
Gradle plugin for processing Avro files for Gora


Generate Apache Gora java types from an Apache Avro descriptor (.avsc files). This plugin will delegate to GoraCompiler all schema read and file generation.


Configure the plugin in your project as follows:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath "org.apache.gora.gradle:gora-gradle-plugin:0.6.1"

apply plugin: "org.apache.gora"

dependencies {
    compile "org.apache.gora:gora-core:0.6.1"

Usage in your project

Avro schema descriptors (.avsc) have to in the following directory :


You can generate Gora java types using compileGora directly or using build task:

$ gradle compileGora
$ gradle build

Build this plugin

If you want to build this plugin from a Git checkout, please use Gradle Wrapper :

./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal

Publishing to Gradle plugins portal

As per the Gora Release HOWTO we release the gora-gradle-plugin post release of the Gora release artifacts including the Maven artifacts.

In order to publish the plugin you must first register with Gradle plugins portal and add your API key and secret to your $USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties :


Then run the following :

cd $GORA_HOME/gora-gradle-plugin; ./gradlew clean publishPlugins

This does the following

  • Relaunch compile / assemble tasks
  • Deploy artifacts to your local Maven Repository (~/.m2/repository/)
  • Uploads those artifacts to Gradle plugins portal