
This guide will take you through compiling and running the gora-benchmark module on a target database.


  1. Install and setup the required database to test. Currently, the benchmark is tested on

    1. MongoDB
    2. HBase
    3. CouchDB.
  2. Install maven

Setup the datasource to benchmark

  1. Edit the file located at src/main/resources/ and set configurations accordingly.

    a. To test MongoDB set

    b. To test HBase set

    c. To test CouchDB set

  2. As of writing this guide, the YCSB project does not publish its jars in maven central. The simplest way to solve this problem is to do a local maven install. First download YCSB source and execute mvn clean install in the root directory. This may take some time to complete. You can add the -DskipTests switch to skip all test.

  3. From the module directory i.e. gora-benchmark, run mvn clean install

  4. Now run the benchmark using the following command

  5. Load the database

    ./bin/ load -threads 15 -s -p fieldcount=20 -p recordcount=1000 -p operationcount=1000 -P workloads/workloada

  6. Run the workload

    ./bin/ run -threads 15 -s -p readallfields=true -p measurementtype=timeseries -p timeseries.granularity=2000 -p operationcount=1000 -P workloads/workloadb

More details about the parameters and their usage can be found in the links below.