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package org.apache.griffin.measure.step.write
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.configuration.enums._
import org.apache.griffin.measure.context.DQContext
import org.apache.griffin.measure.step.builder.ConstantColumns
import org.apache.griffin.measure.utils.JsonUtil
* write records needs to be sink
case class RecordWriteStep(name: String,
inputName: String,
filterTableNameOpt: Option[String] = None,
writeTimestampOpt: Option[Long] = None
) extends WriteStep {
def execute(context: DQContext): Boolean = {
val timestamp = writeTimestampOpt.getOrElse(context.contextId.timestamp)
val writeMode = => SimpleMode).getOrElse(context.writeMode)
writeMode match {
case SimpleMode =>
// batch records
val recordsOpt = getBatchRecords(context)
// write records
recordsOpt match {
case Some(records) =>
context.getSink(timestamp).sinkRecords(records, name)
case _ =>
case TimestampMode =>
// streaming records
val (recordsOpt, emptyTimestamps) = getStreamingRecords(context)
// write records
recordsOpt.foreach { records =>
records.foreach { pair =>
val (t, strs) = pair
context.getSink(t).sinkRecords(strs, name)
emptyTimestamps.foreach { t =>
context.getSink(t).sinkRecords(Nil, name)
private def getTmst(row: Row, defTmst: Long): Long = {
try {
} catch {
case _: Throwable => defTmst
private def getDataFrame(context: DQContext, name: String): Option[DataFrame] = {
try {
val df = context.sqlContext.table(s"`${name}`")
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
error(s"get data frame ${name} fails", e)
private def getRecordDataFrame(context: DQContext): Option[DataFrame]
= getDataFrame(context, inputName)
private def getFilterTableDataFrame(context: DQContext): Option[DataFrame]
= filterTableNameOpt.flatMap(getDataFrame(context, _))
private def getBatchRecords(context: DQContext): Option[RDD[String]] = {
private def getStreamingRecords(context: DQContext)
: (Option[RDD[(Long, Iterable[String])]], Set[Long])
= {
implicit val encoder = Encoders.tuple(Encoders.scalaLong, Encoders.STRING)
val defTimestamp = context.contextId.timestamp
getRecordDataFrame(context) match {
case Some(df) =>
val (filterFuncOpt, emptyTimestamps) = getFilterTableDataFrame(context) match {
case Some(filterDf) =>
// timestamps with empty flag
val tmsts: Array[(Long, Boolean)] = (filterDf.collect.flatMap { row =>
try {
val tmst = getTmst(row, defTimestamp)
val empty = row.getAs[Boolean](ConstantColumns.empty)
Some((tmst, empty))
} catch {
case _: Throwable => None
val emptyTmsts = tmsts.filter(_._2).map(_._1).toSet
val recordTmsts = tmsts.filter(!_._2).map(_._1).toSet
val filterFuncOpt: Option[(Long) => Boolean] = if (recordTmsts.size > 0) {
Some((t: Long) => recordTmsts.contains(t))
} else None
(filterFuncOpt, emptyTmsts)
case _ => (Some((t: Long) => true), Set[Long]())
// filter timestamps need to record
filterFuncOpt match {
case Some(filterFunc) =>
val records = df.flatMap { row =>
val tmst = getTmst(row, defTimestamp)
if (filterFunc(tmst)) {
try {
val map = SparkRowFormatter.formatRow(row)
val str = JsonUtil.toJson(map)
Some((tmst, str))
} catch {
case e: Throwable => None
} else None
(Some(records.rdd.groupByKey), emptyTimestamps)
case _ => (None, emptyTimestamps)
case _ => (None, Set[Long]())