

The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing data with extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.

This project provides a Gora support for the Infinispan storage system, allowing it to store data for Hadoop based applications, such as Apache Nutch or Giraph.




This project is based upon Maven. It makes use of Infinispan 7.2.5.Final and the Avro support for Infinispan which is available here. Below, we explain how to execute an installation.

# Building and installing infinispan-avro
git clone https://github.com/leads-project/infinispan-avro.git
cd infinispan-avro
mvn clean install -DskipTests

# Building and installing gora-infinispan
git clone https://github.com/leads-project/gora-infinispan.git
cd gora-infinispan
mvn clean install -DskipTests


Gora allows a user application to store, retrieve and query Avro defined types. As of version 0.6, it offers CRUD operations and query that handle pagination, key range restriction, filtering and projection.

The key interest of Gora is to offer a direct support for Hadoop to the data stores that implement its API. Under the hood, such a feature comes from a bridge between the ImputFormat and OutputFormat classes and the DataStore class.

This Infinispan support for Gora pass all the unit tests of the framework. All the querying operations are handled at the server side, and splitting a query allows to execute it at each of the Infinispan server, close to the data. Thanks to this last feature, map-reduce jobs that run atop of Infinisapn are locality-aware.

Code Sample

In the samples below, we first duplicate a query across all the servers, then we execute two filtering operations.

Utils.populateEmployeeStore(employeeStore, NEMPLOYEE);
InfinispanQuery<String,Employee> query;

// Partitioning
int retrieved = 0;
query = new InfinispanQuery<>(employeeDataStore);
for (PartitionQuery<String,Employee> q : employeeDataStore.getPartitions(query)) {
retrieved+=((InfinispanQuery<String,Employee>) q).list().size();
assert retrieved==NEMPLOYEE;

// Test matching everything
query = new InfinispanQuery<>(employeeDataStore);
SingleFieldValueFilter filter = new SingleFieldValueFilter();
List<Object> operaands = new ArrayList<>();
List<Employee> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (PartitionQuery<String,Employee> q : employeeDataStore.getPartitions(query)) {