Table of Contents


Gobblin as a service is a service that takes in a user request (a logical flow) and converts it into a series of Gobblin Jobs, and monitors these jobs in a distributed manner. The design of the service can be found here:

Running Gobblin as a Service

  1. [Build Gobblin] (./ or use one of the [provided distributions] (
  2. Untar the build file tar -xvf apache-gobblin-incubating-bin-${GOBBLIN_VERSION}.tar.gz
  3. Execute the start script ./gobblin-dist/bin/
  4. View output in service.out

Currently the setup only runs a portion of the service, but work will be done to have a basic end-to-end workflow soon.

The service can now be accessed on localhost:6956

Running Gobblin as a Service with Docker

There are also Dockerfiles to create new images of Gobblin based on the source code that can be easily run independently.

The Docker compose is set up to easily create a working end-to-end workflow of Gobblin as a Service, which communicates Gobblin Standalone through a local volume filesystem.

To run the full docker compose:

  1. export GOBBLIN_ROOT_DIR=<root_directory_of_gobblin>
  2. export LOCAL_DATAPACK_DIR=<local_directory_of_templateUris>
  3. export LOCAL_JOB_DIR=<local_directory_to_read_and_write_jobs>
  4. docker compose -f gobblin-docker/gobblin-service/alpine-gaas-latest/docker-compose.yml build
  5. docker compose -f gobblin-docker/gobblin-service/alpine-gaas-latest/docker-compose.yml up

The docker container exposes the endpoints from Gobblin as a Service which can be accessed on localhost:6956

Running Gobblin as a Service with Kubernetes

Gobblin as a service also has a kubernetes cluster, which can be deployed to any K8s environment.

Currently, the yamls use Kustomize for configuration management. In the future, we may utilise Helm instead.

To cluster is split into 3 environments

  1. base-cluster (deploys one pod of GaaS and Gobblin standalone, where GaaS writes jobSpecs to a folder tracked by the standalone instance)
  2. mysql-cluster (utilises MySQL for storing specStores instead of FS, future work may involve writing to a job queue to be picked by gobblin standalone)
  3. azure-cluster (deploys Dev on Microsoft Azure), more docs here

To add any flow config template for GaaS to use, add the .template file to gobblin-kubernetes/gobblin-service/base-cluster/ and add the file to the configmap. For production purposes, flow config templates should be stored in a proper file system or a database instead of being added to the configmap.

To deploy any of these clusters, run the following command from the repository root.

kubectl apply -k gobblin-kubernetes/gobblin-service/<ENV>/

There, find the external IP of the cluster and start sending requests.