favicon update
11 files changed
tree: 658e8695c4ca526c7f21dffaa520dae9b3057370
  1. _includes/
  2. _layouts/
  3. _sass/
  4. _site/
  5. css/
  6. fonts/
  7. images/
  8. js/
  9. .gitignore
  10. _config.yml
  11. community.md
  12. conf.md
  13. deploy.sh
  14. download.md
  15. index.html
  16. latest.md
  18. quick-start.md
  19. README.md
  20. usecases.md

Griffin Documentation Site

Welcome to the Apache Griffin documentation!


Install jekyll gem

$ gem install jekyll

Generate the site, and start a server locally:

$ jekyll serve -w

The -w option tells jekyll to watch for changes to files and regenerate the site automatically when any content changes.

Point your browser to http://localhost:4000

By default, jekyll will generate the site in a _site directory.

Editing documentations

  1. Create a markdown file and add following content in header

     layout: doc
     title:  "Griffin Overview" 
     permalink: /docs/some-new-doc.html
     More content here ..

Publishing the Apache Website

In order to publish the website, you must have committer access to Griffin's apache repository.

To publish changes, run

bash ./deploy.sh