes the profiling request: country, country.count() as cnt group by country order by cnt desc limit 3.
The profiling metrics will be persisted as metric, listing the most 3 groups of items in same country.