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Using Gobblin as a Library

A Gobblin ingestion flow can be embedded into a java application using the EmbeddedGobblin class.

The following code will run a Hello-World Gobblin job as an embedded application using a template. This will simply print “Hello World <i>!” to stdout a few times.

EmbeddedGobblin embeddedGobblin = new EmbeddedGobblin("TestJob")
JobExecutionResult result =;

Note: EmbeddedGobblin starts and destroys an embedded Gobblin instance every time run() is called. If an application needs to run a large number of Gobblin jobs, it should instantiate and manage its own Gobblin driver.

Creating an Embedded Gobblin instance

The code snippet above creates an EmbeddedGobblin instance. This instance can run arbitrary Gobblin ingestion jobs, and allows the use of templates. However, the user needs to configure the job by using the exact key needed for each feature.

An alternative is to use a subclass of EmbeddedGobblin which provides methods to more easily configure the job. For example, an easier way to run a Gobblin distcp job is to use EmbeddedGobblinDistcp:

EmbeddedGobblinDistcp distcp = new EmbeddedGobblinDistcp(sourcePath, targetPath).delete();;

This subclass automatically knows which template to use, the required configurations for the job (which are included as constructor parameters), and also provides convenience methods for the most common configurations (in the case above, the method delete() instructs the job to delete files that exist in the target but not the source).

The following is a non-extensive list of available subclasses of EmbeddedGobblin:

  • EmbeddedGobblinDistcp: distributed copy between Hadoop compatible file systems.
  • EmbeddedWikipediaExample: a getting started example that pulls page updated from Wikipedia.

Configuring Embedded Gobblin

EmbeddedGobblin allows any configuration that a standalone Gobblin job would allow. EmbeddedGobblin itself provides a few convenience methods to alter the behavior of the Gobblin framework. Other methods allow users to set a job template to use or set job level configurations.

mrModeN/AGobblin should run on MR mode.
setTemplateTemplate object to useUse a job template.
useStateStoreState store directoryBy default, embedded Gobblin is stateless and disables state store. This method enables the state store at the indicated location allowing using watermarks from previous jobs.
distributeJarPath to jar in local fsIndicates that a specific jar is needed by Gobblin workers when running in distributed mode (e.g. MR mode). Gobblin will automatically add this jar to the classpath of the workers.
setConfigurationkey - value pairSets a job level configuration.
setJobTimeouttimeout and time unit, or ISO periodSets the timeout for the Gobblin job. run() will throw a TimeoutException if the job is not done after this period. (Default: 10 days)
setLaunchTimeouttimeout and time unit, or ISO periodSets the timeout for launching Gobblin job. run() will throw a TimeoutException if the job has not started after this period. (Default: 10 seconds)
setShutdownTimeouttimeout and time unit, or ISO periodSets the timeout for shutting down embedded Gobblin after the job has finished. run() will throw a TimeoutException if the method has not returned within the timeout after the job finishes. Note that a TimeoutException may indicate that Gobblin could not release JVM resources, including threads.

Additional to the above, subclasses of EmbeddedGobblin might offer their own convenience methods.

Running Embedded Gobblin

After EmbeddedGobblin has been configured it can be run with one of two methods:

  • run(): blocking call. Returns a JobExecutionResult after the job finishes and Gobblin shuts down.
  • runAsync(): asynchronous call. Returns a JobExecutionDriver, which implements Future<JobExecutionResult>.

Extending Embedded Gobblin

Developers can extend EmbeddedGobblin to provide users with easier ways to launch a particular type of job. For an example see EmbeddedGobblinDistcp.

Best practices:

  • Generally, a subclass of EmbeddedGobblin is based on a template. The template should be automatically loaded on construction and the constructor should call setTemplate(myTemplate).
  • All required configurations for a job should be parsed from the constructor arguments. User should be able to run new MyEmbeddedGobblinExtension(params...).run() and get a sensible job run.
  • Convenience methods should be added for the most common configurations users would want to change. In general a convenience method will call a few other methods transparently to the user. For example:
  public EmbeddedGobblinDistcp simulate() {
    this.setConfiguration(CopySource.SIMULATE, Boolean.toString(true));
    return this;
  • If the job requires additional jars in the workers that are not part of the minimal Gobblin ingestion classpath (see EmbeddedGobblin#getCoreGobblinJars for this list), then the constructor should call distributeJar(myJar) for the additional jars.