Title: Gora Version Control System


For code development on Gora trunk, we use the official Apache Git repository of the Apache Software Foundation.

Git Repository

Anonymous Access (read-only)

The Apache git repository can be used for accessing development trunk code. The URL for anonymous read-only access is http://git.apache.org/gora.git/. Alternatively the Github mirror at http://github.com/apache/gora can also be used. The repository can be cloned by:

$ git clone http://git.apache.org/gora.git/ 

More instructions for setting up git access can be found here.

Committer Access (read-write)

Committers should always clone the read-write codebase as this is the latest codebase that the development team is working on. It will also give you access to development branches at any given time.

The code can be cloned as follows

$ git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/gora.git

Committers should also be aware that the committers area and website are still hosted in the official Apache SVN. More information can be found here.