blob: 590e2d4a98997381a69ff3ff2c5db6fa6abdd1df [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.griffin.measure.sink
import java.util.Date
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.HdfsUtil
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.JsonUtil
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.ParamUtil._
* sink metric and record to hdfs
case class HdfsSink(config: Map[String, Any], metricName: String, timeStamp: Long) extends Sink {
val block: Boolean = true
val PathKey = "path"
val MaxPersistLines = "max.persist.lines"
val MaxLinesPerFile = "max.lines.per.file"
val parentPath: String = config.getOrElse(PathKey, "").toString
val maxPersistLines: Int = config.getInt(MaxPersistLines, -1)
val maxLinesPerFile: Int = math.min(config.getInt(MaxLinesPerFile, 10000), 1000000)
val StartFile: String = filePath("_START")
val FinishFile: String = filePath("_FINISH")
val MetricsFile: String = filePath("_METRICS")
val LogFile: String = filePath("_LOG")
var _init = true
def available(): Boolean = {
private def logHead: String = {
if (_init) {
_init = false
val dt = new Date(timeStamp)
s"================ log of $dt ================\n"
} else ""
private def timeHead(rt: Long): String = {
val dt = new Date(rt)
s"--- $dt ---\n"
private def logWrap(rt: Long, msg: String): String = {
logHead + timeHead(rt) + s"$msg\n\n"
protected def filePath(file: String): String = {
HdfsUtil.getHdfsFilePath(parentPath, s"$metricName/$timeStamp/$file")
protected def withSuffix(path: String, suffix: String): String = {
def start(msg: String): Unit = {
try {
HdfsUtil.writeContent(StartFile, msg)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)
def finish(): Unit = {
try {
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)
def log(rt: Long, msg: String): Unit = {
try {
val logStr = logWrap(rt, msg)
HdfsUtil.withHdfsFile(LogFile) { out =>
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)
private def getHdfsPath(path: String, groupId: Int): String = {
HdfsUtil.getHdfsFilePath(path, s"$groupId")
private def clearOldRecords(path: String): Unit = {
def sinkRecords(records: RDD[String], name: String): Unit = {
val path = filePath(name)
try {
val recordCount = records.count
val count =
if (maxPersistLines < 0) recordCount else scala.math.min(maxPersistLines, recordCount)
if (count > 0) {
val groupCount = ((count - 1) / maxLinesPerFile + 1).toInt
if (groupCount <= 1) {
val recs = records.take(count.toInt)
sinkRecords2Hdfs(path, recs)
} else {
val groupedRecords: RDD[(Long, Iterable[String])] =
.flatMap { r =>
val gid = r._2 / maxLinesPerFile
if (gid < groupCount) Some((gid, r._1)) else None
groupedRecords.foreach { group =>
val (gid, recs) = group
val hdfsPath = if (gid == 0) path else withSuffix(path, gid.toString)
sinkRecords2Hdfs(hdfsPath, recs)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)
def sinkRecords(records: Iterable[String], name: String): Unit = {
val path = filePath(name)
try {
val recordCount = records.size
val count =
if (maxPersistLines < 0) recordCount else scala.math.min(maxPersistLines, recordCount)
if (count > 0) {
val groupCount = (count - 1) / maxLinesPerFile + 1
if (groupCount <= 1) {
val recs = records.take(count.toInt)
sinkRecords2Hdfs(path, recs)
} else {
val groupedRecords = records.grouped(maxLinesPerFile).zipWithIndex
groupedRecords.take(groupCount).foreach { group =>
val (recs, gid) = group
val hdfsPath = getHdfsPath(path, gid)
sinkRecords2Hdfs(hdfsPath, recs)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)
def sinkMetrics(metrics: Map[String, Any]): Unit = {
try {
val json = JsonUtil.toJson(metrics)
sinkRecords2Hdfs(MetricsFile, json :: Nil)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)
private def sinkRecords2Hdfs(hdfsPath: String, records: Iterable[String]): Unit = {
try {
HdfsUtil.withHdfsFile(hdfsPath, appendIfExists = false) { out => { record =>
out.write((record + "\n").getBytes("utf-8"))
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error(e.getMessage, e)