layout: doc title: “Quick Start” permalink: /docs/quickstart.html

Environment Preparation

Prepare the environment for Apache Griffin. You can use our pre-built docker images as the environment. Follow the docker guide to start up the docker images, and login to the griffin container.

docker exec -it <griffin docker container id> bash
cd ~/measure

Data Preparation

Prepare the test data in Hive. In the docker image, we've prepared two Hive tables named demo_src and demo_tgt, and the test data is generated hourly. The schema is like this:

id                      bigint                                      
age                     int                                         
desc                    string                                      
dt                      string                                      
hour                    string 

In which dt and hour are the partition columns, with string values like 20180912 and 06.

Configuration Files

The environment config file: env.json

  "spark": {
    "log.level": "WARN"
  "sinks": [
      "type": "console"
      "type": "hdfs",
      "config": {
        "path": "hdfs:///griffin/persist"
      "type": "elasticsearch",
      "config": {
        "method": "post",
        "api": "http://es:9200/griffin/accuracy"

The DQ config file: dq.json

  "name": "batch_accu",
  "process.type": "batch",
  "data.sources": [
      "name": "src",
      "baseline": true,
      "connectors": [
          "type": "hive",
          "version": "1.2",
          "config": {
            "database": "default",
            "": "demo_src"
    }, {
      "name": "tgt",
      "connectors": [

          "type": "hive",
          "version": "1.2",
          "config": {
            "database": "default",
            "": "demo_tgt"
  "evaluate.rule": {
    "rules": [
        "dsl.type": "griffin-dsl",
        "dq.type": "accuracy",
        "": "accu",
        "rule": " = AND src.age = tgt.age AND src.desc = tgt.desc",
        "details": {
          "source": "src",
          "target": "tgt",
          "miss": "miss_count",
          "total": "total_count",
          "matched": "matched_count"
        "out": [
            "type": "metric",
            "name": "accu"
            "type": "record",
            "name": "missRecords"
  "sinks": ["CONSOLE", "HDFS"]

Submit Measure Job

Submit the measure job to Spark, with config file paths as parameters.

spark-submit --class org.apache.griffin.measure.Application --master yarn --deploy-mode client --queue default \
--driver-memory 1g --executor-memory 1g --num-executors 2 \
<path>/griffin-measure.jar \
<path>/env.json <path>/batch-accu-config.json

Then you can get the calculation log in console, after the job finishes, you can get the result metrics printed. The metrics will also be saved in hdfs: hdfs:///griffin/persist/<job name>/<timestamp>/_METRICS.

More Details

For more details about griffin measures, you can visit our documents in github.